NR 393 Course Project Phase 2 Conversation with the Selected Nurse (Graded)

Paper Instructions


Download the NR393 Course Project Phase 2 Conversation with the Selected Nurse Template (under Template below). This contains all areas to be addressed and the required questions you are to ask your Selected Nurse.

View Phase 2 Conversation with the Selected Nurse Tutorial below.

Conduct Phase 2 Conversation with the Selected Nurse after receiving approval from your instructor in the Gradebook for your Phase 1 Selected Nurse Information. The conversation will occur between Saturday of Week 2 or during Week 3 after instructor approval is documented.

The Conversation may take place face-to-face or via phone or video chat. You may NOT provide the questions to the nurse and ask the nurse to provide written or typed answers.

You may use audio, audio/video, or typed format (on the template) to record and submit Phase 2 Conversation with the Selected Nurse. Use the format you agreed to in Phase 1. There is no advantage to using any one format. Grading will be the same (see rubric below) regardless of the format selected.

NOTE Recordings must be 20 minutes or shorter.

Only one file may be submitted and must include all rubric areas.

Obtain permission from the Selected Nurse to participate in the Conversation by reading the statement provided on the Template for this purpose (Selected Nurse must agree).

Clearly explain to the Selected Nurse that statements made in the Conversation will be recorded (audio, video, and/or written as transcript on template) and submitted to the instructor. The Conversation is not intended for public access.

Questions and topics for Phase 2 Conversation with the Selected Nurse are provided for you on the required Template; these are the questions that must be included in the Conversation. Please notice that you will state the question/topic, the Selected Nurse will answer, and then you will add your own answer to that question/topic. This is not a traditional interview, but instead is a Conversation with sharing of memories and ideas related to the questions and topics. You may ask up to three additional questions if you like, but these are not scored.

At the close of the conversation, make a clear and detailed statement of gratitude for the Selected Nurse’s time and sharing in this Conversation (Note A simple “thank you” is not sufficient.)

Write a summary of the content of the Conversation. Be clear and thorough.

Submit Phase 2 assignment via Canvas by due date.


NR393 Course Project Phase 2 Template Conversation with the Selected Nurse [Download here Links to an external site.]

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Student Introduction and Statement of Purpose (20 points)


Good afternoon. My name is Soye, an RN currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. I am here for an interview with you to get first-hand insight into your experience as a professional nurse with immense experience of more than 15 years. I believe that you are the most suited professional nurse to give insight based on my interaction with you at my practice facility before enrolling in this program. You remain a mentor and my inspiration to advance my nursing education because of our interactions in the workplace and as a nurse leader. This interview follows a transcript prepared by the program and graded in my class.

Selected Nurse Introduction (20 points)


Thank you Soye. As you know, my name is Rosa Harris, RN, BSN, and MSN in psychiatric mental health nursing (PMHN). I have been a nurse for 15 years and specialized in behavioral and mental health for the last five years. I appreciate you for selecting me for this interview and I accept that sharing my experience will motivate and inspire you to attain more qualifications, especially advancing my nursing education and probably attaining a terminal degree like a DNP.

Selected Nurse States Verbal Permission for Conversation and Submission (25 points)


Do you agree to this recorded conversation and submission to my instructor for grading purposes?


Yes, I agree to this recorded conversion and your subsequent submission to the instructor for grading purposes.

Questions and Answers

Question 1


What are your favorite memories of nursing school from your Student days?


I would say that I had many memories since the entire nursing school was fun and great since I had always yearned to enter into the profession. However, the most significant moments were when we went out on practicums and attempted to practice what we had learned in classrooms. I felt happy attending to patients with various conditions and getting directions from my preceptor. Back in school, I enjoyed brainstorming sessions, especially when close to examinations, and also late-night coffee parties that helped us devise strategies to pass final exams. Going for outside trips also offered immense experiences as it taught us interactive moments with other nurses and how to network.


Those experiences sound awesome and I think I am thrilled since my practicum gave me a chance to have fun with other nurses in delivering care to patients.

Question 2


How did your first year of RN practice compare to your nursing practice today?


