LDR 615 Benchmark Change Initiative Develop a Change Model

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

Research the various change models used by organizations today. After assessing these models, create a change model conducive to your field, and that will work within your organization’s culture. This model should serve to implement a strategic process that can help your organization integrate a change and respond to the internal or external driving forces that affect organizational success.

Create a visual representation of your model using a graphic organizer of your choice (flow chart, concept map, etc.). The design of your model will be unique and relevant to your organization, based on a critical analysis of its culture and behavior. However, your model must demonstrate the necessary steps for realistic implementation. Your model will be assessed on the quality of strategic implementation you design, the support you present for your model, and inclusion of the following concepts

Methods to evaluate the need for change:

  • Approach and criteria for choosing individuals or teams necessary for a change initiative
  • Communication strategies
  • Strategies to gather stakeholder support and overcome resistance
  • Implementation strategies
  • Sustainability strategies

Once you have created your model, prepare a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation to present your model and demonstrate how this model is relevant to your organization and why it will work well within your organization’s culture. In conclusion, discuss why this model will lead to sustainable change when most change initiatives fail. You will utilize this change model for your final paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MSL, MSL in Leadership and Homeland Security and Emergency Mgmnt 3.1; MBA and MSN Leadership in Health Care Systems, MBA and MSL, MSN Leadership in Health Care Systems 6.1

Analyze organizational behavior to determine systemic interdependencies among individuals, teams, and departments.

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The continuous need for improvement in health care means that healthcare organizations have to from time to time undertake change initiatives. Implementing such change initiatives is a complex but essential process which can help improve operational efficiency and patient outcomes. Therefore, the change implementation needs a well-structured approach detailing aspects such as clear communication, stakeholder engagement and ongoing support (Dang et al.,2021).

Stakeholder engagement is particularly important in reducing resistance and fostering buy-in. In addition, a change model can be used to guide such change processes. As such, this presentation focuses on a change model that can be used to drive the proposed change which is implementation of a mentorship program to reduce nurse burnout in Dignity Health Management Center

The Change Model

Change models play a crucial role in the implementation of the change initiatives or efforts. One of the factors which make the change models crucial is that they offer a structured framework to navigate the complexities of the change process. The implication is that change implementers need to pick a relevant change model after carefully considering the organizational culture and other factors which could impact the change implementation (Errida & Lofti, 2021).

Change models also help in risk management since they place organizations at an advantage to anticipate potential risks or challenges associated with change and come up with mitigation strategies, hence increasing the chances of successful change implementation. As such, the chosen change mode is Kurt Lewin’s Change model.

According to Lewin, change takes place in three phases. In addition, both driving and restraining forces are associated with change. Therefore, a change initiative becomes successful only when the driving forces are stronger than the restraining forces. The three phases include unfreezing, changing and the refreezing phase. The first phase which is unfreezing entails preparing the organization to accept the change (Burnes, 2021).

The key activities during this phase include creating awareness, building motivation, challenging the status quo and management of resistance. The second phase entails change implementation, using effective strategies to communicate, support and coaching as well as monitoring and feedback. The final phase is refreezing where the new norms are reinforces, success celebrated and ensuring that the change is stabilized.

Evaluation For the Need For Change

The proposed change is implementing a mentorship program to reduce nurse burnout at Dignity Health Management Center. Evaluating this change requires a comprehensive approach. Therefore, the first strategy is data collection and analysis which entails administering survey question to nurses regarding burnout, analyzing absenteeism and turnover rates, patient care metrics such as patient outcomes and satisfaction scores.

The next strategy is conducting a comprehensive literature review especially of peer-reviewed studies on nurse burnout and mentorship program, case studies of healthcare organizations which have successfully used the program to reduce burnout (Cavanaugh et al.,2022). The next strategy is benchmarking which can be both internal and external by comparing the burnout levels across different departments in the organization and comparing the data with other similar organizations

Apart from data collection and analysis, literature review and benchmarking, other strategies can also be used. The next strategy for evaluating the need for change is stakeholder analysis which entails stakeholder engagement through activities such as stakeholder mapping, and feedback collection since understanding the stakeholder perspective can help tailor the proposed mentorship program (Cavanaugh et al.,2022).

