NR 351 Week 5 Discussion Evidence to Support Nursing Practices (Graded)

Paper Instructions


Evidence is necessary to improve our nursing practice. Using the CINAHL database in the Chamberlain Library, search for and locate a scholarly professional nursing journal article that meets these criteria;

  • Full-text
  • English language
  • Peer-reviewed
  • NOT an Evidence-Based Care Sheet or CINAHL Guide
  • Published in the past five years
  • Contains evidence to support a nursing practice in your practice area

Summarize this article in one paragraph. Explain why you selected this article. Provide an APA reference for this article.

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As a brand-new Hospice Nurse, I am looking for evidence-based practices to incorporate with medications for end-of-life care. Research shows, that there a several complementary therapies that can increase satisfaction from hospice care (Dingley,Ruckdeschel, Kotula &Lekhak, 2021).

“The model for compassionate quality care, hospice focuses on symptom management and psychosocial and spiritual support for individuals and families during the terminal phase of illness when curative treatment for life-limiting illness is no longer beneficial” (Dingley,Ruckdeschel, Kotula &Lekhak, 2021, p.1).

Complementary therapy examples are music therapy, touch, reiki, yoga, and massage therapy. These therapies have shown to decrease nausea and reported pain in some cases. However, test studies were only researched on oncology patients only. A much broader test group is needed to implement complementary therapies into practice (Dingley,Ruckdeschel, Kotula &Lekhak, 2021).

I selected this article because it had an extensive, peer-reviewed study of techniques that I can further research to provide the most compassionate care for my patients. I used the Evidence Pyramid to assess if my scholarly journal article was appropriate. Criteria must come from standards set forth by scholarly peer-reviewed publications (Masters, 2020).


  • Dingley, C., Ruckdeschel, A., Kotula, K. R., & Lekhak, N. (2021). Implementation and outcomes of complementary therapies in hospice care an integrative review. Palliative Care and Social Practice, 15, 263235242110517. https //
  • Masters, K. (2020). Role development in professional nursing practice (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.

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