Creating Vision

Paper Instructions

In a written paper of 1,250-1,500 words, evaluate the current forces driving change in your field or industry. As a leader, or considering the role of a leader, assess your organization and evaluate how well it is responding to the forces, and identify where there is a need for change. Develop a vision to inspire this change. Include the following

  • Describe your organization, include the organization’s mission, and identify the various stakeholders.
  • Identify the external and internal forces that drive organizational change in your field or industry.
  • Explain the origin or reason for these internal or external driving forces. Explain how these forces directly affect the viability of your organization.
  • Choose one of the driving forces. Describe the specific issues this driving force creates, or will potentially create, for your organization or department.
  • Propose the steps needed for your organization or department to respond to this driving force.
  • Predict how employees at various levels in the organization will respond to your proposed change initiative.
  • Develop a vision for change. Describe how this vision correlates with the organization’s mission, and how you will present this vision to internal stakeholders.
  • Predict how you think your vision will assist internal stakeholders in supporting the change initiative. Identify potential considerations posed by stakeholders, and discuss how you will respond.
  • Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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The current health practice requires visionary leaders who enable organizations to evolve as situations prompt. Health practice has become more dependent on technology and data in the past decade. Due to the need for remote care facilitation and constant patient care monitoring, technology and data-driven care continue to dominate health care delivery.

However, such evolutions cannot thrive if organizations do not accommodate change effectively. Nurse leaders and those aspiring to lead should identify opportunities for change in their organizations and help organizations to cope with the contributing forces. The purpose of this paper is to describe my organization and its response to current forces driving change and identify an area where change is needed.

Organization Description Mission and Stakeholders

Roger Williams Medical Center (RWMC) is located in Providence. For over a century, the facility has been committed to improving people’s health in the community, city, and state through the highest level and personalized health (CharterCARE Health Partners, 2022). It leads in many areas of patient care, including diagnosis, treatment, and research. As an academic medical center, RWMC partners with the Boston University School of Medicine to train future physicians (CharterCARE Health Partners, 2022).

Academic medicine allows the facility to promote collaborative care and access recent clinical trials. As a CharterCARE Health partner, RWMC’s overarching goal is to ensure the community receives exceptional care timely and in the right setting. The care should also be compassionate and efficient as much as possible. Stakeholders include the internal workforce and partners under the CharterCARE umbrella and Prospect Medical Holdings.

External and Internal Forces for Change

No organization can be considered immune to forces of change. The health care industry encounters many forces at different times that prompt adaptation, evolution, and other interventions. External factors driving organizational change include changing social trends such as an increase in the number of people with lifestyle diseases, political and legal regulations, and social determinants of health. Competition is also another external factor that cannot be overlooked. Internal forces include changes in workplace demographics, staffing problems, and technological forces.

As Nair and Adetayo (2019) noted, the pressure for health care organizations to be culturally diverse and competent has increased over time, and they must respond effectively. Technology use has increased proportionately as patient care continues to depend on data and informatics. The various forces driving organizational change have different origins. Overall, evolution is inevitable, and health care organizations must be innovative. Social trends like lifestyle changes are triggered by education levels, people’s exposure, and the ability to afford and access some types of food. Social practices, such as internet gaming, have also promoted sedentary lifestyles hence the rise in lifestyle disorders (Singh et al., 2022).

Political and legal regulations are vital to promote health care access and reduce risks such as security breaches and privacy violations when sharing patient data. Internally, staffing problems are typical in many organizations due to increased patient visits. Staff recruitment does not match the current workforce demands hence the rampant shortage. A close observation of the forces shows that some are natural and others are artificial. Both internal and external forces affect the organization’s viability. Like other organizations, RWMC’s competitiveness and reputation depend on its quality of care.

As a result, excellence, timely delivery, and patient-centeredness should dominate patient care. Patients should also trust care providers and be comfortable around them. However, attaining such excellence depends on the organization’s ability to cope with change. Technology improves care efficiency and effectiveness, but it is costly to integrate into health care delivery. Legal and political interventions affect the organization’s culture and values. Generally, positive forces improve the organization’s capacity to offer excellent services, while negative forces hamper its ability.

Staffing Shortage – Analysis and Issues

Always, health care organizations should have adequate staff to offer timely and efficient services. Unfortunately, a staffing shortage is a real problem at RWMC, affecting all areas within the organization. Some leading causes of staffing shortage in health care include an aging population which increases chronic health problems (increased patient visits), the retirement of nurses without adequate replacement, and nursing burnout. Shah et al. (2021) explained that nurse burnout increases dissatisfaction with the job causing a turnover.

