NR 351 Week 7 Leaders and Systems-Based Practice (Graded)

Paper Instructions


Leaders use systems-based practice to empower other nurses. Considering your current or former clinical setting, share how you will use principles of systems-based practice to grow in your role as a leader in nursing. Include a scholarly outside source to support your answer.

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I plan to use system-based practice principles to grow as a leader in hospice nursing. The most important tactic to embrace should be the utilization of the multidisciplinary team for well-rounded patient care (Ziegelstein, & Fiebach, 2004). We call the interdisciplinary team to weekly IDT meetings to discuss the latest developments on each patient. I find these meetings to be extremely beneficial so we may paint the picture of decline in the hospice patient. I aspire to be thorough and knowledgeable about the different screening scales and disease processes. I want my team to lean on me when they need help.

When I finish my MSN track, I plan to lead the team as a AGNP and realize the amount of hard work and dedication it will take to lead. It will take the whole team to produce a future leader. I have to depend on the veteran nurses to guide me through my journey so that I can incorporate their vast knowledge into my skillset. “We used the village metaphor to emphasize that the physician must work together with a community of health care providers to deliver optimal patient care, much as parents must work within a family and society raise a healthy child” (Ziegelstein & Fiebach, p. 83). It takes the whole team to make a good leader.

  • Ziegelstein, & Fiebach, N. H. (2004). “The mirror” and “the village” a new method for teaching practice-based learning and improvement and systems-based practice. Academic Medicine, 79(1), 83–88. https //

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