HP 626 Week 4 Journal Entry Successful Aging through Senior Housing

Paper Instructions


Journal writing provides a nonthreatening way to explore different thoughts, ideas, and topics without being concerned about audience presentation. The process of writing can facilitate reflection and allow you to express your feelings regarding your educational experiences, as well as clarify your thinking.

Please write about the following in your journal

What is successful aging? Imagine yourself at 80 years of age. What does successful aging look like to you, and how might it improve your final years in life if you are fortunate to reach 80 years of age?

When considering your aging self, describe the senior living options you would consider for yourself. Provide rationales or reasoning for those options.

At what age do you envision wanting to make the transition (or transitions) from the living arrangements you have now?

What factors might influence your decision to transition to other living arrangements?

  • What are factors that would deter you from choosing senior living options?
  • What role do aging service providers have in guiding aging adults seeking aging services?

Your journal entry should be 250 to 400 words long. No outside research is expected and, therefore, no references are needed.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

Posting Your Journal Entry

  • Select Start or Edit My Journal Entry.
  • Create your journal entry.
  • Select Save Changes.

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Successful aging encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being in the avoidance of disease and disability in the later years of one’s life. In my 80s, maintaining good well-being would ensure I am actively engaged in productive social activities and creating meaningful connections that would provide purpose and improve my quality of life in my 80s.

As an aging self, I consider in-home care or a nursing home as my living options. In-home care would ensure my independence while living in my home, providing personalized comfort while in my 80s. It also ensures that I am actively involved in my daily family activities, making me feel connected to my family.

Additionally, it is cost-effective as the plan does not need additional costs while providing one-on-one attention. On the other hand, a nursing home would provide skilled care and services, relieving my family from daily caregiving responsibilities.

The nursing home would also provide a social environment to engage with my peers. I would consider making transitions in my living arrangements in my late 60s as, at this age, I would need more health, physical, and social support systems.

A decline in my health is one of the major factors that influence my transition to ensure I receive specialized care. The need for a social system would also affect my decision, especially if I would need a caregiver with my declining health and independence.

In addition, I would also consider whether I have adequate finances to suit my living options. However, cost concerns would be a major barrier to my living options as a better option would strain my family’s finances.

In addition, I would oppose living in a nursing home as it would make me lose my independence, lose the sense of being at home, and subject me to discrimination. Aging service providers need to conduct thorough assessments that help the senior population understand their personal needs, preferences, and challenges.

As a result, the assessment would provide information and education to the group to help them make decisions that would address specific health, social, and support needs. Lastly, the providers can advocate to ensure the rights of senior citizens are respected and upheld.

Thank you for your journal entry. You responded to all prompts in the journal and met the content requirement. I enjoyed reading your perspective in response to the journal prompt. Successful aging certainly has many definitions and is quite different among people.

This is important to understand the wide array of definitions as it allows us to understand that everyone views the quality of life and successful aging differently. Senior housing can be a great option to support a person’s successful aging goals; for others, it serves a need in their life.

Traditionally, skilled nursing homes were one of the only options for seniors and were often an option that was avoided by many. Hospitality principles have certainly integrated with senior housing and often provide some quality of life to support successful aging goals.

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly challenged senior living arrangements outside of a person’s home and challenged the need for socialization.
Great job!

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