NSG 4220 Week 5 Discussion

Paper Instructions


Part IV Population Health Prevention Strategies

Identify indicators that present the greatest risks to population health across the lifespan for your

state and county.

  • Describe one evidenced based prevention strategy from government resources such as HP 2030, the CDC, or journal articles. Select sources published within the past 5 years; cite using APA guidelines.
  • Hint–look here first https //www.countyhealthrankings.org/take-action-to-improve-health
  • Provide enough information to show you understand the recommended strategy. Clearly identify the specific population group and the strategy. Give specific information about what nurses can do to be most effective. See the example provided for Working Age Adults. Complete this process for all age groups in the template.

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Population health prevention strategies significantly improve the health and well-being of individuals and populations. Therefore, it is important to identify indicators that may be a risk to the population’s health across the lifespan and use appropriate strategies that may be used to enhance outcomes.

Therefore, this discussion focuses on the greatest population health risks for people living in Gilroy, California. One of the greatest health risks for people living in this region is physical inactivity, which current data shows to be 17%. The age group includes children, adolescents, and adult population.

The specific population target is individuals who do not have access to physical exercise facilities and those who do not participate in physical exercise at all. It is important to explore the prevention strategy. One of the prevention strategies is community-based social support for physical activity (“University” 2021b).

This is an intervention geared towards encouraging positive behavior to help yield increased physical activity, improved physical fitness, improved health outcomes, and better mental health. Nurse participation is key. Hence, nurses can embark on community campaigns, counseling, and advocacy to improve outcomes.

The other key indicator is excessive drinking, with the current data showing a prevalence of 15%. The age group for this indicator is the adult population, while the specific population targeted are individuals living in the area and are into heavy consumption of alcohol.

It is also important to explore prevention strategies. One of the initiatives is the sale to intoxicated persons by law enforcement, which aims to reduce excessive use of alcohol by barring the sale of alcohol to already intoxicated individuals (“University” 2021b).

Therefore, it reduces alcohol-related harms, lowers excessive drinking, reduces impaired drinking, and improves alcohol server practice. Nurses can also participate in this initiative by advocating for similar regulations and supporting this law. In addition, they can help create awareness in society regarding this law to help reduce excessive alcohol use.


  • University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2021a). What Works? Community-based social support for physical activityhttps //www.countyhealthrankings.org/strategies-and-solutions/what-works-for-health/strategies/community-based-social-support-for-physical-activity
  • University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2021b). What Works? Sales to intoxicated persons (SIP) law enforcement. https //www.countyhealthrankings.org/strategies-and-solutions/what-works-for-health/strategies/sales-to-intoxicated-persons-sip-law-enforcement

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