HCA 545 Addressing Diversity

Paper Instructions


1. Providers must learn new tools to eliminate disparities, build trust with patients, and understand how international biases and pre-established stereotypes affect quality of care. Write a paper(1,000-1,250 words) that identifies and defines various tools and measurements that can be used to
measure the effectiveness of diversity programs and policies established by the organization.

2. Address how each of the following must be considered when considering how to implement an environment of diversity:

  • Government regulations.
  • Social pressures.
  • Industry and company ethical codes.
  • Tension between personal standards and the goals of the organization.

3. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

4. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

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Diversity in the workplace is ideally the realization of the uniqueness that each employee possesses ranging from their cultural background to expertise in their specific field of study or work. Most healthcare organizations are coming up with strategies that will enhance a work culture and climate that supports diversity and inclusion owing to the multiple benefits that accompany the move. There are several benefits of incorporating diversity in an organization.

These include the following increased creativity and productivity, high levels of employee job satisfaction coupled with reduced staff turnover rates and improved organizational reputation among many others, all of which lead to increased profit margins for the organization (Barak, 2016). All this occurs because the employees feel accepted and valued in their places of work. The job satisfaction that they enjoy drives them to be creative and innovative since they want to stay and see the companies thrive. Research has continually shown that organizations that practice greater diversity in the workplace have significantly reduced staff turnover rates (Hsiao, Auld & Ma, 2015).

Sometimes, it is fairly easy to perceive the climate of a workplace by simply walking in the environment. A workplace environment where the culture of diversity and inclusion thrives has a climate that is both welcoming and conducive. The perception of productivity is also palpable in organizations where diversity and inclusion are treated as a priority. There are several ways in which diversity can be measured within a given organization. One of the easiest ways to measure workplace diversity is through generating the data that shows the employee census categorized into gender, ethnicity, race, and disability among others.

It, therefore, does not come as a surprise that most organizations that prioritize diversity ensure that they employ workers from diverse backgrounds. The level of employee inclusion is another way in which the workplace diversity can be measured. Employee inclusion is where the employees’ opinions are valued and incorporated in making organizational decisions. Also, the level of interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration can be used to measure workplace diversity as it paints a picture of an environment that promotes equality and does not condone discrimination of any caliber (Barak, 2016).

Government regulations

Many factors have to be considered by an organization when coming up with strategies that will enhance workplace diversity and one of them is government regulations and policies. For instance, the government, both at the state and federal level, has been consistent in its fight against any form of workplace discrimination and equality through its policies. It is, therefore, the duty of all employers to ensure that its organizational policies mirror the policies and requirements of the government.

This factor can easily be achieved by the organization by employing workers from diverse backgrounds while factoring in equality on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, race, and disability among many others. Excellent examples of government statutes that cater for the workers and should be considered by the organization when coming up with effective strategies to incorporate workplace diversity include the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Occupational Health Act of 1970 as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 among others.

The statutes mentioned above are tailored by the government to fight discrimination and promote equality for all workers. Further, the government makes illegal any organizational practices that establish any practices that run contrary to its provisions (Özbilgin et al., 2015; Barak, 2016).

Social pressures

While considering social pressures is a good strategy for the organization, the factor must be balanced to ensure the continuity and prosperity of the organization. This is because, while social pressures are likely to boost the social performance of the company, they also have a tendency of jeopardizing the organization’s financial performance (Ravazzani, 2016). The organization, while practicing employee inclusivity in the decision making processes, must remember to also be assertive in their regulations and steadfast in their decisions so as the workers still recognize the authority above them.

According to Ravazzani (2016), Social pressures have the capability of ruining the reputation and brand of the organization which means that its continuity is likely to be cut short unless corrective measures are implemented. The organization has the obligation to ensure that its policies conform to the societal standards so as to ensure that the company’s impact on society is also not shunned by the community. When the organization conforms to the societal standards, its competitiveness is boosted while at the same time giving it an edge above its competitors hence increased productivity and profit margins.

Industry and ethical codes

While coming up with the strategies to enhance diversity at the workplace, organization management has to be keen to implement core organizational values that focus on the positive attitudes within the workforce. This means that the organization has to make it clear that certain behaviors are expected of all workers concerning each other in the workplace environment. The same applies also to those behaviors that the organization will not condone. The primary reason for such provisions is to ensure that all workers feel valued and included in the organization (Ravazzani, 2016).

The perception of inclusivity is beneficial to the organization with respect to creativity, innovation, low staff turnover rates, increased productivity and improved profit margins. The implementation of workplace diversity while considering the industry and ethical codes ensures that the workers enjoy job satisfactions meaning they are likely to stay longer, and also more likely to report a problem to the management for corrective measures (Ravazzani, 2016; Barak, 2016). Industry and ethical considerations are vital in building a sense of interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration which boosts the organizational productivity and profit margins.

The tension between personal standards and the goals of the organization
According to Windscheid and colleagues (2017), not following the policy of inclusivity by the management of an organization can have the undesirable effect of having implemented strategies going against the preferences of the workers. The best way to go around such scenarios is through inclusivity and other employee engagement practices where the organization management communicates its goals and intentions to the workers prior to their implementation. The workers are then given a platform to air their opinions regarding the goals tabled to them. A compromise is then made where the management implements new strategies that incorporate the workers’ input.

The establishment of such strategies is bound to be met with positivity as it includes the workers’ values as opposed to where the workers’ values are dismissed. This ensures that there are no conflicts and opposition between the management and the workers because every party’s preferences have been considered and incorporated. Inclusivity and employee engagement are the way out of employer and employee conflicts that can have adverse repercussions on the organization and its future.


  • Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.
  • Hsiao, A., Auld, C., & Ma, E. (2015). Perceived organizational diversity and employee behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 48, 102-112.
  • Özbilgin, M., Jonsen, K., Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J., & Surgevil, O. (2015). Global diversity management. London, United Kingdom Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ravazzani, S. (2016). Understanding approaches to managing diversity in the workplace. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion An International Journal.
  • Windscheid, L., Bowes-Sperry, L., Mazei, J., & Morner, M. (2017). The paradox of diversity initiatives When organizational needs differ from employee preferences. Journal of Business Ethics, 145(1), 33-48.

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