DNP 805 Preconference Evaluation Individual Success Plan ISP

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this course requires your collaboration with the course faculty early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon specific deliverables for your programmatic requirements. Programmatic requirements are:

  • Completion of required practice immersion hours
  • Completion of work associated with program competencies
  • Work associated with completion of your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.

A postconference evaluation is mandatory for DNP-815A, DNP-840A, DNP-830A, DNP-955A, DNP-960A, DNP-965A, and requires learners to use the ISP form. This is intended for the learner and preceptor/mentor to review and evaluate the completion of the ISP. The faculty will validate that all areas are at “Meets Expectations” on the preceptor/mentor evaluation form, located in Lopes Activity Tracker, prior to progression.

The learner will upload the ISP and preceptor/mentor evaluations and proof of entered and approved practice immersion hours into the digital classroom by Topic 8 with the other required deliverables. Faculty will review this before filling out the faculty evaluation of the learner in Typhon or Lopes Activity Tracker, which the learner will also upload in Topic 8.

The course faculty will complete a separate evaluation of the learner’s performance in the classroom. The faculty is responsible for any course grading, final course grade, and validation of the learner’s’ completed practice immersion hours.

General Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment as it pertains to deliverables due in this course.

  • Use the Individual Success Plan (ISP) developed in Topic 1 as a personal plan for completing your practice immersion hours and how competencies will be met. All of the major milestones and deliverables should be indicated in the timeline.
  • While an ISP is required, unless you have a mentor, a mentor signature is not required for this course. A preconference and a postconference/evaluation between learners and preceptors/mentors are mandatory for all learners enrolled in all DNP courses (from DNP-815A on). Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A copy of the wet-ink or digitally (digital identifier) signed document must be uploaded into the digital classroom no later than the end of Topic 8.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to the beginning to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
  • Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.


  • Identify the specific deliverables you will complete throughout this course from those defined above with your faculty. Update your faculty/chair with any revisions or changes to the ISP.
  • List the challenges you expect to encounter as you continue the practice immersion hour and competency requirements throughout this course. How might you overcome these challenges?
  • Complete the Contact Information table at the beginning of the ISP resource, and type in your signature (learner only) and the date on which you completed the table. Read the information in the ISP document, including the following Learner Expectations, Derivation of the ISP, and Instructions for Completing the ISP.
  • Follow the instructions and complete the ISP.

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Application Based Learning Course Assignments Number of Planned Immersion Hours Associated with each Assignment or Project Due Date Review Course Objectives and GCU DNP Domains and Competencies.
Create a plan for the practice experiences you plan to seek to address each course objective.

Consider how each assignment may relate back to your current project concept. Self-Assessed GCU DNP Domains and competencies
Week 1 Pre-conference meeting 8 hours 02/23/2022 Objective Review of course outline by learner and preceptor.

Learner and Preceptor collaborate to discuss and practice immersion goals. Effective communication. Individual success plan 3 hrs 02/23/2022 Professional role Successful completion of core deliverables required for the program including practice immersion hours, work relating to program competencies and Direct Practice Improvement project (Falls) Critical thinking.

Nursing practice.

Identification of capstone change projects.

Challenges 3 hrs 02/23/2022 Assess and evaluate clinical problems and institutional policies that impact nursing practice. Valid research on evidence-based practices that addresses the clinical problem in question and how organizational or institutional policies affect nursing practice.

A comprehensive study of the clinical problem in review and their institutional policies. Will analyze this clinical problem using the PICOT strategy. Global awareness, perspectives and ethics Competencies management of patient care in the changing society.

Doctoral Strategies Essay and Attestation 3 hrs 02/23/2022 Entailed a reflection on the “Doctor of Nursing Orientation Webinar” , the doctoral dispositions and the resources introduced in the topic with an aim of preparing a plan to be a successful learner Critical thinking and effective communication

Topic 1 DQ 1 2 hrs 02/19/2022 Involves exploring how my future role as a Doctor of Nursing Practice lead will serve the profession and the community. Also entails what is expected to be achieved in this program Responsible leadership Topic 1 DQ 2 2 hrs 02/21/2022 A discussion on self-care and strategies of recognizing signs of stress or imbalance as a DNP learner.