My first year of practice was eventful and generally tough but I enjoyed exploring approaches to nursing and handling patients. I navigated my units and scope practice with physicians and other nurses. However, I grew fast as my unit had cohesion and helped new nurses to get along. With time, experience, and more training, I became more confident and today, I always know what a patient wants. I have become an effective communicator and engage all stakeholders, especially patients and their families, to help them navigate the treatment journeys.


I really feel the urge that you had to improve and I hope that such experiences are handy for me as I transition to new roles. I need to enhance my self-awareness since practice environments are different.

Question 3


What were some nursing practices that you used in your earlier years that are no longer used today? Why are they no longer used?


Many nursing practices used in earlier years are no longer permissible today because of more research evidence and advanced technologies in healthcare (Abbott, et al., 2020). For instance, clinical practices from IV infusion to locating veins and even inserting catheters and handling all medical equipment have changed. Additionally, the advent of electronic health records (EHR) systems changed nursing practices from manual to automatic and digital. Further, nurses must possess software aspects like effective interactions with patients as demonstrated by changes in nursing curriculum; from diversity and inclusion to expansion of nursing roles and specialization. Practices like evidence-based care, holistic care, and integration of technologies were not profound a few years ago but are now an integral part of nursing practice (Bullough et al., 2021).


You are right as nursing practice has become a core part of healthcare delivery with technologies and better approaches to care being at the center of better and holistic care delivery.

Question 4


How have specific persons or events significantly impacted your practice over the years?


Certain people and events have significantly impacted my practice since I became a nurse. The most memorable of these events and people was my nurse preceptor when I went for my practicum. I have never forgotten my preceptor who inspired and motivated me to be a nurse. She was my Nightingale and I always wished that she could be a Nobel Laureate. In her, I saw the meaning of being a nurse, understanding one’s environment, and prioritizing patients, their safety, and their needs. Over the years, even after graduating, I practiced at the practicum site and got more insights and inspiration from her. I can say that all that I am, is courtesy of her mentorship.


She must have left an indelible mark on your practice. I can also say that my preceptor and nurse manager mirror the real values advanced by Florence Nightingale in nursing.

Question 5


How have you impacted the nursing practice of others?


I think I have impacted others like you who seek my experience through interviews. As a nurse leader, I am a role model for novice nurses, and with a preceptor’s initiative at my workplace, I model new nurses to expand their roles and be the best they can be as professional practitioners. I believe that by sharing my over 15 years working as a nurse, new nurses can learn and be better in their practice settings as they advance their training and education.


I am greatly impressed and honored. I must confess that experienced nurses play a critical role in modeling new nurses to improve and offer better care to patients. They inspire and motivate us as young and new nurses to enhance our practice and focus on what’s most important; the delivery of quality patient care.

Question 6


What contributions have you made to nursing in the areas of leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice?


As a preceptor and advanced practice nurse (APN), I am a role model in the workplace and implore nurses to use the most appropriate leadership approaches like being servant and transformational leaders. I advocate for quality care practice through interventions like EBP, holistic care, and embracing diversity and inclusion to serve patients based on their needs and preferences. I also engage the executive on patient issues to improve processes in the facility and guarantee quality care.


I must agree that you understand and love nursing. Your dedication and determination are sufficient evidence for all these aspects.

Question 7


What challenges in today’s nursing can be improved using lessons from the past?


The nursing profession faces critical challenges today like burnout, nursing shortage, and integration of holistic care through culturally competent delivery (Booth et al., 2021). Lessons from the past may not be suitable for these challenges. However, one lesson that nurses, nurse leaders, and all stakeholders can implement is focusing on the core goal of nursing, caring for patients, and dedication from providers. Nursing students and nurses in practice should show their commitment to improving patient care and leverage the current technologies to improve care outcomes.

Name of Student

The suggestions are great and I believe that even leveraging technologies will not solve the issue if nurses do not dedicate themselves to addressing the issues.

Question 8


Who is your favorite famous Nurse from nursing history?


Nightingale as the nursing practice pioneer is a towering famous nurse from history. However, Mary Mahoney was the first African American nurse and one of the first members of the American Nurses Association. She advocated for healthcare equality and that is important, especially at the time when racial segregation denied access to healthcare for hundreds of thousands of racial minorities (Hine, 2020). I believe that diversity is a critical component in nursing practice as illustrated by Mahoney.


Yes, I have read about Mary Mahoney and her advocacy efforts to expand healthcare access to millions of Americans. I believe that all nurses are inspired by historical figures like Nightingale.

