Course Model

Paper Instructions


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

Sources used to support this assessment must be published within the previous 10 years, with the exception of legacy and seminal sources. Please carefully review the rubric for any exceptions.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

A. Complete each of the following parts of the “C920 Course Module Template” provided below by doing the following

1. Using contemporary educational principles, describe your course for “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health,” including a high-level summary of the content and purpose of the course.

  • Develop a brief module summary (suggested length of 50 words or fewer) for each module created.

Note Part A2 through part A7 will guide you through the creation of two unique course modules for “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health.” Organize each part by module.

For example, present Module 1 with all the information required by part A2 through part A7. Then present Module 2 in the same manner. Each part will be evaluated on whether the required information is included for each of the two modules.

2. Provide a unique title for each of the two unique weekly course modules.

3. Develop two unique course objectives for each module, using SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound), that indicate what your students will learn by the end of the course. Each course objective should be limited to one major action verb at the appropriate level that conveys an understanding of Bloom’s taxonomy.

4. Develop two unique student learning outcomes using SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound) for each module that indicate what your students will be able to do at the end of the module to demonstrate learning. Each student learning outcome should be limited to one major action verb at the appropriate level that conveys an understanding of Bloom’s taxonomy.

Note For parts A3 and A4, use the “Bloom’s Taxonomy” from the Web Links section when selecting the action verbs for your course objectives and student learning outcomes. Remember, you should have only one action verb for each course objective or student learning outcome, and the verbs should be within the higher levels of the cognitive/psychomotor/affective domain for course objectives and at the lower levels of the cognitive/psychomotor/affective domain for student learning outcomes.

5. Describe at least two topics that will be covered in each module and how each topic will help your students achieve the course objectives and student learning outcomes.

6. Provide two or more unique learning resources (e.g., textbook chapter, article, website, videos, research article), no older than five years, for each module that will supplement your course materials and facilitate student learning.

7. Develop a learning activity for each module that promotes student engagement and encourages reflective practice. One of your module’s learning activities must be a context-based scenario.

Note The following are examples of what can be used to create the context-based scenario discussion board with questions, narrative video, case study, and role play.

  • Provide sufficient detail about the context-based scenario learning activity, including clear and concise instructions for your students to be able to complete the activity without additional directions.

B. Use the information from your weekly course modules to write a formal narrative paper by doing the following

1. Describe how the applicable phases of the ADDIE instructional design model influenced the design and development of one course module.

2. Discuss at least two challenges unique to the online learning environment that may hinder the achievement of course objectives and student learning outcomes, and include specific examples of how you would address each of those challenges.

3. Describe how one student learning outcome from part A4 reflects an established learning theory.

  • Describe how you will adapt the learning theory to an online environment.

4. Choose two learning resources from part A6, and explain why each is intellectually stimulating and is best suited for your module.

5. Using evidence-based research and educational principles, justify how one learning activity from part A7 supports skill development consistent with the module’s course objectives and student learning outcomes. Your justification should include the following:

  • The specific skills that the learning activity is intended to develop
  • How the learning activity will facilitate student engagement and promote learning
  • How the learning activity is inclusive and supportive of all learners
  • The elements of the learning activity that promote reflective practice
  • How the learning activity creates an intellectually stimulating environment

6. Describe the types of feedback you would solicit to improve your course module.

  • Describe how you will use the feedback in your continuous improvement plan, including before, during, and after course development.

C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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200 MB

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C920 Course Module Template

A1. Course Description

The course is an eight-week study on the “Role of the BSN nurse in promoting community health.” The course focuses on the roles and responsibilities of the BSN-prepared in the community and public health setting. The course aims to improve the BSN-prepared nursing student’s abilities and competencies in analyzing population environments, identifying social determinants of health, and epidemiologic aspects of diseases that impact health.

The course also focuses on education communities, community assessment, and engaging vulnerable populations through stakeholder collaboration. The weekly concepts in the course align with the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies. The QSEN focuses on graduate nurses by helping them build self-discipline and develop teaching competencies in patient-centered care, teamwork, collaboration and evidence-based practice. It also focuses on quality improvement, safety, and informatics.

Module #1

A1a. Module Summary

The first module explores the foundations of epidemiology in public and community health nursing. The learning module’s focus is the epidemiological scientific frameworks in public health nursing comprising infectious diseases that affect vulnerable populations. The module will enable students to learn about the essence of community health education for high-risk community members. These include communicable diseases, the importance of vaccination, and education.

