RELI 448N Week 5 Discussion Judaism

Paper Instructions

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to only one of the following options;

Option 1

For this option, address the following;

a. Choose two (2) of the following terms Orthodox Judaism, Hassidic Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Conservative Judaism.
b. Briefly explain these two terms.
c. Describe where and how they originally developed and identify their similarities and differences.
d. Explain one contemporary issue that challenges each of your chosen religious traditions.

Option 2

The destruction of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem marks a major shift in the history and character of Judaism. For this option, address the following;

a. Describe the Jewish concept of Messiah and what Jews expected of their Messiah. How is Messiah understood before and after the second temple destruction?
b. What characterized Jewish practice before the destruction of the 2nd Temple?
c. What characterizes Jewish practice after the Temple’s destruction?
d. Explain one contemporary issue that challenges Judaism today.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Respond to a peer who chose an option different from the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

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Orthodox Judaism refers to traditional Judaism. This is the most interesting to me. This type of Judaism originated in Europe and is how Judaism was initially intended to be. However, because Jews were persecuted for their religious. beliefs under the reign of Hitler, much of the Judaism community was destroyed. There are two separate categories in Orthodox Judaism, one is called integrationists. These particular types of people are those who want to exist and contribute to a role in civil society. Then there are separatists.

These are people who want to live their lifestyle away from society (Molloy, M. (2012). In orthodox judaism, men seem to be more privileged than females, at least coming from a 2020 perspective. The religious services are conducted only by male rabbi’s. Only males are given bar mitzvah’s to celebrate their coming of age. The men are considered the workers and providers while the women maintain the homestead and tend to the children. On the day of the sabbath, no manual labor is allowed. This means no cooking, no cleaning, no talking on the phone, no electricity, etc. (Molloy, M. (2012).

Conservative Judaism- is for those who believe that the beliefs of orthodox judaism, are just far too radical. These people want to branch out and live their lives still practicing much of the religion, just with some changes. For example, some of them still want the religious ceremonies performed in Hebrew. This type of practice originated in Germany but has a more dense population here in the US.

A similarity between the two of these is that both of them still hold the importance of their religion closely. They both still honor and practice Judaism. However, one of them wants to follow it to a T, and one does not. One may want to practice observing the sabbath and one may not choose to participate in that.

A contemporary issue that I think could arise from Conservative Judaism, is sticking to it (The Challenge of Assimilation. (n.d.). There is a large risk that the more relaxed people become within their religion, the less they will actually practice that religion and may potentially become more secularly involved. Judaism may not have a large acceptance rate in the US, and people may feel pressured to conform less to their own beliefs and more to the beliefs of everyone around them.

  • The Challenge of Assimilation. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2020, from https //
  • Molloy, M. (2012). Experiencing the World’s Religions. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https //

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