DNP 815 PICOT-D Question Submission

Paper Instructions

The purpose of this assignment (noncredit) is to present your fnal PICOT-D question for your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project to your faculty for any last-minute changes needed before your Final PICOT-D
submission for program approval in Topic 7.

General Requirements

  • Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


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  • Using the “PICOT-D Question Template,” located in the DC Network, fully fll out the PICOT-D question using
    all templated statements and ensuring your original research articles are listed to the assignment dropbox.
  • Utilize feedback received on prior PICOT Question Submissions (DNP-801A, DNP 805A and DNP-815A).
  • The PICOT-D Question Template must be saved using this format Learner frst name.learner last Example Mary.Smith.DNPXXX.XX.XX.2020.doc (if not labeled correctly, this
    submission will be not be reviewed and will be returned to you)
  • Make sure you made 100% of all the previous changes from your previous reviews.

Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours

It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the
References section of your paper

Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-815A

I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock hours in association with the goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity Tracker for
verifcation purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.

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CONHCP Doctor Of Nursing Practice Final PICOT-D Approval

The department has conducted a review of your PICOT-D question in an effort to support the development of your project. Please note that this review is a FINAL APPROVAL of the PICOT-D and will require permission by the DNP Program Lead for any changes to this statement beyond the date of this approved review. We highly discourage changes as they may prevent you from progressing.

PICOT-D Question

Mandatory questions Are you an APRN? What is your expected graduation year?

All projects must have a minimum of 3 original research studies to support the intervention. (One of the three original research articles to support your intervention need to come from the US or Canada). The other research studies can come from the UK, Denmark, India, New Zealand, or Australia (preferred) or from any of the 131 countries listed in the International Compilation of Human Research Standards 2020.

In DNP-955A You will be required to have a total of 15 research articles to support the intervention (3 from PICOT, plus other original research)
Original Research Articles (Use permalinks and attach a pdf copy of each of the quantitative original research articles)
1. X
2. X
3. X


This is your Final Approved PICOT-D statement. Please maintain this copy and please include it in each course ISP going forward, in addition, this is the FINAL approved statement to be shared with all DNP course instructors going forward.

If you need to make a change to this PICOT-D statement, you must work with your current course instructor to review and approve any possible changes and your instructor must notify the DNP Program Lead. Making a change to your PICOT-D statement past this date may lead to your delay and success in this program, there must be a valid significant reason to change this PICOT-D statement going forward.

It will require you to stop and re-gain permission prior to progressing. This final approval is tracked in CRM. You may not begin your intervention or collect any data related to your project until you have GCU IRB approval, which typically occurs in 960A.

Prior to your project courses, you will be working on designing a project in preparation for the submission of your proposal in 955A. Ensure you are accessing the resources in the DC network and in the classroom. You do not need to resubmit your PICOT to the department.

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