A2. Module Title

Scientific and epidemiological frameworks in community health nursing

A3. Course Objectives

By the end of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Analyze the significance of community health nursing
  • Interpret epidemiological data pertinent to community health nursing using scientific approaches
  • Enumerate communicable diseases, their impact on the community, and the need for vaccines

A4. Student Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, the students’ outcomes include the following;

  • List the core responsibilities of a community health nurse
  • Use epidemiological data of a community to develop educational endeavors in public health
  • Discuss communicable diseases and their effects on community health nursing in any community
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the community health nurse in providing public education and awareness while caring for high-risk or vulnerable community members

A5. Module Topics

The course will cover the following areas

1. Epidemiology Community-wide

Topics covered will include the epidemiology process, communicable diseases, vaccines, roles of local health agencies in community health The topic will enable the students to understand the concepts of epidemiology within the wide community. The topic will also be fundamental in attaining the course objectives and student learning outcomes of reviewing and understanding epidemiological data and process, interpretation of epidemiological data related to health nursing using scientific approaches. The topic will also enable the student to understand communicable disease and their effects on community health nursing, especially vulnerable populations.

2. Health Promotion and Education

Topics roles and responsibilities of community health nurses in promoting and educating the public The module topic will enable students to know the roles and responsibilities of the community health nurse in offering education to the public, especially among high-risk and vulnerable community members. The module topic will also illustrate the significance of education on communicable diseases and vaccine awareness.

A6. Learning Resources

  • Chiolero, A. & Buckeridge, D. (2020). Glossary for public health surveillance in the age of data science. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health, 0(1), 1-5. https //
  • Friis, R.H. & Sellers, T.A. (2020). Epidemiology for Public Health practice (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett

A7. Learning Activity

The community health nursing students will research and study the effects of infectious diseases using two diseases of their choice in the community setting. The students will collect information and develop visible data. The students will research and identify vulnerable and high-risk populations for communicable diseases and develop a two-page reflection paper on their perspective about the identified populations. The student will then identify two preventive measures to reduce the effects of communicable diseases on the population.

A7a. Context-Based Scenario Details

The community health nurse works in a low-income clinical setting in their community. The nurse visits two patients recently diagnosed with HIV. The two patients have limited support from their families and education. The patients also have limited information on services they can access in their community and even other patients to join as a support group. The patients require information on different aspects of HIV; from getting anti-retroviral therapy (ART) to sex education and diet.

One of the patients questions about his diet and how he can afford healthy living based on his low-income financial status. The nurse will complete the visits by getting vital signs, physical assessment, and planning care for the patients. Once completed, the student writes a 1-2 page reflection describing interactions with the two patients and answers to the following critical questions.

  • How did the visits help improve your understanding of the role of the community health nurse in vulnerable communities?
  • What barriers and challenges did you encounter during the visits to the patients b). What resources and strategies will be deployed to help the patients with their diagnoses as a community health nurse?

Module #2

A1a. Module Summary

The module will focus on the importance of the professional nurse’s caring role for patients and health populations within the community. The module will focus on various socioeconomic components that affect community health access; including disparities and social determinants of health. The nurse will deploy assessment, intervention, education, and evaluation strategies to identify, and plan the health needs in the specified community.

A2. Module Title

Community as the Primary Focus for the Nurse

A3. Course Objectives

By the end of this course, the students will be able to;

  • Determine health disparities within the specified community and barriers to health promotion
  • Discuss the effects of socioeconomic variables on community health outcomes
  • Implement strategies to enhance health and awareness among community members

A4. Student Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course will enable the students to attain the following learning outcomes

  • Determine health disparities and their effects on the community and barriers to health promotion behaviors
  • Enumerate the socioeconomic variables that increase the risk for communicable diseases
  • Examine the effects of health promotion and education and the roles and responsibilities of community health nurses in caring for such populations.

A5. Module Topics

1. Health Promotion and Health Disparities

Topics covered will include health promotion, the role of health education, health disparities, the impact of disparities, the role of nurses in identifying disparities and promoting healthy behaviors The topic will allow students to attain learning outcomes and objectives that include examining the effects of health education on the community and understanding health disparities and barriers to health promotion behaviors in the selected population.

2. Socioeconomic risk factors and their effects on health conditions, and comorbidities of conditions

Topics covered will include social determinants of health and their effects on the community, health education for high-risk populations, understanding vulnerability, and interventions to reduce disparities. The module topics will allow students to achieve the learning outcomes that include determining health disparities, and barriers to health promotion behaviors, and distinguishing the roles and responsibilities of the community health nurse to care for high-risk community members. The outcomes also include the effects of health promotion education in the community carried out by the nurse.

A6. Learning Resources

  • Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J. (2020). Public health nursing Population-centered health care in the community (10th ed.). Elsevier.

A7. Learning Activity

The community health nursing students will research the roles of community health nurses within the health setting. The focus of the activity will be to understand the role of a community health nurse needed to help patients experiencing socioeconomic disparities. The student will conduct a virtual visit to one of the patients in module 1 and document the findings through a reflective paper of not more than 2 pages. The student will provide information using a recorded video reflection on areas like interventions, resources, barriers, and strategies that a community health nurse should utilize to assist such patients.

A7a. Context-Based Scenario Details

The details of the context-based scenario are in module #1 comprising two patients diagnosed with HIV and require support to navigate their condition and be healthy. The students will examine their progress and determine any barriers they encounter after deploying necessary resources and interventions.

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