Question 9


How do you use that famous Nurse’s examples in your practice?


I use her work as an inspiration for all nurses and patients to ensure inclusion and diversity are accepted in all practice environments, starting with my practice area and specialty. I advocate cultural diversity and competence for nurses to ensure that patients get appropriate care based on their preferences and cultural practices including embracing and promoting complementary and alternative medicine and therapies (CAM).


Diversity and inclusion as well as culturally competent care are core aspects in nursing practice and healthcare that all stakeholders should embrace to improve patient care. I agree that expanding access to quality and affordable care has led to better and longer lives for millions of Americans, especially those aging and those with chronic conditions.

Question 10


Based on your nursing past, what advice would you give to the new Nurse today?


New nurses require mentorship programs and support as they enter the profession since it is challenging. My advice is that they remain resilient, be willing to learn, and prioritize their wellness before extending to patients and health populations. Nurses should be self-aware, have emotional intelligence, and be resilient to succeed (Chism, 2021). They should emulate the best who succeeded and ensure they follow a professional code of conduct and behavior to avoid any threats to their professional progress and life. More fundamentally, they must serve themselves and others to attain treatment and healthcare goals.


This feels great and resilience, commitment, dedication and all critical values based on professional practice standards are essential for nurses to succeed and offer quality patient care (Lewis et al., 2020). Self-care is becoming a core part of being resilient and attaining better care delivery interventions.

Optional Question


Would you advise someone to pursue nursing as a career?


Of course. I am always willing to help and those wishing to be professionals must know that nursing is a rewarding, and fulfilling career that allows you to impact people’s lives.


I concur with you that nursing is one of the best careers and so practical to people’s lives.


Gratitude (20 points)


Thank you so much for this interaction and wonderful conversation. I have gained in-depth insights into your experience and I believe that the lessons will help me succeed as a nurse, now and in the future. I am greatly honored to hear your advice and I believe that success is a work in progress.


Thank you so much for coming and giving me a chance to share with you my perspectives on nursing based on my experience. I have remembered so much about my earlier days, especially in nursing school and as a young nurse in practice settings. I hope this insight helps you become a better nurse, not just with good grades but also in practice to impact patients and colleagues.

Summary (20 points)


I have gained much from this interview, especially on what it entails to be a professional nurse and how to attain success in career and healthcare delivery. One critical insight is that nurses are a core component of healthcare delivery and without their input, it would be difficult for other providers to offer quality care interventions. I have learned that nurses must leverage past and historical events and individuals to develop evidence-based practice approaches to care delivery. They must be willing to integrate technologies in their practice settings to change healthcare outcomes for patients (Van der Cingel et al., 2021). The interview is so insightful that nurses are role models and should motivate others to join the profession while seeking innovative ways to address challenges facing not just the profession, but the healthcare industry. Based on the words and advice of Nurse Rosa, RN, BSN, MSN, nursing is a rewarding career but new nurses should be resilient and make efforts to succeed in their practice. They must make practical differences in their practice settings and integrate the best evidence to deliver quality patient care.


  • Abbott, P., & Meerabeau, L. (2020). Professionals, professionalization and the caring professions. In The sociology of the caring professions (pp. 1-19).
  • Routledge. Booth, R. G., Strudwick, G., McBride, S., O’Connor, S., & López, A. L. S. (2021). How the nursing profession should adapt to a digital future. BMJ, 373. DOI 10.1136/bmj.n1190
  • Bullough, V. L., & Bullough, B. (2021). The Care of the sick The emergence of modern nursing. Routledge.
  • Chism, L. A. (2021). The doctor of nursing practice A guidebook for role development and professional issues. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.
  • Hine, D. C. (2020). Black women in white Racial conflict and cooperation in the nursing profession, 1890–1950. Indiana University Press.
  • Lewis, L. S., Rebeschi, L. M., & Hunt, E. (2022). Nursing education practice update 2022 competency-based education in nursing. SAGE Open Nursing, 8, 23779608221140774.
  • Van der Cingel, M., & Brouwer, J. (2021). What makes a nurse today? A debate on the nursing professional identity and its need for change. Nursing Philosophy, 22(2), e12343. DOI 10.1111/nup.12343.

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