Communication for Curriculum Revision

Paper Instructions

Nurse educators must plan for curricular changes when creating a curriculum, while considering the strategies to effectively make the changes. An important aspect of changes in curriculum is having a communication strategy so that leadership, faculty, students, accrediting bodies, and boards of nursing are informed and are provided expectations.

Create a communication strategy evaluating the influences of change. How will you communicate changes:

  • With the reporting requirements of accrediting bodies and boards of nursing?
  • With leadership and the reporting requirements of the organization?
  • With faculty, so they can adjust teaching strategies in the classroom
  • With students, if the changes will happen amidst their progress in the program?

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Changes are vital and contribute to process improvement and that is why organizations have to develop change initiatives and plan regularly. On the other hand, the outcomes of a change process may disastrous if a proper process is not followed. Communication is the most important element in each change process. The change initiator must identify the relevant stakeholder and convince them to be part of the change process. Also, they must be made aware of the significance of the change process in time (Schulz-Knappe, Koch & Beckert, 2019).

Change causes disruptions in an individual’s daily activities and becomes people are used to the status quo, they may resist the change process because of the uncertainties involved. Similarly, nursing curriculum revision must be properly executed with effective change channels being used. The current study explores how effective nurse educators can plan for a curricular change without causing animosity among the nursing students and the relevant stakeholders.

Reporting the Requirements

The goal in the communication of the requirements of accrediting bodies and the board of nursing is to ensure wide coverage and timely communication. Before changing the requirements, it is important to let the nursing students know what is expected of them in the subsequent processes (Smollan & Morrison, 2019). Therefore, the first thing will be to make the communication before the actual change process. This may be done one or two years before the actual amendment depending on the urgency. The communication approach will give the nurses time to think into and conceive the change concepts in the accreditation process.

Secondly, nursing students receive information on the accreditation and board of nursing through the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The goal of the accreditation is to ensure that nurses who qualify for practice have achieved the relevant training and experience. Therefore, the nurses must be aware of the expected standards even as they prepare for the accreditation process. Making the communication on the official website will be the best way to reach out to as many nurses as possible. Also, the communication will be made to the various training institution so that all the continuing nurses’ students know what they will require immediately they complete their accreditation training. Targeted communication is important and it involves communicating directly to the people who are likely to be affected by the change.

Leadership and the Reporting Requirements of the Organization

Leaders in an organization influence the values and practices the staff cherish. In this case, it is important to work with organization leadership to create goodwill and rapport for the change process (Komodromos, Halkias & Harkiolakis, 2019). Besides, it may be technically impossible to reach out to all the organization leaders to discuss and let them know of the changes (Vlados, 2019). Therefore, organizing regional seminars will help reduce the burden required in terms of costs to communicate to the leaders. The attending leaders will serve conduits to disseminate the changes to their respective organizations.

The information reaching all the stakeholders should be standardized and so, relying on the oral-delivered message could compromise the goal. Therefore, the leaders will be given fliers and printed information with full details on the changes involved so that they can share with their staff. The posters will be posted on the notice boards and other strategic places where a large number of targeted populations can read (Grol & Wensing, 2020).

Faculty, so they Can Adjust Teaching Strategies in the Classroom

The faculties will receive official communication through the faculty leadership. The massage will be delivered through print copies a well as email for official and reference purposes. Comprehensive communication with detailed changes involved must be properly articulated considering that the interactions between the teachers and the students in the nursing schools determine what they become. A collaborative framework will be developed where the various faculties can provide feedback on the proposed changes so that they feel part of the change process (Wensing, Grol & Grimshaw, 2020). Such approaches reduce the resistance likely to be encountered in the implementation stage. The accrediting body makes the changes; however, the implementation of those changes involve inputs from different people with the faculties playing a big role.

Communication to the Students

The students are very sensitive especially when changes occur amidst their progress in the program. The changes mean that the student may have to drop some of the programs and enrol in others. Such chances come with emotional and financial costs. Therefore, the best strategy will be to engage with the faculties and let the students understanding the importance of the change. A representative from the accrediting board will hold a meeting with the students together with a few teaching staff in the nursing faculty to elaborate on the changes (Smiley, 2019). The use of face-to-face communication is to allow immediate feedback considering that the students will have many questions and worries to think about.

Finally, employing appropriate communication measures guarantees the best results in the change process. On the other hand, poor communication makes the change complicated and full of resistance from other stakeholders. The approaches employed in this case are appropriate for the various groups of stakeholders.


  • Grol, R., & Wensing, M. (2020). Implementation of change in healthcare A complex problem. Improving patient care The implementation of change in health care, 1-20. https //
  • Komodromos, M., Halkias, D., & Harkiolakis, N. (2019). Managers’ perceptions of trust in the workplace in times of strategic change. EuroMed Journal of Business. https //
  • Schulz-Knappe, C., Koch, T., & Beckert, J. (2019). The importance of communicating change Identifying predictors for support and resistance toward organizational change processes. Corporate Communications An International Journal. https //
  • Smiley, R. A. (2019). Survey of simulation use in prelicensure nursing programs Changes and advancements, 2010–2017. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 9(4), 48-61. https //
  • Smollan, R. K., & Morrison, R. L. (2019). Office design and organizational change The influence of communication and organizational culture. Journal of Organizational Change Management. https //
  • Vlados, C. (2019). Change management and innovation in the “living organization” The Stra. Tech. Man approach. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 7(2), 229-256. https //
  • Wensing, M., Grol, R., & Grimshaw, J. (Eds.). (2020). Improving patient care The implementation of change in health care. John Wiley & Sons.

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