NR 506 Week 4 Open Forum

Paper Instructions

This is a required but not graded open forum. Your post should add further clarity to the assignment and content of the readings and lessons for the week. Please feel free to post questions related to content or assignments.

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I agree with how you presented the difference between options vs. recommendations. In my town, there needs to be more opportunities to have a healthier lifestyle. There is a lot of poverty, and most poor habitants choose fast-food chains over healthier places to eat. If anyone compares prices between a Mcdonald’s dollar menu to a salad with meat, anyone can see why anyone would choose the first choice. It is more affordable and will fill you; regardless of how unhealthy it is, people with low incomes will think with the belly, not the brain.

For recommendations, the NP must do thorough research on the town’s mentality and start educating with colorful visual examples and logos that capture anyone’s eyes. NP must create awareness of the obesity problem and its long-term consequences. For options, get involved in your town’s YMCA; they have various programs such as youth development and mental health first aid, aquatics, and healthy living. These programs start when children are in pre-k and enrich adults as well. In addition, there are opportunities for local farmers to start businesses and make a difference.

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