DNP 801 Scholarly Writing Using Research

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

“Scholarly writing” is a term that indicates a set of standards are used or required for professional writing. In the DNP program, learners are expected to use scholarly writing for all coursework and in the development of their Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project. Standards for scholarly writing for this program are

  • Develop a clear thesis.
  • Maintain an objective or unbiased perspective.
  • Incorporate appropriate evidence for support (peer-reviewed research and other scholarly sources).
  • Present original writing (written in one’s own words and properly citing authors for ideas, findings, etc.).
  • Write and synthesize in an organized and logical manner.
  • Format in APA style.

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize the learner with the overall expectations of scholarly writing and the tools available to help you succeed. Learners in this program are expected to demonstrate scholarly writing throughout the program.

General Requirements

  • Review the topic Resources prior to completing this assignment.
  • Use the “Searching Nursing Databases,” located on the Doctor of Nursing Practice page in the GCU Library, to assist you in completing this assignment.
  • Refer to the “DNP Direct Practice Improvement Project Recommendations,” located in the DC Network, to assist in completing the assignment.
  • A minimum of one peer-reviewed research article, published within 5 years of your anticipated graduation date, is required to complete this assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
  • Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.


The GCU DNP program requires learners to develop a Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project for successful completion of the program. The purpose of the DPI Project is to identify a valid patient practice problem at your practice site and propose an evidence-based intervention shown by current and authoritative research to improve the nursing practice problem.
Write an essay of 750-1,000 words, address the following

  • Discuss the differences between quality improvement and research.
  • Explain why your DPI Project for this program is considered quality improvement and not research.
  • Describe a patient practice problem at your practice site that you are considering for your DPI Project. Explain why this would be considered a patient practice problem, how it can be addressed though a quality improvement intervention, and why it would be appropriate and feasible for your practice site.
  • Provide support for your proposed intervention with at least one peer-reviewed research article from the GCU Library. The article must be published in the United States and within 5 years of your anticipated graduation date.

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Accurate search and location of articles of research is a skill required in academic study. Weak writing and research capacity becloud and threatens an individual’s strategic intent to undertake assignments in the course of study (Gernsbacher, 2017).

In my scholarly writing experience, identifying the academic evidence to support my ideas was the most challenging task. On most occasions, I would select a better article supporting my theme, but the sources were always old. Using the experience learned in class, I understood that my study needs to use the most recent scholarly sources to enable my writing to be up to date.
I used the Google scholar site to solve my problem.

The site has numerous articles authored by different scholars all over the world. The site covers all topics of interest, and one can select the article that best suits the areas of study. Besides, the researcher can select a range of articles (von Isenburg et al., 2017).

For instance, if I want all articles published on a particular topic between 2017 to 2021, I would just select the range, and the site would automatically select the articles. The increased ability to find recent articles allows research to write a scholarly paper meeting the standards of academic writing.
In my journey towards attaining proficient skills in scholarly writing, I would conduct in-depth research on my topic of study before commencing a write-up.

I will also use nursing research databases such as CINAHL, Cochcane Library, Medline and PsyINFO to further refine my searches and get more relevant and current evidence. These databases will assist in accessing many articles that address the topic and understand the opinions of different scholars before writing.

The study will allow me to review empirical evidence cited by different scholars in developing new research knowledge (von Isenburg et al., 2017). Besides, I would use the most recent articles to remain significant in my field of research.


  • Gernsbacher, M. A. (2017). Editorial perspective The use of person‐first language in scholarly writing may accentuate stigma. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(7), 859-861.
  • von Isenburg, M., Lee, L. S., & Oermann, M. H. (2017). Writing together to get AHEAD an interprofessional boot camp to support scholarly writing in the health professions. Journal of the Medical Library Association JMLA, 105(2), 167.

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