NR 500NP Week 5 Reflection on Learning

Paper Instructions


Reflection write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week.

You will need to post your reflection here before you are able to see other students’ posts.

  • In what ways could an understanding of systems theory and complexity science impact the role of the NP?
  • Take a few minutes to reflect on the NP practice model that is most predominant in advanced practice environments you have observed. Are you satisfied with the demonstrated level of interprofessional collaboration?
  • Briefly consider what appears to be the driving practice model for advanced practice nursing in your state. If your state lags behind in its practice model language, what might you do to facilitate change?

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As I finished the readings and discussions in week five, I learned much about communication and collaboration.

  • Are you satisfied with the demonstrated level of interprofessional collaboration?

The notion of collaborative practice is founded on the idea that many different healthcare professionals must contribute their skills to deliver quality patient care. Implementing collaboration is a challenging practice that takes effort, time, and perseverance. This model demonstrates excellent interprofessional partnerships built around the doctor-nurse collaboration. In addition, it requires a grasp of components and organizational structure, and it calls for clinicians, insurers, and administrators to be committed to providing quality healthcare (Willgerodt & Fleming, 2017).

  • Briefly consider what appears to be the driving practice model for advanced practice nursing in New Jersey.

The driving practice model is the collaborative practice model. This model considers the advanced nursing practitioner (ANP) a partner on the present care team. The ANP provides complete care to hospitalized patients despite not being the most responsible provider and shares accountability with the medical partner. The stronghold of this model is that it promotes effective collaboration with other physicians, leading to a better healthcare organization, improved patient outcomes, and intercommunication (Willgerodt & Fleming, 2017).

In New Jersey, ANPs are fully qualified clinicians that can work independently. However, they must prescribe drugs and medical equipment in compliance with an officially authorized joint protocol that has been mutually decided upon and approved by APN’s authorized partnering medic. Health workers from many backgrounds offer medical services, health education, and sickness prevention. Physicians and APNs can improve care together because of their complementary experiences and skill sets.

  • What might you do to facilitate change if your state lags in its practice model language?

To promote change, parties in collaboration must be comprised of personnel with corresponding and relevant talents to ensure that the appropriate individual is available. The team’s goal, the traits and requirements of the patients, and the workplace environment will all influence the skill mix. All administrative processes should support the collaboration, including budgeting, expense reimbursement, and human resource planning.


  • Willgerodt, M. A., & Fleming, R. (2017). Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and School Nursing A Model for Improved Health Outcomes. A Scholarly Journal Of the American Nurses Association.

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