NSG 7220 Week 5 Project Midterm Evaluation of Clinical Logs

Paper Instructions

Week 1 will allow you to select your practicum topic of interest. Your topic should be one that demonstrates accountability in specialty practice according to the accepted standards of care and safety. This involves meeting your preceptor to decide on a specific topic.

This topic will be explored through your retrieval of scholarly articles each week, as well as direct hands-on experience in your practicum setting. There are many resources available to give you an idea for the potential topics. You may want to explore the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals or the Institute of Healthcare Improvement websites for possible ideas.

Please note that this course is not meant to be the beginning of your capstone work. This course is meant to give you an opportunity to obtain the required hours (up to 460) to continue the DNP program and move into your capstone and field experience work.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week

Translate research findings into evidence-based practice at the individual and health care system levels.

Use information technology to evaluate the delivery of health care to individuals and internal and community systems.


Optimal patient outcomes are achieved when evidence-based practice (EBP) is utilized in the clinical setting. How is your topic supported by best practice? What does the evidence say? How does your topic align with nursing standards? How does your topic promote patient safety?

It is important to understand the fundamental basis of your topic. When we talk about the biophysical evidence of a topic, we are asking questions about the science that deals with the application of physics to biological processes and phenomena. A very simple biophysical example is the use of vital signs to guide patient care. Biophysical evidence is the hard-core evidence created by such sciences as anatomy, physiology, and pathology. What fundamental elements of science are at the root of your topic of interest?

Your Learning Objectives for the Week

Evaluate biophysical, psychological, organizational, informatic, ethical, and legal knowledge with nursing science as a foundation for expert clinical nursing practice in a specific nursing clinical specialization.

Demonstrate accountability in specialty practice according to accepted standards care and safety.


In your prelicensure nursing program, you learned about the importance of developing care plans that included a psychosocial nursing diagnosis. The importance of identifying psychosocial issues in our society and patient populations has not changed. In fact, psychosocial issues, such as anorexia, depression, alcohol addiction, and bipolar disease, continue to plague our society at alarming rates.

This week, dig deep and think about how your topic is or could be affected by psychosocial issues. If your topic of interest focuses on a change in healthcare delivery or policy change, will an underserved population be effected? Or, maybe you want to look at how psychosocial issues affect your topic.

Regardless of the approach you take, the goal is to demonstrate the correlation between psychosocial issues and patient care. The consideration of psychosocial events is critical in the execution of holistic care.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week

Evaluate biophysical, psychological, organizational, informatic, ethical, and legal knowledge with nursing science as a foundation for expert clinical nursing practice in a specific nursing clinical specialization.

Demonstrate accountability in specialty practice according to accepted standards care and safety.


In this week, you will discuss any type of organization or system that may influence your topic of interest. It is no secret that, in most cases, healthcare functions as organized chaos. How does organizational culture influence your topic of interest? If you work at an independent clinic and think you are exempt from organizational woes, do you receive Medicare or Medicaid funding? Could this be an organization affecting your topic of interest?

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Practicum is a crucial component of nursing education as it offers the students an important platform where they can apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained and further enhance the practical skills required in the clinical environment. Its key importance emanates from its ability to substantially contribute to nursing students’ professional development, training, and education (Hwang & Koo, 2019).

A student needs to reflect on activities undertaken during the practicum period as a way of learning and achieving the formulated goals and objectives. As such, it is important to reflect on various aspects such as clinical skills development, communication strategies with patients, clinical decision-making and critical thinking, and interprofessional collaboration practices, among others.

Consequently, the purpose of this assignment is to formulate a written narrative covering the scholarly activities, commentary, and evidence of progress toward achieving course objectives and a reflection.

Narrative and Reflection

Week One

The first week offered an opportunity to select a practicum topic of interest. The topic of interest was to be used as a guide throughout the practicum duration. As part of this week, various scholarly activities were accomplished, including

  • A literature review was key to further exploring the topic of interest. The literature review played an essential role in enhancing an understanding of the current research findings and evidence-based practice regarding the topic of interest.
  • Quality improvement initiative participation was also part of the scholarly activities as I was able to explore the existing quality improvement initiatives within the practicum settings and inquired about areas that require potential participation and collaboration.
  • The other activity entails creating and collecting educational materials, which would be important during the practicum’s duration.
  • Class discussions, peer engagement, and replies.