The next strategy is organizational assessment which involves cultural assessment and organizational culture assessment to determine readiness for change as well as resource assessment. Another important strategy is the use of SWOT analysis which can help reveal the organization’s strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.

Choosing Individuals For Change

Individuals and teams play an important role in change implementation. Therefore, it is important to use an appropriate criteria to choose individuals who would play the important roles in change implementation and management. The approach to be used involves several strategies. One of them is clear definition of roles and responsibilities which will help choose the right person with the desired qualities.

The next strategy is stakeholder mapping to help identified those who are directly and indirectly impacted by the proposed change. The next is use of a selection process which ensures that every identified individual has an opportunity to get selected and participate (Hookmani et al.,2021). The selection of the stakeholders should also be inclusive to ensure that the most suitable person is assigned the identified roles.

Apart from the approaches, it is also important to explore criteria which should be used. Therefore, the first criteria to be used is commitment to change to help chose individuals who prioritize and show genuine commitment to change such as lowering nurse burnout and improving work environment. such individuals are more likely to stay engaged to the course. The other criteria is expertise and experience to help select individuals with relevant expertise and experience related to mentorship since they can offer appropriate knowledge, support and guidance (Gularte-Rinaldo et al.,2023).

The next criteria to use is leadership and influence as individuals to help drive the change should have strong leadership qualities as well as ability to have positive influence on others which can enable them to garner support for the project. The other criteria which should be used is communication skills since good communication is key to mentorship

Communication Strategies

Communication is a key part of the project implementation process, especially in the second phase of Lewin’s change model. The second phase is the changing phase where the proposed initiative is implemented, as such, communication is important to help support the implementation process. Therefore, different strategies should be used. One of the strategies is using transparent and open communication, which can be used during kick-off meeting. It is important to use regular updates and implement feedback mechanisms to sustain ongoing feedback (Chirwa & Boikanyo, 2022).

It is also important to use an inclusive communication which can involve the use of interactive workshops, internal platforms and forums to help create a sense of involvement and ownership. Active listening should also be used to as part of communication strategies since it ensures that other stakeholders’ concerns and communication are well attended to. As part of the communication strategies, it is important to send clear and consistent messages.

The messages sent to stakeholders and the team should succinctly articulate the purpose, benefits and process of the proposed mentorship program and channels such as meetings, posters, newsletters and emails should be used to convey the messages (Chirwa & Boikanyo, 2022). The leaders should also be encouraged to make key announcements regarding the mentorship program. Tailored communication should also be used through sending targeted messages to various team members to encourage involvement

Stakeholder Support and Overcoming Resistance

Stakeholders are important in any project since they are impacted either directly or indirectly by the project, therefore, it is important to gain their support to increase the chances of a successful implementation process. Different strategies can be used to gain stakeholder support. One of the strategies is early engagement of stakeholders through meetings and one-on-one engagements to gain their support. Such early stakeholder engagement ensures transparency and trust and fosters a sense of ownership and involvement in the program (Kujala et al.,2022).

Another strategy is provision of clear and compelling evidence like evidence obtained from research on nurse burnout and its impacts on patient outcomes. The strategy helps reduce resistance and skepticism since concrete examples and data is provided. The next strategy is seeking the help of change champions and influential leaders which can advocate for the program and influence others to support it

Apart from the already discussed strategies, there are other additional strategies which can be used. The next strategy is taking initiative to address any arising misconceptions or concerns regarding the project which can be accomplished through engaging potential stakeholders in open forums or one-on-one consultations. Stakeholders can also be convinced and resistance overcame through sharing with them tangible and observable success stories and discussing in detail the potential benefits of implementing the mentorship program (Kujala et al.,2022).

