NSG 4000 Week 3 Research Critique

Paper Instructions


For this assignment, you will critique two scholarly peer-reviewed research articles using the template provided. Use the primary quantitative and primary qualitative research articles you shared in Weeks 2 and 3 discussions. Both articles must be recent and published this year in a nursing journal. Email your instructor the two articles by Wednesday in Week 3 if you need guidance based on the discussion grading feedback.

Do not use any direct quotes when completing this assignment. As shown on the template, an APA formatted title and references pages are required. Delete the questions from the template before you submit the assignment for grading.

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  • Quantitative Critique
  • Article’s APA Formatted In-Text Citation
  • Be sure that the article is current and published this year in a nursing journal.
  • Background Information
  • Did the authors lay the foundation for why anyone would care about this topic? How?

Importance of the Study

Were you convinced of the importance of this work to nursing? Why?


  • What was the purpose of this research?

Literature Review

  • What was the gap in the literature to convince you that this study was needed?

Research Design

  • What was the research design?


  • Describe the sample? (Who? How many? Exclusion and inclusion criteria?)
  • Describe the sampling method? (Sample selection process)
  • Was the sample size large enough? (why or why not? Consider study purpose)

Data Collection

  • How was data collected?
  • Were reliability and validity discussed? Explain.


  • What statistical testing were done?


  • Are the study outcomes clinically important?
  • Were the results of the study valid?


  • What were the study limitations?


  • Were the authors’ conclusions supported by the data? Why or why no

Practice Changes

  • Were the results of this study impactful enough to encourage changes in your practice? Why or why not?

Recommendations for Future Research

What future research needs to be done? (Create a stronger design? Replicate with a larger sample size? Replicate with a different population? Use different tools? Measure more meaningful outcomes?)

Qualitative Critique

Article’s APA Formatted In-Text Citation

Ensure that the article is current and published this year in a nursing journal.

Background Information

  • Did the authors lay the foundation for why anyone would care about this topic? How?
  • Importance of the Study
  • Were you convinced of the importance of this work to nursing? Why?


  • What is the purpose of this research?

Literature Review

  • What was the gap in the literature to convince you that this study was needed?

Research Design

  • What was the research design?


  • Describe the sample? (Who? How many? Exclusion and inclusion criteria?)
  • Describe the sampling method (sample selection process)?
  • Was the sample size large enough? (why or why not? Consider the study purpose)

Data Collection

  • How was data collected?


  • Did the data analysis process seem appropriate? (consider type of data, size of sample)


  • Are the study outcomes clinically important?
  • Were the results of the study valid? (Trustworthy and credible)


  • What were the study limitations?


  • Were the authors’ conclusions supported by the data? Why or why not?

Practice Changes

  • Were the results of this study impactful enough to encourage changes in your practice? Why or why not?

Recommendations for Future Research

What future research needs to be done? (Create a stronger design? Replicate with a larger sample size? Replicate with a different population? Measure more meaningful outcomes?)

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Quantitative Critique

Article’s APA Formatted In-Text Citation Al-Lenjawi, B., Kunjavara, J., Hassan, N., Mannethodi, K., Martinez, E., Joy, G. V., & Singh, K. (2022). Evidence-based practice among critical care nurse’s/midwives in Qatar. Open Journal of Nursing, 12(1), 42–59.
Background Information.

The authors assert that there is a gap between research and practice, which contributes to suboptimal patient care.

  • The authors acknowledge the importance of practicing care based on scientific evidence.
  • The key intervention should be to identify barriers and facilitators of evidence-based practice (EBP).

Importance of the Study • I am convinced of the significance of this work to nursing since nurses face various barriers to implementing EBP in practice, including individual and organizational barriers.


The purpose of the study was to assess barriers that influence evidence-based practice among critical care nurses in Qatar.

Literature Review 

The study was driven by limited research studies on limitations to EBP among critical care nurses and Clinical Nurses/Midwife Specialists in the Middle East region, including Qatar.

Research Design 

  • The study employed a quantitative cross-sectional survey design.

Population/Sample • Sample- 278 nurses

Inclusion- All the critical care nurses, CNS, and CMS working in various HMC facilities.

  • Exclusion- Newly hired nurses.
  • No sampling method was used.
  • The sample size was large enough; thus, the findings can be generalized to other critical care Nurses, CNS, and CMS nurses.

Data Collection 

Data was collected using an online survey- The Barriers to Research Utilization Scale (BTRUS).

The reliability and validity of the data collection tool were not discussed.


The quantitative data were coded and analyzed using STATA 15.01 software.

  • Descriptive statistics of means, standard deviations, and frequencies were used to obtain the data.