Self care routines to be applied in achieving better balance Critical thinking
Scholarly writing using research 3 hrs 03/02/2022 The familiarization with the overall expectations of the scholarly writing and the tools necessary for success. Also entails a discussion on the difference between quality improvement and research and description of the patient practice problem at the practice site.

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care

Topic 2 DQ 1 2 hrs


Involves a description of the proposed practice site and the potential practice problem of interest. Explanations of why the topic is valid for the practice site and why it will contributed to the body of knowledge in the field is explored.

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care

Topic 2 DQ 2 2 hrs


A reflection on scholarly writing using research paper and the standard of scholarly writing that are most challenging. In addition the tools and sites used in addressing the challenges and strategies to be used to improve proficiency are explored Critical thinking and effective communication
Selection of a practice problem 3 hrs 03/09/2022 The focus is to identify a valid patient practice problem at the practice site to be realistically addressed through a DPI project.

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care

Topic 3 DQ 1 2 hrs


Entails finding two primary research article for the proposed patient practice problem and explaining why the articles are considered primary research articles and why the support the proposed nursing practice problem

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care

Topic 3 DQ 2 2 hrs


Explanation of the difference between reference and citation and why using the citation and reference will help abode the consequences of plagiarizing. Critical thinking and effective communication

Topic 4 DQ 1 2 hrs


Definition of critical thinking and why it is key to a learner proposing a quality improvement project in the practice site. Also entails a discussion of critical thinking skills needed for evaluating and interpreting primary quantitative research for a DPI project Critical thinking

Topic 4 DQ 2 2 hrs


A discussion on the difference between qualitative and quantitative research and why quantitative research articles are need for supporting the DPI project. Five primary quantitative research articles that offer support for the proposed intervention are to be obtained

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care.

PICOT-D Draft 3 hrs


Entails development of the first draft of the PICOT-D for the proposed practice problem

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care.

Topic 5 DQ 1 2 hrs


Explanation of personal and research bias and why bias contributes to poor validity of research outcomes. Also entails exploration of how a quality improvement project can be affect the research applied is biased. Critical thinking and effective communication

Topic 5 DQ 2 2 hrs


Explores the difference between clinical significance and statistical significance and how they may apply to the a quality improvement initiative Critical thinking and effective communication

Literature search 3 hrs 03/30/2022 Entails an introduction to methods of critical thinking needed for searching, evaluating and organizing research articles that support the proposed PICOT-D question

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care.

Topic 6 DQ 1 2 hrs


Explores how a literature evaluation table helps in evaluating the quality of a primary quantitative research article to determine if it support the DPI project

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design,direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care.

Topic 6 DQ 2 2 hrs


Explanation of the process to be used in reviewing and incorporating instructors feedback on assignment Effective communication and critical thinking

Annotated bibliography 3 hrs 04/13/2022 Creation of an annotated bibliography to inform on the relevance of the selected articles and presenting the final primary quantitative research for the future DPI project.

5.1 Apply analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to identify and implement health care best practices.

5.2 Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

5.3 Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.

5.4 Disseminate and apply relevant findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and enrich practice leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

5.5 Employ information technology and research methods to appropriately manage data for the creation, evaluation, and application of evidence that leads to improved health care.

Topic 7 DQ 1 2 hrs


Explores the principles that have created my world view Critical thinking and Christian world view

Topic 7 DQ 2 2 hrs


A discussion on two principles of my personal worldview that are common with the GCU’s Christian worldview and how the common principles align with the vision and mission from the practice site. Critical thinking and Christian world view

PICOT-D Final Draft 3 hrs


Entails submission of the final draft of the revised PICOT-D Effective communication and critical thinking.

Topic 8 DQ 1 2 hrs


A reflection on the difference experiences of the course Critical thinking and effective communication.

Topic 8 DQ 2 2 hrs


Explanation of why the chosen topic for the PICOT-D is feasible and what changes could be necessary to make it feasible if it is not
Reflective journal entries. 3 hrs 04/13/2022 An integration of self-reflection and inquiry demonstrated in the current DNP course. Critical thinking

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