NUR 700 Discussion 4.1 Story Theory and Clinical Comfort in Nursing

Paper Instructions

Discussion Guidelines

Review the graphics and respond to the questions that follow.

Consider the central concepts of story theory. Begin by connecting with self-in-relation (developing story-plot). Use intentional dialogue (complicating health challenge). Finally, create ease (moving toward resolution).

  • Adapted from Smith, M. J. (2014). Story theory. Middle range theory for nursing (p. 234). Springer.

Next, consider the following image representing Comfort Theory and its eight major concepts including healthcare needs, nursing interventions, intervening variables, enhanced comfort, health-seeking behaviors, and institutional integrity. Health seeking behaviors include internal behaviors, peaceful death, and external behaviors. Institutional integrity includes best practices and best policies.

  • Adapted from Smith, M. C. (2020). Figure 21-2. Conceptual framework for comfort theory. In Nursing theories and nursing practice (5th ed., p. 374). F.A. Davis.

Now consider the following image representing the Quality-Care Model and its concepts of humans in relationships, relationship-centered professional encounters, leading to an outcome of feeling “cared for” and over time, enhancements in the systems’ well-being.

  • Adapted from Duffy, J. (2018). Revised quality-caring model ©. Quality caring in nursing and health systems Implications for clinicians, educators, and leaders (p. 49). Springer.

Initial Post

  • Describe how story theory will strengthen the care you provide to clients.
  • Now, identify a specific example of a client you have encountered and explain how you could have used one of the following theories to provide quality care.
    • Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort
    • Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model

This discussion will be graded using the Discussion Initial Post and Replies Rubric found in your syllabus.

Response Post(s)

Using the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback (PDF) (Links to an external site.) reply to the initial posts of at least two of your classmates.


Post your initial and follow-up responses and review full grading criteria on the Discussion 4.1 Story Theory and Clinical Comfort in Nursing page.

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Story Theory

Story theory is a model that is used in nursing to provide patient-centered care. The theory consists of interrelated concepts that include connecting with self-in-relation, intentional dialogue, and creating ease. Its use will strengthen the care that I provide to patients in a number of ways. One of them will be improving my understanding of the actual and potential needs of the patients I serve. Through self-expression by clients, I will identify the critical care needs that should be prioritized to promote quality in care. The use of the theory will also strengthen self-awareness of the patients.

Patients will understand their negative thoughts and opportunities that can be explored to ensure that their maladaptive thoughts and beliefs are replaced with positive behaviors. The use of the theory will therefore improve the coping skills of patients with their health problems. An example of the ways in which the story theory will improve the care given to patients is when working with individuals with depression. Story theory enables patients with depression to understand their negative thoughts and beliefs, and transform them through the identification of effective coping skills for depressive symptoms (Chuang et al., 2018).

An example of a patient experience that I have encountered in the clinical setting is a patient who were brought with fracture of the left femur. The client had severe pain that made it difficult for him to cooperate during his assessment. I could have used Kolcaba’s theory of comfort in addressing the care needs of this patient. According to the theory, meeting the comfort needs of a patients results in his or her sense of relief from distress (Oliveira et al., 2020).

It also contributes to ease of experience with the health problem. I could have applied the theory by promoting comfort through the administration of analgesics to ease the pain (Puchi et al., 2018). I would have also promoted his ease by reassuring and calming him that the health problem would be addressed effectively.


  • Chuang, H.-W., Kao, C.-W., Lee, M.-D., & Chang, Y.-C. (2018). Effectiveness of Story-Centred Care Intervention Program in older persons living in long-term care facilities A randomized, longitudinal study. PLoS ONE, 13(3), e0194178. https //
  • Oliveira, S. M. de, Costa, K. N. de F. M., Santos, K. F. O. dos, Oliveira, J. dos S., Pereira, M. A., & Fernandes, M. das G. M. (2020). Comfort needs as perceived by hospitalized elders An analysis under the light of Kolcaba’s theory. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 73. https //
  • Puchi, C., Paravic-Klijn, T., & Salazar, A. (2018). The Comfort Theory as a Theoretical Framework Applied to a Clinical Case of Hospital at Home. Holistic Nursing Practice, 32(5), 228–239. https //

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