HCA 205 Week 4 Discussion 2 Healthcare Systems Around the World

Paper Instructions

Healthcare systems around the world provide different levels and types of care; funding foreign systems is dramatically different from the United States. Choose a country other than the United States, and research its health care system.

For this discussion, you will provide an overview on your selected country’s health care system. In your main response, address the following elements including consideration of your answers to the questions below;

Describe any foreign healthcare system by answering the following questions:

  • How do the people in the country access health care?
  • How do the citizens of the country pay for the health care?
  • What is the quality of the health care they receive? Are there unique services provided?
  • Describe some of the pros and cons of the system.

Identify at least two examples of similarities between your selected country and the U.S. healthcare system.

Differentiate between U.S. health care and the health care system of the country you chose by sharing at least two examples of how they are different.

You must use at least two scholarly or government resources besides your textbook in your research and response.

Guided Response

Review your classmate’s posts. Choose two classmates who selected two different countries than you did and respond as follows

  • Identify one element that you would recommend to include in the U.S. healthcare system.
  • Discuss your reasons why this would be beneficial for the U.S. healthcare system.

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How do the people in France access health care?

The people in France access health care by applying at their local CPAM (Caisse Primaire Assurance Maladie) offices.

How do the citizens of the country pay for their healthcare?

The French citizens obligatorily pay a part of their healthcare by getting about thirteen percent of their salary deducted from their paychecks, and they spend a small cost each time they get checked by their doctors. The French government also contributes to the payment of its citizens’ healthcare.

What is the quality of the healthcare they receive? Are there unique services provided?

According to the article “France Offers the Best Healthcare on Earth,” the authors say that France provides one of the best health care quality at a lower cost and continuously receives high scores in the healthcare category of International Living’s Annual Global Retirement Index. Ed Dolan says in his article” What Can The US Learn From The French Health Care System?”, that French patients can choose their PCPs with minimal constraints and can see specialists of their choice. ” French Public Healthcare is recognized for its high quality, speed, and affordability.” (Jennifer, Rowell-Gastard, 2017). There are many services provided by public and private doctors, and the services fees are different.

Describe some of the Pros and Cons of the system.

French healthcare system offers many advantages, and price and quality care are some of them. French people believe that ” the greatest wealth is health.” and that is one of the reasons why equal access to healthcare is one of the French government’s missions. According to Jennifer, Rowell-Gastard, in the article (The Pros and Cons of the French Healthcare System” French people have equal access to health care at a very affordable price. In France, surgical procedures and major illness expenses like cancer are reimbursed 100 percent in public hospitals and some clinics.

Some people migrate because they do not have enough money to get decent healthcare. In France, quality of care for all is the top priority. According to ms. Rowell-Gastard, Medical desert and over-prescription of medication are some of the Cons of the French healthcare system. In France, there are about 3.6 doctors for thousands of inhabitants, but most rural areas do not have enough doctors.

Two similar examples between the French and the U.S. healthcare system.

The French and U.S. healthcare systems both rely on the private and government insurance. Also, both systems deal with malpractice cases.

Difference between the U.S. and French health care system

  • In France, everyone has access to health insurance, which is not the case in the U.S.
  • The waiting time to get a medical appointment is greater in the U.S.( Six days or more, according to Elisabeth, Rosenthal. ) than in France.


  • Rowell-Gastard, J. (2017, September 01). The Pros and Cons of the French Healthcare System. Retrieved August 18, 2018, from https //www.renestance.com/blog/pros-cons-french-healthcare-system/
  • Blog, E. D. (2011, March 10). What Can The US Learn From The French Health Care System? Retrieved August 18, 2018, from https //www.businessinsider.com/what-can-the-us-learn-from-the-french-health-care-system-2011-3
  • (2017, December 07). France’s Excellent Healthcare System Just Got Easier For Expats. Retrieved August 18, 2018, from https //www.huffingtonpost.com/internationallivingcom/healthcare-in-france-expats_b_11830382.html

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