RELI 448N Week 4 Discussion Chinese Religion

Paper Instructions

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to only one of the following options;

Option 1

For this option, address the following;

a. Define each of the following Confucian principles ren, yi, li, zhi, and xin.
b. Choose one of these principles and explain how it contributes to social harmony.
c. Illustrate with an example of how this principle compares to your own beliefs and/or religious background.
d. Have you witnessed your chosen principle in action in your work? How does it relate to what you are called to do as a healthcare professional?

Option 2

For this option, address the following;

a. Explain the Daoist ideal of wuwei.
b. Describe how this ideal contributes to harmony with heaven?
c. Compare the Daoist idea of wuwei to Confucius’ approach to how one should live in the world?
d. Explain how one of these approaches (wuwei/Confucius) might apply in your profession.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Respond to a peer who chose an option different from the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

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In the article of Wuwei, it states “One of Taoism’s most important concepts is wu wei, which is sometimes translated as “non-doing” or “non-action” (Reninger 2020). This ideal can be translated as effortless action. How do we cultivate Wu Wei? When cultivating Wuwei, a person can relax the body and the mind, rest and take off from work when needed, let go of the anything negative, do not act on impulse but know when to respond and how. Those examples are way of how Wuwei is practiced.

Daoist ideal of Wuwei contributes to harmony with heaven because it promotes peace with the inner nature and external movements. When practicing Daoist the idea is based on belief in nature and life in the natural manner; However, when speaking about Confucian, this ideal is based on how a person conducts themselves. (Sungmoon 2020). When practicing Confucian, one should be intentional, meditate, write to release their thoughts, explore the world, keep your health first, and love yourself are just a few on how one should live.

Living in Wuwei, it is important not to hold onto the past but to look forward to the future without begging for a better future. Another example of living in the world of practicing Wuwei, is going with the flow, if the flow of things is off, stop go and relax to avoid difficult situations. Also, not forcing yourself to love something that you do not love, is living by Wuwei. All the examples are how one should follow Wuwei. In my profession as a nurse, I feel Confucius is an approach that I might try in my practice.

You are asked to release and let go, relax, meditate, yoga, keep your health first which are all things that one should do in order to avoid being overwhelmed as a nurse. As a nurse, depending upon how fast paced or slow paced your job may be, this approach can definitely assist with burnout in nurses; our job can become too much for us on a day to day basis.


Fatimah Williams-Terry


  • Reninger, Elizabeth. “Wu Wei The Taoist Principle of Action in Non-Action.” Learn Religions, Aug. 29, 2020,
  • By Kim, Sungmoon. American Journal of Economics & Sociology. Jan2015, Vol. 74 Issue 1, p149-185. 37p. DOI 10.1111/ajes.12084.

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