Cultural Interview Assignment

Paper Instructions

Interview someone from a different culture. You will create a PowerPoint presentation of your findings.

For this assignment, you will Interview a client whose culture is different from yours. The client can be a patient, neighbor, grandparent, in-law, or friend. Do not use your parent, brother, sister, spouse, or significant other. This interview is the basis of your paper. Use the Organizing Framework (12 boxes in Chapter 2) to guide your interview.

Interview your selected person on three or four domains of the model. Complete a literature review of the cultural group from which your interviewee comes. Compare and contrast data obtained from your interview with what you find in the literature. Provide at least two recommendations for clinical practice, two recommendations for research, and two recommendations for the health-care organization on this cultural group; be specific in your recommendations. Value of this exercise to your current or future practice.

Submission Instructions

Presentation is original work and logically organized in current APA style. Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

Power point presentation with 8 -10 slides, excluding the tile slide and the reference slide.

The presentation is clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.

Please name the client L.B a 34 y.o Cuban male working as a Registered Nurse in an Emergency Department in South Florida

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Cultural interview plays an important role in exploring other people’s culture and noting how various cultural beliefs can impact the healthcare services or patient care services offered in the clinical settings. The implication is that there is a need for nurse professionals to find use appropriate means of performing the cultural interview. One of the ways of performing the cultural interview is using the Purnell framework of cultural competence (Purnell et al.,2019).

This framework has a total of twelve domains upon which a cultural interview can be based to get the right responses which can then enable the healthcare professional to culturally sensitive and culturally competent to handle patients from such a particular community. Therefore, out of the twelve domains, four domains of the model were used to conduct the cultural interview

Literature Review

The interview was conducted with L.B a 34 y.o Cuban male working as a Registered Nurse in an Emergency Department in South Florida. L.B immigrated to the USA in his early twenties and did his graduate and postgraduate studies in the USA. The literature review of Cuba as a cultural group revealed interested facts which are worth reporting. One of the cultural practices noted from literature is the art of smoking cigar, the people like smoking hand-rolled cigars.

Smoking of cigars is mostly done because of the social aspects as they are vital for gathering. People smoking it a lot when they are chatting in social gatherings (Nyuyen et al.,2021). They also strongly believe in superstitions such as bad luck which may follow someone by doing things like spilling salt on the floor or getting out of be with left foot. They also have open door policy which explains their openness and hospitality.

To Cubans, family is everything, they organize their lives around their family and relatives. They have a sense of belonging and respect towards family. Their foods center around meat and they use sea food a lot (Otero, 2019). The meats are eaten with beans and rice. Their fried snacks are consumed together with sugary beverages

Comparison and Contrasting

As earlier indicated, the interview was about L.B a 34 y.o Cuban male working as a Registered Nurse in an Emergency Department in South Florida. The interview was based on four domains, including family roles and organization, nutrition, high risk behaviors and pregnancy. The interview revealed various similarities and contrasts to what is in literature. One of the similarities were found in nutrition. L.B indicated in the interview, that in the Cuban culture, they mostly eat meat, with most people liking pork and sometimes chicken.

He also indicated that they like eating rice while consuming the meat. Sugary beverages also form a central part of their meals. The other similarity noted was in high risk behaviors as L. B indicated that a high number of people smoke cigars, which was also confirmed in the literature. One difference was observed in the pregnancy domain. While the literature showed that pregnant women do not allow any one to touch their belly (Purnell et al.,2019), L. B indicated that times have quickly changed and this is not always the case.

Recommendation For Clinical Practice

The interview conducted revealed various aspects which can be used as part of recommendation for practice. One of them is the family aspects. From the interview, it was noted that people from this culture value the family and show a lot of respect to the family members and their relatives. Therefore, as a recommendation for clinical practice, the nurse professionals should focus on using disease management practices which bring along the participation of the family members (Purnell et al.,2019).

Such a strategy will ensure that patients from this cultural background get a better chance of healing and improved patient outcomes. Another recommendation for clinical practice is the need to formulate healthcare programs which can help fight risky behaviors such as smoking cigars. Smoking cigars are associated with various health complication such as cancer, therefore there is a need to come up with clinical programs for smoking cessation

Recommendations For Research

The interview also revealed various aspects that can form the basis of research. There need to be studies focusing on the strong connection with smoking cigars. Even though it is regarded as a social thing, research should be done to come up with possible ways of replacing this risky healthy behavior with other behaviors which will not put this community at risk. Such recommendations will go along way into improving the health outcomes of individuals from Cuba (Purnell et al.,2019).

Another recommendation for research entails cardio-vascular diseases which is the most common type of diseases in Cuba. Apart from the factors which cut across other populations, there could be other factors specific to this community which makes them be exposed to such conditions (Otero, 2019). As search, a well designed and comprehensive research can help answer this question and help improve patient outcomes related to cardio-vascular complications

Recommendation For Healthcare Organization

The interview and the cultural interview also revealed various aspects which can form the basis of various recommendations for the healthcare organization. One of the recommendations is that there is a need to use established frameworks when doing cultural interviews. Such frameworks offers a concise guidelines which can be used to obtain most of the information required or needed. Therefore, the healthcare organization should make such tools available for the healthcare professionals working in the organization as a way of support.

Another recommendation for the healthcare organization is that there is a need to promote cultural diversity, cultural sensitivity and cultural competence in the patient care environment as the interview revealed that practitioners may not be aware of individual’s cultural beliefs and practices which can be a barrier to better health unless they are culturally competent and culturally sensitive (Purnell et al.,2019).

Value of The Exercise

The exercise is important for both by present and future practice. The interview was an eye opener as I noticed that people from other cultures may have various beliefs and practices which they hold so dear but could be harmful. Therefore, I have learned that in my practice, I will need to be doing cultural interview more often, provided the patient is not from my cultural background and do not hold the same beliefs as I do. Such an approach will be important in making serve the patients better. The exercise has also hone my interviewing skills.

Therefore, even if it comes to the use of the model, I will be able to use the most relevant domains among the twelve domains to carry out the cultural interview (Purnell et al.,2019).


  • Nguyen, P. V., Naleppa, M., & Lopez, Y. (2021). Cultural competence and cultural humility A complete practice. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 30(3), 273-281. https //
  • Otero, S. (2019). Archives of conjure stories of the dead in Afrolatinx cultures. Columbia University Press.
  • Purnell, L. D., Fenkl, E. A., Purnell, L. D., & Fenkl, E. A. (2019). People of Cuban heritage. Handbook for Culturally Competent Care, 121-131. Doi 10.1007/978-3-030-21946-8_11
  • Purnell, L. D., Fenkl, E. A., Purnell, L. D., & Fenkl, E. A. (2019). The Purnell model for cultural competence. Handbook for Culturally Competent Care, 7-18. 10.1007/978-3-030-21946-8_2

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