DNP 805 Telehealth

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

Telehealth encompasses a wide range of basic to complex health care delivery options, with an equally expansive array of technologies to employ. For the assignment, you will locate a scholarly article on telehealth published within the last 5 years in a peer-reviewed journal.

You will compose a paper containing a precis, mind map, and discussion. The precis will focus on the scholarly article pertaining to telehealth technology. The mind map and discussion will help to generate and illustrate ideas about how the identified telehealth technology can be used in your current practice.

DPI Project Content Connection While telehealth may not be directly associated with your project, this assignment will help prepare you in learning how to review and present literature. In future courses, you will develop Chapter 2 of your manuscript in which you will review at least 50 sources related to your DPI topic.

Learning how to succinctly synthesize scholarly sources is a very useful skill. The precis portion will help you learn how to summarize (future assignments will assist in synthesis), and the mind map portion will help you learn how to organize your ideas and establish connections between topics and subtopics.

General Guidelines

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Use primary sources published within the last 5 years. Provide citations and references for all sources used.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
  • Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the learning management system. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.


Write a 750-1,000 word paper on a telehealth technology that can be used in your current practice. The paper will include a precis, mind map (provided as the Appendix), discussion of the mind map, and conclusion, according to the following


Provide an introduction that is succinct and includes a thesis or main idea. The essence of the paper should be contained within the thesis, and the thesis statement should make the purpose of the paper clear. You may also use the introduction to provide an overview of the organization of the paper and establish the purpose for each section.


Donald Davidson, in his book, American Composition and Rhetoric, discusses the precis as follows:

“A precis is not an outline, but a summary or digest. It is useful as an exercise in grasping the essential ideas of an already completed composition and instating these ideas in concentrated form. The precis shears away all elaborations of the thought and gives only what is left, in such a way as to make the summary a complete composition.

It does not, therefore, skeletonize the original composition so much as it reduces its scale. Many of the articles in the Reader’s Digest are only precis, so skillfully done that the average reader does not know that he is reading a summary. Since the precis says a great deal within a brief space, it is of great service in taking notes on library assignments and general reading.”

The precis should be an organization of ideas (including logical sequencing of points), contain clear and meaningful expression, and use language suitable to the situation. Your precis section should only cite the article you are reviewing. When finished, the precis section should summarize a single scholarly article on the topic of telehealth and should be four statements long

  • A statement of what was studied (i.e., argued, discussed, deliberated).
  • A statement of focus of the current scholarly article selected (i.e., how it was organized and completed).
  • A statement of what information was identified or learned from the scholarly article.
  • A statement of why the information in the article is important to your field of study.

Mind Map
Brainstorm to generate ideas about how the identified telehealth technology can be used in your current practice using a mind map. Include the final mind map as the Appendix at the end of the paper.

Create your mind map according to the following:

  • Take a sheet of paper and write an identifiable main idea in the center of the page, using only one to three words. (You may also achieve this via an electronic sheet of paper.)
  • Draw a branch off your main idea. On the branch, write or draw a main topic related to your main idea.
  • Continue to branch off from your main idea with main topics as needed.
  • From your main topics, branch off with subtopics.
  • From your subtopics, branch off with supporting details (write or draw). Continue to add more details. You are free to add more topics, subtopics, or any other items.
    When you stand back and survey your work, you should see a sort of map hence the name for this activity. At this point, you can start to form conclusions about how to approach a potential area of practice change. At the end of the day, what you do with the particular map, cluster set, or web that you have produced depends on what you need.
  • If you create your mind map on physical paper, you may scan it in as an image and insert the image into your document. If you create the mind map electronically, you may either convert the electronic map to an image or use the snipping tool. Usually you can find this tool by searching in the start menu.

Mind Map Discussion

In this section, discuss the mind map based on the scholarly article reviewed in the precis. In your discussion of the mind map

  • Include a critical evaluation of ideas and connections related to the topics and subtopics, as well as how this information could be used in practice.
  • Include support from two additional scholarly sources (i.e., primary sources published within the last 5 years).
  • Provide citations in text for all sources used and accompanying references in the References section. In addition, refer to the mind map in the appendix and cite it properly in text.

In the conclusion, provide a summary of ideas and support the main claim of the paper. Be sure to summarize key points rather than restating the material.

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Among the focus areas of nursing care is safe and efficient patient care at manageable costs. The implication is that there is always a need to undertake strategies that can improve the outcomes while at the same time keeping the costs in check.

Over the years, various strategies have been applied to help in achieving the goal. One of such strategies that have widely been applied is telehealth. The use of telehealth has been shown to be effective in helping nurses and healthcare facilities to enhance clinical outcomes, improve patient satisfaction, deal with healthcare disparities, and lower healthcare costs (Gajarawala& Pelkowski, 2021).

Therefore, the purpose of this week’s assignment is to explore a telehealth technology that can be applied in the current practice. Therefore, various aspects will be discussed, including the telehealth technology application, a precis of a published paper, and a mind map depicting the application.


The importance of telehealth in the health care area and its potential beneficial applications have seen it attract a considerable amount of attention in recent years. Therefore, the application is telehealth in managing various patient conditions has been studied, and the results have been published in journals as peer-reviewed journal articles.

