PHI 413 Death and Dying Case Analysis

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for basic knowledge and understanding of different faith expressions. No matter what someone’s worldview is, death and dying is a difficult experience whether emotions are expressed or not. For the purpose of this assignment, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.

Read the “Case Study End-of-Life Decisions” document or one provided by your instructor. Based on the reading of the case, the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic Resources, you will complete an ethical analysis of situation of the individual(s) and their decisions from the perspective of the Christian worldview.

Based on your reading of “Case Study End-of-Life Decisions” document (or one provided by your instructor) and topic Resources, complete the “Death and Dying Case Analysis” document in a maximum of 2,000 words, in which you will analyze the case study in relation to the following:

  • Christian view of the fallen world and the hope of resurrection
  • Christian worldview of the value of life
  • Christian worldview of suffering
  • Empathy for the individual(s) as they are supported and cared, actions, and their consequences
  • Respect for the perspectives of individual(s) different from personal and professional values, conscious and unconscious biases related to human rights in health care practice, actions, and their consequences
  • Personal decision-making based on personal worldview
  • Support your response using only the following Topic 4 Resources
  • Chapter 4 from the textbook Practicing Dignity An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision-Making in Health Care “Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Theological and Ethical Responses”
  • “Always Care, Never Kill How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality”
  • While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education
  • This assignment aligns with AACN Core Competencies 9.1, 9.2, 9.6



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After reading the “Case Study End-of-Life Decisions” document (or one provided by your instructor) and topic Resources, respond to the following, using only citations from the case and other topic Resources

Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, how might the individual(s) interpret their suffering in light of the Christian view of the fallen world and the hope of resurrection?

The Christian view offers a foundation for basing actions and thoughts; hence, individuals can use it as a guideline in analyzing various cases. The patient in the provided case study, George, has been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a terminal illness.

Therefore, the patient can interpret the resultant suffering through various Christian foundation teachings such as those of hope of resurrection and the fallen world. According to Christian theology, sin and imperfection came to the world after the first human beings, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God (Peterson, 2020).

The fallen human state and imperfection are seen through aspects such as suffering and illnesses such as ALS, which George has been diagnosed with. As such, its degenerative and debilitating nature is a perfection of the sinful and imperfect world.

Based on the Christian perspective, George can used the theological understanding of suffering as a result of living in the sinful world, as such, he may find solace in the shared human experience of deterioration, suffering and pain, and that his experience is not just unique to him but forms a wider part of human condition which comes with sin and suffering.

The implication is that such a coping strategy can enhance a sense of solidarity with Jesus, who also underwent untold suffering while on earth. The hope of resurrection also plays an important role on the Christian’s perspective regarding suffering. The teachings of resurrection entail a life after death and the promise of eternal life, which comes after resurrection (Nickelsburg, 2023).

Therefore, George, who is facing a terminal illness, can find comfort that the current illness is but temporary since eternal life awaits him upon resurrection. In addition, while thinking about challenges that come with ALS, the hope of resurrection can impact how the patient views the current symptoms and potential suffering in the future before eventually dying.

He expects to lose independence, speech, and mobility. However, the hope of resurrecting one day would give the patient a perspective that goes beyond the limitations that come with life here on earth and focuses on the promise of having a glorified existence upon resurrection.

Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, as the individual(s) must contemplate life with their dilemma, how would the Christian worldview inform their view about the value of life as a person?

George is already faced with the fear of the degenerative nature of ALS, hence inquiring about the possibility of voluntary euthanasia. However, this is a dilemma that can be discussed in the light of the Christian worldview. The Christian worldview posits that each person is created in the image and likeness of God, which imbues human life with inherent worth and dignity.

As such, individuals get to understand that life is sacred, even in the face of obstacles one can face, terminal illness like George’s included. Even though he could soon face the devastating symptoms, the Christian perspective would encourage him to embrace values such as endurance. Even though limitations may be imposed by illnesses, such limitations are temporary, hence transcended by the eternal nature of human existence (Bunyan, 2023).

Therefore, the value of life goes beyond what an individual could be facing while living on earth, such as tribulations, illnesses, and other sufferings.
Individuals should also understand that even with trials and suffering, their life still has intrinsic worth in the eyes of God, which underpins the need to focus on the spiritual aspects as opposed to the physical attributes.

Besides, the Christian worldview also admonished individuals to view themselves as beloved of God. The Christian teachings also underscore the importance of compassion, love, and giving care to each other. As such, individuals in the same shoes as George may get comfort and support from church members while appreciating that their lives have value to them and others.

Therefore, such individuals will view the value of their life with positivity. The communal understanding of the human experience also propagates a sense of mutual responsibility and interconnectedness (Stenmark, 2022). The implication is that such individuals will treat the value of their lives as of importance to themselves, their family, the community, and the community of believers or members of their faith.

Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, how does the concept of suffering in a Christian worldview inform their deliberations about the choices they will make?