Two main objectives were formulated for week one. The first objective was to formulate a relevant practicum topic which could guide the practicum experience. The other learning objective for this week was to perform a comprehensive literature search and review of resources regarding the topic of interest.

Documenting the evidence of progress toward achieving the specific course objectives is important. The first objective regarding the practicum topic was accomplished through a comprehensive study and discussions regarding the steps involved in problem identification in the patient care settings and potential strategies that can be used in solving the identified problems (Dang et al.,2021).

The achievement of the second objective was accomplished by using various article databases to evaluate the identified problem, which was urinary infections and antibiotic stewardship. Therefore, the knowledge gained resource search was used to appropriately search for relevant information regarding the topic of interest. Meeting with the preceptor was also an important aspect during this week as there was a need to discuss which activities needed to be undertaken to achieve the formulated objectives for week one.

The meeting was particularly important in identifying the topic which should be used to guide the practicum experience. Therefore, from the meeting, it was agreed that the topic to guide the practicum should be urinary tract infections and antibiotic stewardship (Karam et al.,2019).

Week one’s practicum experience also advanced various aspects related to the South University pillar of nursing, which include professionalism, critical thinking, holism, communication, and caring. I feel that these pillars are important, and every student should undertake activities and experiences that will enhance the possibility of achieving them.

The experiences enhanced my professionalism as I was able to professionally relate with the preceptor and explore aspects that advance the nursing profession and aspects of patient care. Critical thinking was also required since I needed to identify the practicum project as the project should be within the scope, meet the set standards, and be within all the described confines (Shirazi & Haidari, 2019).

The communication aspect also formed an integral part of this week as I needed to effectively communicate with the preceptor to have a grasp of all the requirements and expectations and also communicate with the patients. In addition, the aspect of care was evident by the steps taken to identify a problem that could be investigated within the practicum settings to help improve patient outcomes.

Week Two

The second week of the practicum experience offered a good platform to continue exploring the topic of interest, entailing urinary tract infections and antibiotic stewardship. Therefore, I was able to explore various aspects, such as the extent to which the chosen topic is supported by best practices, the existing evidence regarding the topic, and how the topic aligns with nursing standards (Ho et al.,2019).

In addition, in week two, another question was explored, which was about how the topic promotes patient safety. Various scholarly activities were also undertaken during this week, including

  • A literature search and summary regarding published information on urinary tract infections and antibiotic stewardship was undertaken to further fine-tune the topic.
  • Peer discussions and replies on weekly discussion boards.
  • Studying materials that explore the relationship between urinary tract infections and antibiotic stewardship and patient safety promotion.
  • Exploration of best practices related to the topic of interest and how to implement them in a typical patient care setting.
  • The other scholarly activity involved the completion of case study analysis, which involved exploring patient cases and making inquiries about the existing evidence-based interventions that can be used to address the cases or problems.
  • The next activity accomplished collaboration with other professionals within the practicum setting to help explore various aspects, such as fine-tuning the topic of interest and appropriate access to the relevant materials.

There were two main objectives that were to be fulfilled during the second week of the practicum. The first objective was to evaluate the biophysical, psychological, organizational, informatics, ethical, and legal knowledge of nursing science as a foundation for expert clinical practice in a specific nursing clinical specialization. The other objective was to demonstrate accountability in specialty practice according to accepted standards of care and safety.

These objectives were achieved in the second week. An exploration of urinary tract infections was accomplished, and the biophysical evidence regarding the topic was explored. For example, the diagnostic aspects of urinary tract infections, pathology, and physiology were all explored to gain a deeper understanding of the problem (Behzadi et al.,2021). Therefore, the topic was explored against the background and light of nursing science as the foundation.

As earlier highlighted, the second objective focuses on demonstrating accountability in specialty practice according to accepted standards of care and safety. Urinary tract infections are known to lead to various negative impacts, such as longer hospital stays and higher healthcare costs. In addition, inappropriate use of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections has also been shown to lead to antibiotic resistance, to the detriment of effective treatment and care (Ahmad & Khan, 2019).

Therefore, this objective was achieved by seeking to be accountable for antibiotic medication use and exploring evidence-based practice strategies for preventing and controlling urinary tract infections.

