ENGL 147N Week 5 Discussion 2 Source Incorporation & Academic Integrity

Paper Instructions

Initial Post Instructions

Part 1 Research & Review

Pay particular attention to the following as you review the Required

Resources for this activity

  • Week 3 Lesson Building Body Paragraphs section
  • Week 4 Lesson Signal Phrases section
  • Website links

Then, choose one of the sources you have collected so far this term.

Part 2 Application

Draft a body paragraph for the upcoming pro/con position paper, incorporating one paraphrase and one quote.

  • The paragraph should contain a topic sentence, evidence, and conclusion/connection. Strive for a minimum of 5 complete sentences.
  • The paraphrase should be introduced with a signal phrase.
  • The quote should be introduced and explained.
  • Both the paraphrase and quote should be cited in-text and on a reference page.

Then, answer the following prompts

  • Explain your approach to paraphrasing vs quoting.
  • What made the quote stand out?
  • Based on the information from the Turnitin plagiarism link, how did you ensure both the paraphrase and quote were not plagiarized?
  • How did reviewing the Turnitin plagiarism link impact how you incorporated your resources?
  • Do you prefer to paraphrase or quote? Why is that the case?
    Click on the following Writing Tip link for a review of citations

Link Writing Tip

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It is a false belief that death penalty deters crime. In the book, Deterrence and Death Penalty, Pepper and Nagin (2012) observe that “deterrence is but one of the many considerations relevant to deciding whether the death penalty is a good public policy” (p.12) which means that deterrence is one of the important reasons why death penalty is considered legal and good for the society. Proponents of death penalty have been unable to prove that death penalty deters and prevents crime.

Pepper and Nagin (2012) have concluded that the hypothesis of deterrence is based on the idea that the government imposed punishment will definitely be severe and quick which will prevent others from committing crimes (p.29). Various studies have been published about death penalty and its effects and none have been able to conclusively prove that death penalty increases or decreases crime and more research needs to done in this regard. Death penalty is a cruel and inhuman form of punishment which grossly violates human rights and should be abolished.

I used the quote at the beginning of the paragraph to generate interest. The quote stood out because it was about deterrence and death penalty which was the central idea of the book. I had reviewed Turnitin plagiarism information through the link provided before writing this post. While paraphrasing, I used my own words to describe the author’s thoughts and I made sure that that i did an in text citation where I mentioned both the authors and year at the beginning of the paraphrase and ended with the page number so that the reader knows that I am using someone’s work and where to find the information.

While quoting, I did an in text citation and used quotation marks for the exact sentence I used from the book. The plagiarism link provided was very useful and I incorporated my resources carefully with proper quotation marks, in text citations, reference and by making sure that I paraphrase the author’s thoughts and ideas using my own words. In my opinion I prefer quoting versus paraphrasing because paraphrasing is more difficult since you have to write the ideas of the author in your own words and that is not an easy task.


  • Nagin, D. S., & Pepper, J. V. (2012). Deterrence and the death penalty. Washington, D.C. National Academies Press.

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