ENGL 105 Unit 2 Discussion Post

Paper Instructions

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following;

We live in a digital age, where research is at your fingertips. Whether you use a computer, tablet, phone, or smart watch, you probably do research more often than you think. Research is simply gathering information to learn more about a topic. Using research to support your writing can help you sound more credible to your audience, make a stronger case for something you want, or convince someone of your point of view on an issue that is important to you.

Think about a hobby or interest that you have. This could be a sport you like to play, a craft you make in your spare time, an activity you do with your friends or family, or some other interest that you are passionate about. Respond to the following;

  • Describe your hobby or interest.
  • How could you use research to help you convince someone else to take an interest in it?

Tips for Completing Your Post

As you think through your answers, consider what questions or concerns someone else might have about your hobby or interest. How could you answer their questions or concerns using research?

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Learning is good since you interact with new information. Similarly, at the end of the learning session you become knowledgeable. However, not all people enjoy learning, especially, when interacting with complex reading materials. There are different types of learning that can be used to benefit people with different reading attitudes. Watch and listen to a bunch of documentaries and conspiracy theories may be interesting to most people. Yet, to some learning through watching and listening can be destructive.

As a result, these individuals may want a quiet place away from television distractions (Bouilheres et al., 2020). People can learn anything they want from the virtual world. Also interacting with experts and other people can create an avenue of learning. Research is part of learning that is procedural and guided with scientific guidelines (Rahiem, 2020). Some people struggle to engage in tedious duties involved in researching. Hence, these individuals may prefer reading and learning from already published studies. The knowledge and information obtained from learning are applied in decision-making routines.


  • Bouilheres, F., Le, L. T. V. H., McDonald, S., Nkhoma, C., & Jandug-Montera, L. (2020). Defining student learning experience through blended learning. Education and Information Technologies, 25(4), 3049-3069.
  • Rahiem, M. D. (2020). The emergency remote learning experience of university students in Indonesia amidst the COVID-19 crisis. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(6), 1-26. https //doi.org/10.26803/ijlter.19.6.1

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