NUR 600 Assignment 4.2 Assessment of the HEENT System Write-Up

Paper Instructions

Assignment Guidelines

Submit a write-up on your friend/family member, focusing on the systems we are studying in this unit. Pay attention to proper sequencing of the exam in your write-up, and limit it to 100 words. Be sure to use proper terminology and technical writing skills. The Bickley text has a Record Your Findings  section at the end of every chapter and will be very helpful with documentation examples.

View a sample write-up document.


Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 4.2 Assessment of the HEENT System Write-Up page.

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  • The head is symmetrical and atraumatic.


  • The sclera is white but the conjunctiva is injected and has excessive tearing. Red reflex noted bilaterally; PERRLA.


  • Tympanic membranes are shiny and patent bilaterally.

Nose and Sinuses

  • Pale-blue nasal mucosa; Thin, watery nasal secretions noted; the nasal septum is well-aligned. Frontal and maxillary sinuses are non-tender.


  • Pink and moist mucosal membranes; the tongue is pink, non-inflamed, and midline. One tooth is missing and two tooth cavities noted.


  • The Tonsillar gland is patent and non-erythematous.


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