Telehealth has recently been applied in the prevention, treatment, and management of pressure ulcers. Recently, a relevant article published by Wickström et al. (2018) covered the use of telehealth in the management of pressure ulcers. This article details how the technology can be applied in my area of practice.

The researchers did a study with the aim of investigating the healing time and waiting time between in-person and video consultation assessments for a patient with pressure ulcers. A total of two hundred participants were recruited to take part in the study, where the study group had half of the participants diagnosed through video consultation. On the other hand, the control group had individuals who were diagnosed through in-person assessment.

The major telehealth intervention applied is the use of video consultation. The patients were offered an iPad programmed with skype to assist in the video consultations. The results of this study were analyzed through log-rank test and Mann-Whitney U tests. The analysis revealed results that pointed to the importance of using telehealth in the management of pressure ulcers (Wickström et al., 2018).

For example, the mean healing time in the study group and control group was found to be fifty-nine and eighty-two, respectively. This implies that the use of telehealth in the management of pressure ulcers was more effective as the waiting time and healing time were found to be significantly shorter among patients who underwent video diagnosis. This article is important to my field of study as it shows the importance of using telehealth to manage pressure ulcers.

Mind Map

The mind map is a key tool in knowledge synthesis and research as it can be used in writing down and arranging vital points by first writing down the major theme and finding out how it relates to other main and new ideas and concepts. Therefore, a mind map has been created and attached in the appendix section.

Ideas and concepts regarding pressure ulcers can be noted from the created mind map. Pressure ulcers require adequate care where the care team collaborates with the patients in the management process for better patient outcomes (Mervis & Phillips, 2019). Pressure ulcers lead to various unwanted outcomes if left unattended.

For example, pressure ulcers lead to higher or increased healthcare spending as patients have to dig deeper into their pockets to pay for the management and treatment of the pressure ulcers. The condition also leads to longer hospital stays which further exposes patients to other potential infections hence poor health outcomes.

When patients get pressure ulcers, they also experience pains that may have to be well managed through the use of effective pain management medications. Pressure ulcer management among patients experiencing the problem has various aims which should be achieved. One of them is faster healing.

Using various interventions, pressure ulcers can be treated so that patients get healed within a reasonable time. This helps in relieving the pain experienced by these patients. The other aspect is adequate access to appropriate care (Moore & Patton, 2019). When left unattended, pressure ulcers can lead to several undesirable outcomes hence putting the lives of the patients at risk, which can be challenging to the patients.

Therefore, the patients should get adequate care to ensure that the condition is better managed. Preventing pressure ulcers is one of the most effective ways or strategies of dealing with the problem. Therefore, it is important for the care team to put a framework in place which can be used to prevent the development of pressure ulcers.

Such frameworks can be key in ensuring that the patients are prevented from developing a pressure ulcer. The management of pressure ulcers can take various forms, one of them is the use of telehealth. For example, the article explored in the precis section focused on the use of telehealth in the management of pressure ulcers (Wickström et al., 2018).

Telehealth can take various forms, but the underlying factor is that the patients are managed remotely through the use of online platforms. Telehealth can take the form of video call consultation or voice call consultation. Using various video and image capture assisted applications, there can be communication between the patient and the care teams to better help in the prevention and management of pressure ulcers.

Voice calls can also be used in the follow-up process, where the care team makes calls to the patients remotely located to inquire about their progress (Wickström et al., 2018). Onsite patient education has also been used in the management and prevention of pressure ulcers. The care team can instruct the patients on what to do to ensure that they relieve pressure on various parts of the body to prevent the development of pressure ulcers.

The prevention, treatment, and management of pressure ulcers entails effective care. However, there are various barriers to such effective care. One of the barriers is poor nurse communication. Poor communication or lack of communication between the care teams leads to inadequate care, which eventually leads to pressure ulcers related outcomes (Lavallée et al., 2018).

Inadequate care is another barrier that comes due to less facility and a lack of enough expertise by the care team. Therefore, the patients get poorly managed, which leads to poor health outcomes. Heavy workload is another hindrance. Heavy workload means that the care team experience divided attention and possible burnout, which leads to poor outcomes.


A pressure ulcer is one of the conditions experienced in today’s care environment and leads to negative impacts. The implication is that it has attracted the attention of stakeholders who have come up with various strategies to manage the condition. Therefore, this assignment has focused on the use of telehealth, especially the use of video calls which have been shown to be effective in the management of the condition.

A precis of a recently published literature detailing the use of telehealth in the management of pressure ulcers have also been explored. A mind map that visualizes the relationships between concepts and ideas has also been discussed.


  • Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(2), 218-221. https //
  • Lavallée, J. F., Gray, T. A., Dumville, J., & Cullum, N. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to preventing pressure ulcers in nursing home residents A qualitative analysis informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 82, 79-89. https //
  • Mervis, J. S., & Phillips, T. J. (2019). Pressure ulcers Pathophysiology, epidemiology, risk factors, and presentation. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 81(4), 881-890. https //
  • Moore, Z. E., & Patton, D. (2019). Risk assessment tools for the prevention of pressure ulcers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1). https //
  • Wickström, H. L., Öien, R. F., Fagerström, C., Anderberg, P., Jakobsson, U., & Midlöv, P. J. (2018). Comparing video consultation with inperson assessment for Swedish patients with hard-to-heal ulcers registry-based studies of healing time and of waiting time. BMJ open, 8(2), e017623. http //

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