NRS 493 Capstone Topic Summary

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

In collaboration with the approved course preceptor, students will identify a specific evidence-based topic for the capstone project change proposal. Write a 150-250 word summary explaining which category your topic and intervention are under (community or leadership).

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A community topic in capstone project focuses on issues that impact community members. Conversely, a leadership topic in nursing practice denotes a subject that address issues which impact healthcare leadership. The selected topic for this capstone project is prevention of hospital acquired pressure injuries or ulcers in critical care and progressive care units. The focus of this topic is to propose and implement evidence-based practice interventions to reduce the increased prevalence of hospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs).

This topic can be considered as leadership topic as it focuses on developing and executing pressure injury prevention (PIP) bundle in critical care unit among patients. The topic is leadership since nurses will be charged with the duty of reducing and preventing the occurrence of HAPIs among the hospitalized patients in critical care settings (Coyer et al., 2022; Pittman et al., 2019). Nurses will also enhance their understanding and application of the PIP care strategies to improve the overall care delivery and reduce the occurrence of pressure ulcers in critical care unit.

Hospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) affect about 2.5 million people each year in the country and cause over 60,000 deaths. Again, the overall cost of care for these injuries is close to $11 billion. Studies show that implementing PIP bundle of care can reduce and prevent HAPIs in the settings that they occur, especially in critical and progressive care units (Gaspar et al., 2019; Rivera et al., 2020). Nurses need effective interventions based om evidence to prevent these injuries. Information from such interventions is important in developing patient-focused as well as nurse-based strategies to reduce the risk of patients developing the injuries.


  • Alderden, J., Drake, K. P., Wilson, A., Dimas, J., Cummins, M. R., & Yap, T. L. (2021). Hospital acquired pressure injury prediction in surgical critical care patients. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21, 1-11. DOI https //
  • Coyer, F., Cook, J. L., Doubrovsky, A., Campbell, J., Vann, A., McNamara, G., … & Fulbrook, P. (2022). Implementation and evaluation of multilayered pressure injury prevention strategies in an Australian intensive care unit setting. Australian Critical Care, 35(2), 143-152. https //
  • Gaspar, S., Peralta, M., Marques, A., Budri, A., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2019). Effectiveness on hospital‐acquired pressure ulcers prevention a systematic review. International wound journal, 16(5), 1087-1102. https //
  • Pittman, J., Beeson, T., Dillon, J., Yang, Z., & Cuddigan, J. (2019). Hospital-acquired pressure injuries in critical and progressive care avoidable versus unavoidable. American journal of critical care, 28(5), 338-350. DOI 10.4037/ajcc2019264.
  • Rivera, J., Donohoe, E., Deady-Rooney, M., Douglas, M., & Samaniego, N. (2020). Implementing a Pressure Injury Prevention Bundle to Decrease Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries in an Adult Critical Care Unit An Evidence-Based, Pilot Initiative. Wound Management & Prevention, 66(10), 20-28. DOI 10.25270/wmp.2020.10.2229

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