NR 439 Week 6 Discussion Data Analysis and Results (graded)

Paper Instructions

Discussion Questions

Data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies. Discussion and conclusions can be made about the meaning of the findings from the data analysis.

  • Share what you learned about descriptive analysis (statistics), inferential analysis (statistics), and qualitative analysis of data; include something that you learned that was interesting to you and your thoughts on why data analysis is necessary for discovering credible findings for nursing.
  • Compare clinical significance and statistical significance; include which one is more meaningful to you when considering application of findings to nursing practice.

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Question 1.

Share what you learned about descriptive analysis (statistics) and Qualitative analysis of data, include something that you learned that was interesting to you and your thoughts on why data analysis is necessary for discovering credible findings in nursing.

Descriptive data

Numbers in a data set that are collected to represent research variables. Houser (2018). Descriptive date uses simple mathematical /calculations. Most are straightforward and can be done using a calculator. These techniques provide essential information in a research study. Researchers who created descriptive reports must have the correct statistical technique for the data that has been collected. The data must be presented so readers easily comprehend and don’t misunderstand. This also applies to nurses using statistical data in the clinical setting.

Inferential data

Statistical test to determine if results found in a sample are representative of a larger population. Houser (2018). It’s the differences that occurs between samples and populations, between groups or over time, because of changes. These changes are seen as risk factors in control studies. An event interference is used to determine if the outcome was affected by the change. It’s a generalization about a population which is based on sampling.

Qualitative analysis

Focuses on an understanding of the means end of an experience. From the individual perspective. Houser (2018). It focuses on verbal descriptions and the observation of behaviors to analyze for the conclusions. These methods are most appropriate for obtaining the meaning of the patient’s experience. Thus understanding what is the best therapeutic intervention. What I found interesting was these methods can work together best for me in the clinical setting. The researcher utilizes the clinical data collected that will best get the expected outcome.

Question 2.

Compare Clinical significance and statistical significance, include which one is more meaningful to you when considering application of findings in nursing practice.

Clinical involves collecting data which involves people looking at understanding the disease, studying pattern, cause and how the disease effects the specific groups.

Statistical significance Is a mathematical tool which determines whether the outcome of an experiment is the result of a relationship between specific factors or the result of chance. It claims that results from data by testing or experimentation does not occur randomly but is likely to be from a specific cause.

Clinical significance is more important to me. I can obtain the effectiveness of an intervention from the patient. This supports my nursing practice and validates the interventions chosen for the specific problems.


  • Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th edition). Jones & Bartlett

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