Approaches to Disease Management Vaginal Discharge

Paper Instructions

After studying Module 7 Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

A 6-year-old has a yellow vaginal discharge. The examination is otherwise normal.

  • What are key points in the history and physical examination?
  • How would you approach differ if the patient were a sexually active 16-year-old?
  • What are similarities and differences in the approach?

Submission Instructions

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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A six-year-old female presents with a history of yellowish vaginal discharge. Her examination is normal despite the abnormal discharge. The purpose of the paper is to describe the history and physical examination of the patient, how I would approach a 16-year-old, and the differences and similarities in approach in both patients.

History and Physical Examination of the Patient

In this patient, it is crucial to ask the patient or the guardian when she started experiencing the abnormal discharge and what the color of the previous discharge was. In addition, I would also ask if she has experienced any vulvovaginal itchiness or has noticed any bloody discharge. I would also ask about the kind of material the patient uses for her underwear and the temperature the guardian uses to clean her underwear (Gao et al., 2023).

I would also inquire if she has been using any antibiotics in the recent past or experiencing pain while urinating. On the physical examination, I would thoroughly examine the external genitalia to check for any ulcers and swellings. I would also check for any vulvovaginal erythema.

How I Would Approach a Sexually Active 16-Year-Old Female

Approaching a 16-year-old female requires a safe environment where she feels comfortable expressing herself freely. I would also ensure that I respect the patient while maintaining confidentiality and a nonjudgmental environment (Murewanhema et al., 2022). While interviewing the patient, I would inquire about her past sexual history, including the number of partners she has had intercourse with and whether she has used protective or contraceptive methods during intercourse.

Additionally, I would ask whether she has done any sexually transmitted illness (STI) screening and perform the test. I would also screen and test for pelvic inflammatory disease and educate her on safe sexual practices.

Similarities and Differences in The Approach of Both Patients

History taking and physical examination for both patients is crucial to identify the etiology of the vaginal discharge. In addition, for both patients, it is crucial to perform necessary diagnostic tests to confirm and exclude certain diagnoses. Patient education in both patients is also crucial (Sim et al., 2020). However, due to the differences in age, it is crucial to engage the guardian for the six-year-old patient for recovery, while for the 16-year-old, guardian involvement may be less necessary.

Lastly, the approach for the 16-year-old is different as the etiology of the abnormal vaginal discharge is STIs, while for the six-year-old is poor vaginal hygiene.


Abnormal vaginal discharge has multiple etiologies. It is crucial to identify the cause through a proper history and physical examination. The approach to a sexually active adolescent differs as confidentiality and a nonjudgmental environment promote safe and open communication.


  • Gao, H., Zhang, Y., Pan, Y., Zhao, M., Qi, Y., Zhou, M., C. Chan, S. S., Huang, S., Song, P., Tang, K., Sun, L., & Yuan, C. (2023). Patterns of pediatric and adolescent female genital inflammation in China An eight-year retrospective study of 49,175 patients in China. Frontiers in Public Health, 11. https //
  • Murewanhema, G., Moyo, E., Mhango, M., Chitungo, I., Moyo, P., Musuka, G., Dzobo, M., & Dzinamarira, T. (2022). Abnormal vaginal discharge among women of reproductive age in sub-Saharan Africa The need for a paradigm shift from a syndromic approach to specific pathogen identification and directed treatment. IJID Regions, 5, 165-168. https //
  • Sim, M., Logan, S., & Goh, L. H. (2020). Vaginal discharge Evaluation and management in primary care. Singapore Medical Journal, 61(6), 297-301. https //

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