Possible issues due to staffing shortage include low patient care quality, employee turnover, and a stressful workplace. As Shah et al. (2021) further suggested, a staffing shortage increases the nurse-patient ratio leading to exhaustion of nurses. Fatigued nurses are demotivated and cannot address patient issues comprehensively. The lack of holism, compassion, and patient engagement reduces care quality and increases safety problems. Exhaustion also causes workplace stress. The eventual dissatisfaction with the job causes turnover.

Steps Needed to Respond to the Staffing Shortage

Staffing shortage affects patients, employees, and the entire organization adversely. An organizational-wide intervention is crucial to respond effectively. As it applies to other situations necessitating organizational change, the first step is to evaluate the gravity of the problem. Currently, the staffing shortage is detrimental to patient care, and a lack of effective response will worsen the situation. As a practical response, focusing on nurse retention will help to avert further damage.

Nurses also need to cope with the damaging effects of the shortage adequately. Therefore, organization-wide training on coping will improve nurses’ resilience and prevent turnover hence retention and high productivity. The training will be on guided meditation, self-care, and resilience. Stakeholders should understand the proposed intervention and the expected impacts. As an education strategy, a stakeholder presentation on the proposed training is crucial too.

Possible Employee Response

Health care professionals worry about their health, well-being, and satisfaction levels. They need continuous support and assurance to work optimally. Broadly, the entire health care staff is likely to welcome the training since it provides an excellent opportunity to improve the staff’s satisfaction with the job. As Krijgsheld et al. (2022) stated, health care staff’s productivity is directly proportional to job satisfaction. The training will enable the staff to achieve better results, improving intrinsic motivation levels. The response is further expected to be positive since the intervention demonstrates an organization that minds the welfare of its employees. It is a chance to improve the employees’ bond with the organization.

A Vision for Change

The vision for change is high organizational productivity due to increased job satisfaction and employee resilience. High job satisfaction will result from intrinsic motivation, while resilience will be a training component. Supporting employees to engage in self-care will also improve job satisfaction. The vision correlates with RWMC’s vision since its fundamental principle is excellence in patient care. RWMC prioritizes excellence since its core values include exceptional care, timeliness, compassion, and efficiency (CharterCARE Health Partners, 2022). An organization-wide presentation is a suitable strategy to present the vision to internal stakeholders. It will allow them to understand the proposed change and ask pertinent questions.

Internal Stakeholders Support, Potential Considerations, and Response

The vision presents an organization-wide intervention to a problem hampering patient care. It is an opportunity for the organization to improve its productivity by enabling employees to cope with the situation hence improving staff retention. Due to its clarity and expected outcomes, stakeholders will likely support it as key influencers of organizational change. RWMC’s partners also collaborate with the organization to improve access to recent clinical trials. Such partnerships demonstrate stakeholders’ commitment to ensuring patients receive the best care possible.

The proposed project also aligns with the partnership’s objective. Potential considerations include services’ disruption, resources needed, sustainability, and any negative impacts. In response, stakeholders will be assured that the training will cause temporary disruption, but its impacts will be long-term. Educational resources and training facilitation are the major expenses, but they are insignificant compared to the projected increase in productivity. The project is sustainable since the skills gained will be used for an extended period before further changes.


Health care facilities should regularly evaluate their performance and respond effectively. Leaders and potential leaders should help organizations improve performance by identifying areas necessitating change and proposing practical interventions. As explained in this paper, staffing shortage is a real problem at RWMC and affects the entire organization adversely. Focusing on employee retention by improving employees’ ability to cope with the shortage is an effective response. As a result, organization-wide training on coping strategies, self-care, and resilience will be critical for sustaining productivity.


  • CharterCARE Health Partners. (2022). About RWMC. https //
  • Krijgsheld, M., Tummers, L. G., & Scheepers, F. E. (2022). Job performance in healthcare A systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1-17. https //
  • Nair, L., & Adetayo, O. A. (2019). Cultural competence and ethnic diversity in healthcare. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, 7(5). e2219. https //
  • Shah, M. K., Gandrakota, N., Cimiotti, J. P., Ghose, N., Moore, M., & Ali, M. K. (2021). Prevalence of and factors associated with nurse burnout in the US. JAMA Network Open, 4(2), e2036469-e2036469. doi 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.36469
  • Singh, A., Shree, T., & Kumar, P. (2022). Internet gaming disorder and its harmful health effects among the medical students in a tertiary care teaching hospital. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(1), 33-39. doi 10.4103/mamcjms.mamcjms_63_21

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