Week two’s practicum experience also advanced various aspects related to the South University pillar of nursing, which include professionalism, critical thinking, holism, communication, and caring. The activities and experiences of the week were connected to professionalism since I contacted various professionals and the preceptor regarding the topic of interest and sought their input regarding how the topic is supported by best practices and how best it can be explored to promote patient safety.

Critical thinking was also applied in refining the topic of interest and exploring the fundamental elements of science which are at the root of the topic of interest. For example, it was noted that the fundamentals of science at the root of urinary tract infections include microbial pathogens, as UTIs are usually caused by bacteria (Klein & Hultgren, 2020).

There are also various routes of infections that should be studied as well as the risk factors, among others. In addition, the fundamentals of science found at the root of antibiotic resistance include empirical treatment, effects of urinary tract infections on antibiotic use, and antibiotic resistance, which must all be explored in detail for adequate understanding.

Week Three

The third week of practicum experience involved an exploration of the development of care plans for patients while considering the psychosocial aspects. It is important to identify psychosocial nursing diagnoses for a complete patient diagnosis and a potential effective care plan.

Therefore, a deeper dive into the topic of interest was accomplished to explore the psychosocial aspects of the topic. Various aspects were explored, including answering fundamental questions such as whether an underserved population will be affected and how psychosocial issues affect the topic of interest. It is important to note that various scholarly activities were accomplished during this week, including

  • Peer discussions and peer replies.
  • Continued study of various sources to explore psychosocial issues related to the topic of urinary tract infections and antibiotic stewardship.
  • A literature search of relevant articles and information.
  • A review of clinical guidelines and protocols on UTI and antibiotic stewardship used in the practicum settings.
  • A reflection was also formulated concerning what was covered and achieved in the week.

A total of two objectives were to be achieved in week three. The first objective was to evaluate biophysical, psychological, organizational, informatic, ethical, and legal knowledge of nursing science as a foundation for expert clinical nursing practice in a specific nursing clinical specialization.

The other objective was to demonstrate accountability in specialty practice according to accepted standards of care and safety. This week was majorly concerned with the psychosocial aspects of the chosen topic. Psychosocial aspects of the topic offered a chance to explore the interplay between the social and biological aspects of the area of interest.

Therefore, this goal was achieved by exploring how social and psychological factors influence urinary tract infections, the use of antibiotics for the treatment of infections, and how such factors impact compliance with antibiotic stewardship practices (Segala et al.,2020).

As part of this week’s experience, a careful study led to a revelation of how various factors impact UTIs, including cultural and gender impacts, stigma and social perception, communication, and education, as well as patient perspectives. The psychosocial aspects or issues related to antibiotic stewardship explored include the decisions made by the providers, fear of complications and patient expectations, health literacy, and communications between healthcare professionals and patients (Nasr et al.,2019).

These factors or issues were found through a comprehensive study of various materials such as books, articles, and peer-reviewed journal articles. The second objective was also achieved by exploring the acceptable standards of practice and safety regarding the prevention of urinary tract infections and antibiotic stewardship. This was accomplished by checking the local and national UTI benchmarks and the recommended practices or strategies used in the prevention and control of UTI, as well as what is required to comply with the antibiotic stewardship standards and requirements.

This week’s practicum experience also advanced various aspects related to the South University pillar of nursing which include professionalism, critical thinking, holism, communication, and caring. The aspect of holism formed part of week three’s experience. For instance, the aspect of UTI and antibiotic stewardship was viewed as aspects determined and affected by various factors, psychosocial factors included.

Therefore, solutions or strategies used in solving the identified issues should consider all aspects, such as psychosocial factors or aspects, to enhance the effectiveness of such solutions or strategies. Critical thinking was also applied in various stages during this week, especially in the discussion of the psychosocial issues connected to UTIs, such as cultural and gender impacts, stigma and social perception, communication, and education, as well as patient perspectives.

Week Four

Week four of the practicum experience entailed an exploration of the type of organization or system that may influence the topic of interest. It was important to explore this aspect since various aspects of an organization, such as organization leadership and culture, are known to substantially impact the implementation of quality improvement projects, evidence-based projects, and protocols for patient care (Ost et al.,2020).

