Assessment of Health Promotion

Paper Instructions

For this Discussion, your instructor will assign you a case number.

  • Case 1
  • Case 2
  • Case 3


J.R. is a nurse practitioner in a clinic on a large, isolated Indian reservation. The clients in his community have a disproportionately high rate of alcoholism and suicide. Poverty is widespread.

He believes the most important component of his job is to promote wellness among his clients. J.R. reaches out to the people of the community by providing wellness clinics and educational forums. He uses a holistic approach to health care, incorporating traditional Indian healing practices along with Western medicine.

P.Q. is a nurse practitioner in a rural, agricultural community. The community is populated mostly by the Hispanic families that work in the fields. Many of the families are migrant workers. They stay in his community during the planting and harvesting seasons and then migrate back to Mexico or to other communities where they can find work.

Many of the families that he helps are struggling to stay together. Many parents must leave their young children behind in Mexico. Husbands and wives are separated frequently, putting additional stress on the family system. As a child of migrant farm workers, P.Q. understands their predicament first-hand and is able to assist the families he serves with viable health-promotion plans.

M.G. is a school nurse practitioner in a district with a high number of teen pregnancies. Teen pregnancy has been a problem in this district for several generations now, and the rate is one of the highest in the state.

She chairs a task force created to address the teen pregnancy problems in the school district. Teachers, parents, students, and other interested community members sit on the task force. M.G. affects change by providing information the community needs to develop health-oriented skills, attitudes, and related behavioral changes.

Questions for the case:

Do you think is appropriate that J.R. is adapting his practice incorporating traditional Indian healing practices along with Western medicine? Support your answer with evidence base practice recommendation.

P.Q. uses the following five measures of family functioning to determine the effectiveness of interventions:

  • Changes in interaction patterns
  • Effective communication
  • Ability to express emotions
  • Responsiveness to needs of members as individuals
  • Problem-solving ability

Define each one and give clinical examples.

Create a plan for the community regarding Teen pregnancy. Include education, prevention, care and recommendations.

Once you received your case number; answer the specific question on the table above. Then, continue to discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:

  1. An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.
  2. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.
  3. Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care.

Submission Instructions

Your instructor will assign you your case number and you will post on the case number you have been assigned.

You will reply to the other two case studies (One of each).

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

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Teenage pregnancies comprise a crucial public health concern that affect a significant proportion of teenagers in the United States. Nurses and other healthcare providers play an important role in implementing health promotion initiatives that prevent and reduce the rates of teenage pregnancies. Factors such as those related to family and social structures influence teenage pregnancy rates. Therefore, this paper explores the parameters of effective health assessment, family developmental stages, and family structure and function in relation to teenage pregnancy problem.

Parameters of Effective Health Assessment

An effective health assessment is important for the development of an accurate diagnosis and management plan for the issue of teenage pregnancies in the community. The health assessment incorporates several parameters, besides physiological parameters. One of them is individual’s lifestyle and behaviors. Information about the lifestyle and behaviors of a patient should be obtained to rule out teenage-pregnancy associated risk factors such as being sexually active at early ages.

The other parameter is the sociodemographic profile of the patient. Sociodeomographic factors such as family economic status, level of education, and income affect teenage pregnancy rate (Cox, 2020). There is a high risk and rate of teenage pregnancies among teenagers from family of low socioeconomic status. The other parameter for an effective health assessment is environmental assessment.

The environment in which one grows shapes their lifestyle and behavioral decisions. For example, children raised in a society with high rates of substance use and abuse is likely to be victims of teenage pregnancies (Jarvis, 2023). Cultural factors should also be examined during health assessment. Cultural practices such as early marriages in some communities and unequal opportunities for females contribute to the issue of teenage pregnancies.

Family Developmental Stages

The development of a family can be classified into different stages. The three stages include early, middle, and late stages. Early stages is further categorized into coupling and become three and more. Coupling starts with the creation of a household by two people. An example is husband and wife. Becoming three and more is a family stage that starts with the birth of the first child. The middle stage of a family development is classified into entrances, expansion, and exits. Entrances stage starts with the exit of the first-born child from the family to the larger world.

An example of this stage is during the beginning of the school by the first-born child. Expansion starts when the last-born child enters the community such as beginning school. Exit stage begins with the first-born existing the family and starting their family or any other independent household entity. The late stages of a family are classifiable as becoming smaller and endings. A family becomes smaller with the exit of the lastborn child by marriage or any other independent household entity (Marotz & Allen, 2022). Endings begin with the death of a spouse and end with the death of the remaining partner.

Family Structure and Function and the Relationship with Health Care

Families have different structures that influence functions and relationship among family members and the community. The family structures can be of different types such as nuclear, single parent, extended, childless, stepfamilies, and grandparent families. The family structure influences functions such as decision-making and caring roles among the family members. Family structure and function influences health care(Hota & Bartsch, 2019).

Nurses and other healthcare providers should be aware of factors such as decision-making in families and family relationships when providing their care. For example, fathers make treatment decisions in families with hierarchical relationships; hence, the need for their involvement in health related issues.

Community Education Plan

The community will be educated about teenage pregnancy. Educational sessions will be held twice weekly for the next two weeks to raise awareness about teenage pregnancy, risk factors, impacts, prevention, and roles of the community members. The education will also explore recommendations that include developing policies to minimize the vices that contribute to teenage pregnancies, addressing stigma, and strengthening collaboration in eliminating the problem.


Several parameters should be examined when conducting an effective health assessment. Families develop in different stages. Families differ in structure and function. Nurses should understand the influence of family structure and function when providing care to their patients.


  • Cox, J. E. (2020). Understanding the Differences in Pregnancy and Birth Rates for Black and White Teens. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67(3), 313–314. https //
  • Hota, M., & Bartsch, F. (2019). Consumer socialization in childhood and adolescence Impact of psychological development and family structure. Journal of Business Research, 105, 11–20. https //
  • Jarvis, C. (2023). Physical Examination and Health Assessment – Canadian E-Book Physical Examination and Health Assessment – Canadian E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Marotz, L. R., & Allen, K. E. (2022). Developmental Profiles Pre-Birth Through Adolescence. Cengage Learning.


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