The concept of suffering has for years been part of the Christian worldview, and as part of the teachings, suffering is deeply ingrained in the narrative of faith, which may significantly impact how people like George may think about the choices they need to make when faced with various aspects such as terminal illnesses.

As earlier highlighted, Christian theology teaches that suffering has existed and continues to exist due to the fallen world, which is characterized by imperfection and sin. Therefore, such a perspective informs how individuals deliberate on issues when faced with difficult life choices and as they face prospects of pain.

George has to understand his suffering by considering the ALS effects and make choices guided by the Christian worldview perspectives. Indeed, the teachings about Jesus, such as his suffering and death on the cross, can be used as good points to encourage endurance when faced with pain (Wu, 2023). As such, it is important to endure as Christ did since he is an example to the Christians.

This perspective may also inform the deliberations and make a suffering individual such as George view the suffering from different perspectives, especially as a platform for spiritual growth and solidarity with Christ, not just a burden.

The Christian worldview also indicates that free will is important, as shown in the case where God instructed Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit but left them to obey or disobey based on their free will. George is in the process of making choices regarding their potential health, and the concept of suffering in the Christian worldview respects people’s autonomy regarding their life decisions.

However, it is important to note that various ethical aspects regarding end-of-life choices are complex within the context of Christianity (Sulmasy, 2021). Indeed, there are views such as the need to preserve life as an important duty while others may consider it a difficult concept, especially in the face of profound suffering.

Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 150-200 words, how would you be able to come alongside and demonstrate empathy for the individual(s) as you support and care for them? Reflect on your actions and their consequences.

Demonstrating empathy for individuals who face suffering is important as it gives them hope to continue living and endure suffering. If I were to come alongside individuals like George and demonstrate empathy, I would perform various actions to achieve such goals.

It is important to keenly listen to the individual’s desires, fears, and concerns without judging them, irrespective of their condition. Such an action helps in building an enabling environment where the patient can freely and openly express their thoughts and emotions. I would then offer prayer while recognizing the person’s beliefs. As part of the action, I would also try to understand how deep the individual’s suffering is, with the aim of validating their emotions.

In addition, I would try my best to bring hope to the patient using examples drawn from Christian teachings, such as the story of Job, who suffered at the hands of the devil, but God restored him later (Atkinson, 2022). Further actions of empathy would also entail connecting the person with a community of believers and spiritual counselors who can offer further help.

Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 150-200 words, how can you demonstrate respect for the perspectives of the individual(s) that may be different from your personal and professional values? Consider your conscious and unconscious biases in relationship to human rights in health care practice. Reflect on your actions and their consequences.

It is important to demonstrate respect for the perspectives of individuals that may be different from my personal and professional values. It is also important to acknowledge and appropriately address unconscious and conscious biases. This situation would require that I approach the conversation with cultural humility.

Another way of showing respect is engaging in open dialogue to enable me to understand other individuals’ preferences and worldviews, which can enable me to actively listen to them without judging them. It is also important to reflect on my actions. As such, I would do an assessment and face any biases which may impact the care that I give.

Creating an inclusive and culturally sensitive environment would help formulate a situation where the patient feels respected which also promotes human rights when offering care. These actions would eventually lead to various aspects, such as a more patient-centered approach, better patient-provider communication, and increased trust.

Based on the case, other topic Resources, and your worldview, in 150-200 words, what decision would you make if you were in their situation?

George is facing a life and health dilemma which can be difficult for most people to handle. If I were in the patient’s position, I would ensure that I openly discuss my situation with the family members and let them know how I feel while also seeking their input.

I would also seek to balance the sanctity of life, which is a concept of the Christian worldview, and the recognition and the reality of suffering. As such, I would ensure that I pursue palliative care, which can help in symptom management and ensure a better quality of life. Palliative care has been shown to help patients feel respected and loved as they anticipate the end of life due to terminal illnesses (Ryan et al.,2020).

I would also seek to talk with family members, healthcare professionals and spiritual leaders who can greatly help in making the best decision. Therefore, I would make a decision that aligns with the Christian worldview and principles.


  • Atkinson, D. J. (2022). The message of Job. InterVarsity Press.
    Bunyan, J. (2023). The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment Or, The Truth of the Resurrection of the Bodies, Both of Good and Bad at the Last Day Asserted, and Proved by God’s Word. Aneko Press.
  • Nickelsburg, G. W. (2023). Resurrection, immortality, and eternal life in intertestamental Judaism and early Christianity. Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Peterson, M. L. (2020). CS Lewis and the Christian worldview. Oxford University Press.
    Ryan, S., Wong, J., Chow, R., & Zimmermann, C. (2020). Evolving definitions of palliative care upstream migration or confusion? Current Treatment Options In Oncology, 21, 1–17. Doi 10.1007/s11864-020-0716-4
  • Stenmark, M. (2022). Worldview studies. Religious studies, 58(3), 564–582.
    Sulmasy, D. P. (2021). Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Theological and Ethical Responses. Christian bioethics Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, 27(3), 223-227. https //
    Wu, S. F. (2023). Finding God in Suffering Journeying with Jesus and Scriptures. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

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