NR 351 Week 4 Discussion Nursing Roles in Quality Improvement (Graded)

Paper Instructions


How do nurses promote patient safety and improve quality at your workplace (or previous clinical setting)? What changes would you suggest be made on your unit or facility to improve a non-punitive culture of safety?

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“Professional nurses bring a unique perspective and offer valuable skills to enhance health care quality. All health team members must be invested in developing and maintaining a culture of safety and QI” (Hood). Nurses play a vital role in all aspects of care, nurses are the frontline and with that comes huge responsibility. Nursing is probably one of the most stressful occupations and with stress comes the potential for mistakes.

No one is without fault but what makes the difference is how that fault is handled, whether it is punitive response or an opportunity to learn. “An important feature of a safe organization is the creation of a “just culture.” A just culture allows frontline employees or personnel to feel comfortable disclosing errors, even one’s own error” (Fondahn, Lane, Vannucci).

Even mistakes or near misses should be treated as an opportunity to reflect and learn. We are all imperfect and working in a punitive environment creates stress and the potential for increased errors. Nurses must feel empowered to take responsibility for mistakes and not feel that they will be punished. At my hospital we embrace a “just culture” and use every opportunity to huddle and review what happened, what could have happened, and what could have been done differently.

I feel that my hospital has the tools in place to create a non-punitive environment. The improvement I would like to see is something in place to help nurses work through the pressure and guilt of needing to be perfect. Any time I have ever made a mistake the guilt I feel and the “beating myself up” is more punitive then any one could impose.

  • Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s professional nursing ninth edition. Philadelphia Wolters Kluwer.
  • Fondahn, E; Lane, M; Vannucci, A (2016). The Washington Manual of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement. Philadelphia Wolters Kluwer.

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