The study results are clinically relevant as they shed light on the factors that can be leveraged by healthcare organizations to improve the adoption of research evidence in clinical practice, like organizational support, EBP expertise, and strengthened self-belief. The study results are valid since the identified barriers are consistent with previous studies.


The study was conducted using one Critical Care Nurse and Clinical Nurse/Midwife Specialists in one institution, which limits the generalizability of findings in other nursing specialties.


The authors conclude that to improve EBP, strategies should be implemented to reduce barriers and increase the facilitators of research implementation. The conclusion is backed by the study data, which reveals the presence of various barriers that limit nurses’ EBP implementation.

Practice Changes 

The study results will impact change in practice as a nursing leader. I will work on identifying barriers that limit nurses in my unit from implementing EBP and identify ways to mitigate these barriers.

Recommendations for Future Research

Future research needs to replicate this study using a different sample that includes general nurses and those from other specialties.

Qualitative Critique

  • Article’s APA Formatted In-Text Citation Roth, C., Wensing, M., Breckner, A., Mahler, C., Krug, K., & Berger, S. (2022). Keeping nurses in nursing A qualitative study of German nurses perceptions of push and pull factors to leave or stay in the profession. BMC Nursing, 21(1).

Background Information 

The authors explain that there is an increasing nursing shortage globally, which has brought attention to identifying more effective measures to recruit and retain nurses.

Importance of the Study

I am convinced of the significance of this article to nursing since one of the reasons for the acute nursing shortage is a high nurse turnover rate. Identifying ways to reduce the turnover and increase nurse retention can help address the shortage issue.


The purpose of the study was to identify factors that retain German nurses in nursing and examine their perceptions of factors that lead to nurses leaving or remaining in the nursing profession.

Literature Review 

The study was driven by a gap in the literature identifying factors that retain nurses in nursing, attract young people to join the nursing profession, and their wishes to remain in the profession.

Research Design 

The study employed an explorative qualitative study design.

Sample Sample The study included four German hospitals.

  • Centre 1- A University Hospital with 57 specialized clinical departments and 1,600 beds.
  • Centre 2- Total of 310 beds.
  • Centre 3 works- Six departments with approximately 200-bed capacity.
  • Centre 4- A public acute hospital with a 234-bed capacity.

The study was conducted with 21 state-qualified nurses who had graduated from a German nursing program.

The inclusion criteria for nurses included being at least 18 years old and an employee of one of the involved hospitals. Exclusion criteria Other healthcare professionals, Student nurses, and Nurses who did not consent to participate in the study. Sampling method- Ward managers informed the nursing teams about the study and collectively decided the nurses eligible and those willing to participate.

The sample size was not large enough, given that the study was carried out in two university hospitals and two smaller public hospitals based in South Germany. Besides, a sample of 21 nurses is not enough. A larger number of nurses from various hospitals may have produced more diverse results.

Data Collection •

  • Data was collected using semi-structured face-to-face or telephone interviews.


  • The data analysis process was appropriate since it was based on Qualitative Content Analysis and structured the collected data into themes and subthemes through an inductive approach.


  • The study outcomes are clinically relevant as they reveal factors that push nurses to leave the profession, such as narrow career prospects, generational barriers, poor public image of nursing, and workplace pressure.

The outcomes also show there are factors that nurses wish for and could retain in the nursing profession, like professional pride, better remuneration, recognition of nursing, professionalization, and enhancing the profession’s image.

The study results are valid since they align with previous studies, which revealed that workplace demands markedly affect nurses’ intention to leave the profession.


  • The study findings of this study cannot be generalized outside the study population.

The study was carried out in four hospitals in South Germany. Thus, national and regional factors could have influenced the results.


  • The authors conclude that nurses’ decisions to leave or remain in nursing are affected by a range of push and pull factors. The study outcomes support the conclusion.

Practice Changes 

  • The study results will significantly foster change in my practice. As a nurse leader, I will focus on improving the working environment to promote retention and reduce the prevalence of factors that increase turnover.

Recommendations for Future Research • Future research should use a larger sample size from different regions and countries to examine what young nurses are looking for, their motivation to choose nursing, and what makes them remain in nursing.


  • Al-Lenjawi, B., Kunjavara, J., Hassan, N., Mannethodi, K., Martinez, E., Joy, G. V., & Singh, K. (2022). Evidence-based practice among critical care nurse’s/midwives in Qatar. Open Journal of Nursing, 12(1), 42–59. https //doi.org/10.4236/ojn.2022.121004
  • Roth, C., Wensing, M., Breckner, A., Mahler, C., Krug, K., & Berger, S. (2022). Keeping nurses in nursing A qualitative study of German nurses perceptions of push and pull factors to leave or stay in the profession. BMC Nursing, 21(1). https //doi.org/10.1186/s12912-022-00822-4

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