NU 606 Week 7 Discussion 1 Develop Visual Aid/Educational Presentation

Paper Instructions

Initial Post

For this week’s discussion board initial post, please develop a visual aid, diagram, image, or similar device that addresses the following questions. Include a brief explanation/description of the content covered in addition to your visual aid; the explanation can be recorded or written.

Please be sure to use evidence-based, peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the past three to five years in addition to your textbook and course materials as you develop your post.

  1. Explain what stroke volume is and how it is related to the cardiovascular system; address, particularly, stroke volume, heart rate, and blood pressure.
  2. Identify two disorders of the cardiovascular system that affect stroke volume, heart rate, and BP, and explain how the disease state and pathophysiologic process alters these components away from their homeostatic state.
  3. Describe how these changes can result in cardiac remodeling. What signs and symptoms do patients experience as this occurs?
  4. Discuss whether this remodeling is reversible and/or preventable. What can be done to correct the pathologic process and return the cardiovascular system to its homeostatic state.

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New content learned

The purpose of this reply post is to dive into new things learned from my peers after viewing their discussion posts, describe a patient I may encounter in future practice as an advanced practitioner, and divulge the subject and objective data this patient may exhibit.

Marks (2021) defines stroke volume as the amount of blood pumped by the heart’s left ventricle in one contraction. The blood volume in the left ventricle is not the total stroke volume (Marks,2021). However, together with the heart rate, the stroke volume determines the output of blood by the heart per minute (cardiac output); this was new content for me as in current practice, I do not often hear the expression “stroke volume.”

Your discussion post stated, “Any changes in heart and stroke volume will change cardiac output.” After reading this discussion post, I now know that cardiac output connects to energy production. If there is poor tissue perfusion, it is going to result in a decrease in energy. Further, as we look at the big picture and put all these pieces together, I see this makes sense.

Again, as we learned about stroke volume, I was unaware there was a way to Cardiac output is measured by one’s heart rate x stroke volume resulting in cardiac output. CO= HR x SV. Cardiac remodeling has been described as both an adaptive and a maladaptive process. The adaptive component enables the heart to maintain function in response to an acute phase of pressure or volume overloading (Cohn et al., 2000).

Patient encountered

In my future practice as an Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP), many adults are diagnosed with congested heart failure (CHF). According to Emory Health care (2019), the incidence of CHF is an average of 10 per 1,000 people ages 65 years and above.

Further, the prevalence of CHF is higher in men than women; however, African-Americans are 1.5 times more likely to develop heart failure than Caucasians (Emory Health care,2019).

Signs and symptoms exhibited subjective / objective

Patients presenting with CHF may have subjective symptoms such as chest discomfort, shortness of breath, fatigue- weakness, nausea, difficulty concentrating. Objective signs observed could be marked edema to extremities, weight gain from extra fluid, lungs wheezing or crackles on auscultation caused by pulmonary congestion or edema, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.

CHF can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, choosing healthy foods, limiting food high in sodium, limiting alcohol, and refraining from smoking. Furthermore, treatment options are medications such as diuretics, beta-blockers, ace inhibitors(Mayo Clinic,2021).

Thanks for an informative post

Best Regards,

Teresa H.


  • Cohn, J., Ferrari, R., & Sharpe, N., (2000). Cardiac remodeling—concepts and clinical implications a consensus paper from an international forum on cardiac remodeling. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 35(3) pp. 569-582 https // ~ text=Cardiac%20remodeling%20may%20be%20defined%20as%20genome%20expression%2C,neurohormonal%20activation%20and%20other%20factors%20still%20under%20investigation.
  • Emory Healthcare (2019). Heart & Vascular Conditions & Treatments https // ~ text=CHF%20is%20the%20first-listed%20diagnosis%20in%20875%2C000%20hospitalizations%2C,develop%20CHF%20die%20within%205%20years%20of%20diagnosis.
  • Marks, J. (2021). Medical Definition of Stroke volume. Medicine Net https //
    Mayo Clinic. (2021). Heart failure; Diagnosis and treatment. https //

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