For this assignment you will review current research from South Online Library and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography

For this assignment you will review current research from South Online Library and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography

Paper Instructions

In this week discussion question you were asked to consider a potential problem (appropriate to your role option) that you would like to investigate through nursing research. For this assignment you will review current research from South Online Library and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography.

An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of the journal article reviewed. For more information on annotated bibliographies please visit Purdue OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab

A total of two annotated bibliographies are to be submitted (not to exceed one page each). The articles must come from nursing scholarly literature and may not be older than 5 years since publication. Please note that the articles must be research based and reflect a quantitative methodology (review our reading assignments). Web pages, magazines, textbooks, and other books are not acceptable.

Each annotation must address the following critical elements

  • Explanation of the main purpose and scope of the cited work
  • Brief description of the research conducted
  • Value and significance of the work (e.g., study’s findings, scope of the research project) as a contribution to the subject under consideration
  • Possible shortcomings or bias in the work
  • Conclusions or observations reached by the author
  • Summary as to why this research lends evidence to support the potential problem identified specific to your role option.


  1. Required Content “Articles selected are appropriate to role option and support the potential problem identified. \”
  2. “Articles address required elements for each of the 4 nursing research articles that provide supportive evidence for the problem identified.\”
  3. Articles selected meet guidelines (Quantitative methodology, nursing scholarly literature, no older than 5 years since publication.
  4. Academic Writing Expectations (incudes APA) \”Displays sentence and paragraph skills Constructs simple, complex and compound sentences. Writes without spelling, grammatical or syntax errors. Writes without sentence fragments or run on sentences.

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Nursing professionals face different problems in the healthcare system. These problems may be associated to the work environment as well as the treatment issues. As a clinical nurse, I have faced different challenges in the course of practice. These challenges are often associated with the patient outcomes in the treatment process.

The problem under investigation is obesity among patients. Obesity is a serious healthcare problem that is associated with reduced quality of life and poorer mental health conditions. Obesity is also associated with an increase in the number of deaths in the United States. Some of the complications associated with obesity include high blood pressure, stroke, heart diseases, diabetes, as well as some types of cancer (Chiao, Wu, & Hsiao, 2015). Obesity is a nutritional disorder that is associated with unhealthy eating.

The management of obesity often requires evidence-based practices that aim at increasing safety measures. Currently, there are training processes that aim at reducing the increasing rates of mortalities associated with obesity. The training processes include management of eating habits, engagement in physical activities and other healthy behaviors.

Educational processes on the eating patterns should also be undertaken to reduce the cases of obesity (Cipriani et al., 2016). Obesity may also result from a combination of factors such as genetics and behaviors of an individual. Some of the behaviors may include physical inactivity, medication use, dietary patterns, as well as other exposures. Some other factors that may lead to obesity include food marketing and promotion, lack of education and skills on the healthy behaviors, and the environmental factors.

Rao Deepa, P., Parth, P., Roberts Karen, C., & Wendy, T. (2018). Original quantitative research Obesity and healthy aging Social, functional and mental well-being among older Canadians. Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada research, policy and practice, 38(12), 437. https ///PMC6329578/

The main objective of the article is to determine the relationship between obesity and healthy aging among the individuals selected for the study. The work involves the collection and analysis of data from different healthcare institution. The cited work also analyzes the causes of obesity and how the situation can be remedied.

From the article, the quantitative nonexperimental study was undertaken using the survey of the obese patient’s healthcare institutions and in communities at two points in time (Rao Deepa et al., 2018). Before the study, the institutional review board approval was acquired from the healthcare system as well as the partner university.

The work is significant in understanding the impacts of obesity in the healthcare processes. The findings of the quantitative study show that obesity interferes with healthy aging and it also leads to an increase in some underlying health conditions such as blood pressure and heart diseases.

The article contributes to the analysis and the understanding of the problem under consideration (obesity). One of the main short comings from the research is that it is limited to one healthcare system since the participants were drawn from different departments within the healthcare system.

The author concluded that obesity has greater impact on the organizational and position turnover within the healthcare institution. This research finding lends evidence that can be applied in supporting the problem identified (obesity).

Werneck, A. O., Oyeyemi, A. L., Gerage, A. M., Cyrino, E. S., Szwarcwald, C. L., Sardinha, L. B., & Silva, D. R. (2018). Does leisure‐time physical activity attenuate or eliminate the positive association between obesity and high blood pressure? The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 20(5), 959-966. https //doi/full/10.1111/jch.13292

The main objective/purpose of this cited work is to determine the relationship of weight status and leisure-time physical activity on high blood pressure. The research conducted was quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational, and descriptive in design (Mudallal et al., 2017).

The research was applied to explore the impacts of physical activities on the weight status of an individual. Engagement in physical activities is essential in maintaining healthy weight status. One of the possible shortcoming in the research process is the use of a small sample size which may not be a representative of the entire population under the study (Werneck et al., 2018). From the research process, continuous physical activities or spending more time on physical activities is essential in maintaining a healthy weight.

The findings also suggest that overeating, genetics, and lack of physical activities are some of the causes of obesity. From the article, training communities on healthy behaviors is critical in reducing the cases of obesity.

The authors also suggest that governmental institutions need to put up policies and measures on the food manufacturing companies to ensure that there is incorporation of healthy food elements that can aid in the reduction of cholesterol in the body.

For instance, junk foods should contain high amount of fiber to aid in weight reduction. The research outcomes lend evidence to support the potential problem identified, obesity. In other words, it aids in the understanding of different causes of obesity and how they can be mitigated to enhance quality healthcare delivery in different healthcare institutions.


  • Chiao, C. Y., Wu, H. S., & Hsiao, C. Y. (2015). Caregiver burden for informal caregivers of patients with dementia A systematic review. International Nursing Review, 62(3), 340-350. https //
  • Cipriani, G., Lucetti, C., Danti, S., Carlesi, C., & Nuti, A. (2016). Violent and criminal manifestations in dementia patients. Geriatrics & gerontology international, 16(5), 541-549. https //
  • Rao Deepa, P., Parth, P., Roberts Karen, C., & Wendy, T. (2018). Original quantitative research Obesity and healthy aging social, functional and mental well-being among older Canadians. Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada research, policy and practice, 38(12), 437. https // /PMC6329578/
  • Werneck, A. O., Oyeyemi, A. L., Gerage, A. M., Cyrino, E. S., Szwarcwald, C. L., Sardinha, L. B., & Silva, D. R. (2018). Does leisure‐time physical activity attenuate or eliminate the positive association between obesity and high blood pressure? The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 20(5), 959-966. https //doi/full/10.1111/jch.13292

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