NUR 600 Discussion 6.1 Cardiovascular Diagnoses 2

Paper Instructions

Discussion Guidelines

Initial Post

Using Chapter 7 of your Goolsby and Grubbs text, select one common diagnosis and one less-common diagnosis for the cardiovascular system. Describe how you would be able to differentiate them from each other on an exam.

Response Post

Reply to the initial posts of at least two classmates.


Post your initial and follow up responses and review full grading criteria on the Discussion 6.1 Cardiovascular Diagnoses

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The external chest has normal appearance without thrills, lifts or heaves. The chest wall rises symmetrically with respirations. There is no jugular venous distention or chest scars. The client does not have a pigeon chest or sunken sternum. The point of maximum impulse is at 5th intercostal space in the left midclavicular line. The pulses are adequate in peripheries and centrally. On auscultation, there is no thrill or adventitious heart sounds. There is no palpitation or murmurs.

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