Training and support can also be provided to reduce potential resistance. In addition offering a clear implementation plan and the project expectations can also help reduce resistance and make the stakeholders support the project.

Implementation Strategies

Implementation is one of the most important phases of project implementation. Therefore, it is important to have a detailed plan and proven strategies which can be used to support a successful implementation of the mentorship program. One of the strategies is conducting a comprehensive preparation and planning which entails various activities such as needs assessment, formulation of goals and allocating the required resources. It is also important to select nurses to participate in the mentorship program and individuals to mentor them (Tucker et al.,2021).

The mentors should be individuals with sufficient expertise and experience. The next strategy for implementing the proposed program is carrying out a comprehensive training program to the mentors so that they are acquire skills such as stress management and effective communication.

The next implementation strategy which should be used to implement the mentorship program is capacity building. It is important to build the capacity within the organization so that nurse have less cases of burnout and that more staff engage in practices geared towards preventing burnout. It is also important to use effective communication strategies to help others know more about the project and its potential advantages.

Such effective communication can also help in promoting the program as appropriate (Tucker et al.,2021). It is also important to use a rewards and recognition system as part of the implementation process to ensure that those who stand out are rewarded as appropriate.

Sustainability Strategies

It is vital to ensure that the implemented mentorship program is sustainable. Therefore, using proven strategies is necessary. One of the strategies to use is to ensure that there is funding and resources to continually support the mentorship program in the organization through strategies such as grants and sponsorship exploration. It is also vital ensure that the implemented mentorship program is embedded into the organizational culture, hence strategies should be used to make the leaders support the program and that the goals are aligned with the organizational culture (Cullen et al, 2022).

Creating a supportive network of mentors is also important for the sustainability since they will ensure that the programs are conducted frequently in the organization.


  • Burnes, B. (2020). The origins of Lewin’s three-step model of change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(1), 32-59. https //doi.org/10.1177/0021886319892685
  • Cavanaugh, K., Cline, D., Belfer, B., Chang, S., Thoman, E., Pickard, T., & Holladay, C. L. (2022). The positive impact of mentoring on burnout Organizational research and best practices. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 28, 100521. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2022.100521
  • Chirwa, M., & Boikanyo, D. H. (2022). The role of effective communication in successful strategy implementation. Acta Commercii, 22(1), 1-13. http //dx.doi.org/10.4102/ac.v22i1.1020
  • Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Tucker, S., & Edmonds, S. (2022). Evidence-based Practice in Action Comprehensive Strategies, Tools, and Tips from University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. Sigma Theta Tau.
  • Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.
  • Errida, A., & Lotfi, B. (2021). The determinants of organizational change management success Literature review and case study. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 13, 18479790211016273. https //doi.org/10.1177/18479790211016273
  • Gularte-Rinaldo, J., Baumgardner, R., Tilton, T., & Brailoff, V. (2023). Mentorship respect study a nurse Mentorship program’s impact on transition to practice and decision to remain in nursing for newly graduated nurses. Nurse Leader, 21(2), 262-267. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.mnl.2022.07.003
  • Hookmani, A. A., Lalani, N., Sultan, N., Zubairi, A., Hussain, A., Hasan, B. S., & Rasheed, M. A. (2021). Development of an on-job mentorship programme to improve nursing experience for enhanced patient experience of compassionate care. BMC Nursing, 20, 1-18. Doi 10.1186/s12912-021-00682-4
  • Kujala, J., Sachs, S., Leinonen, H., Heikkinen, A., & Laude, D. (2022). Stakeholder engagement Past, present, and future. Business & Society, 61(5), 1136-1196. https //doi.org/10.1177/00076503211066595
  • Tucker, S., McNett, M., Mazurek Melnyk, B., Hanrahan, K., Hunter, S. C., Kim, B., … & Kitson, A. (2021). Implementation science Application of evidence‐based practice models to improve healthcare quality. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 18(2), 76-84. https //doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12495

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