Therefore, this week also entailed efforts to answer various questions such as if the organizational culture influences the topic of interest, if Medicare and Medicaid funding is received, and if the organization generally affects the topic of interest. During week four, various clinical activities were undertaken, including:

  • An exploration of the nature of the organizations’ structure and hierarchy and how it can impact clinical initiatives.
  • Discussions with other healthcare professionals within the organization to help in further understanding of the organization and how the existing structure can be used to help support the clinical initiatives.

It is important to explore various aspects, such as how the targeted goals were achieved during this week. The two objectives that guided this week’s practicum experience included translating research findings into evidence-based practice at the individual and healthcare system levels.

The second objective was to use information technology to evaluate the delivery of healthcare to individuals and internal and community systems. The first objective was achieved by exploring the healthcare system at the practicum site as well as the organizational culture to explore how well it supports clinical initiatives.

As earlier highlighted, the second objective focused on the use of information technology to evaluate the delivery of healthcare to individuals and internal and community systems. As part of the fourth-week experience, there were attempts to review and explore how the organizational structure and hierarchy impact the delivery of healthcare to patients within the healthcare system.

Therefore, the objectives were achieved through deliberate efforts made in the patient care environment. It is important to reflect on the week’s experience and its correlation to the South University’s pillars of nursing. Communication as a pillar or aspect of nursing was again the center of focus in efforts to explore whether the topic of interest can be impacted by the study and hierarchy of the organization (Dang et al.,2021).

It was important to effectively communicate with the leaders during discussions to understand the leadership hierarchy as well as the structure of the leadership. Therefore, the use of effective communication strategies played a critical role in obtaining relevant information. Critical thinking was also used to explore the relationship between organizational factors such as leadership and culture and the delivery of healthcare to individuals in care settings.

Week Five

Week five’s practicum duration offered a chance to acquire knowledge and skills relevant to nursing practice. Therefore, week five focused on the formulation of a career portfolio and resume. It was an enriching experience to explore the fine details of a resume and career portfolio and also know when one should be used and at what instance. Week five also involved various activities key to the achievement of the practicum objectives. The activities undertaken include:

  • Exploring relevant sources that can be used in formulating good-quality resumes and portfolios.
  • Peer discussions regarding formulated resumes and incorporating important points that can be used to make the resume better.
  • A discussion with the preceptor on what should be included in the resume and how to make better portfolios that tell a complete story about an individual.

The major objective of focus during week five was to translate research findings into evidence-based practice at the individual and healthcare system levels. It is important to note that efforts to explore the topic of interest further were still made during this week.

As part of the week’s experience, I embarked on exploring various research aspects as well as research regarding UTIs and antibiotic stewardship that has been translated into practice to help enhance patient outcomes (Dang et al.,2021). I also formulated a resume, which I posted on the discussion board in an effort to obtain constructive feedback from my peers.

Indeed, it was evident that it is important to update a portfolio as frequently as possible and also include the most relevant information in a resume when applying for a position. Therefore, this week was particularly important to me in terms of professional development and focus to ensure that I am in a position to formulate a document that shows my detailed professional journey, expertise, skills, and future aspirations.

As part of the reflection, week five was arguably one of the most important weeks, as relevant information regarding professional development was explored. It offered an opportunity to learn about the specifics of curriculum vitae, resume, and career portfolio and when to submit which. This week’s experience also closely relates to the South University pillars of nursing, such as professionalism, critical thinking, holism, communication, and caring.

Again, it was important to learn how to communicate with potential employers by formulating professional documents that clearly tell my story and let others know about my education, expertise, experience, and achievements.


This week’s project assignment explored the achievements made from week one through week five. Therefore, important aspects have been explored, such as an overview of clinical and scholarly activities accomplished during the five weeks, a commentary, and evidence of progress toward achieving specific course objectives and reflections. All the weeks played important roles in enhancing knowledge and skill acquisition.


  • Ahmad, M., & Khan, A. U. (2019). Global economic impact of antibiotic resistance A review. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, 19, 313-316. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.jgar.2019.05.024
  • Behzadi, P., Urbán, E., Matuz, M., Benkő, R., & Gajdács, M. (2021). The role of gram-negative bacteria in urinary tract infections current concepts and therapeutic options. Advances in Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Public Health Volume 15, 35-69. Doi 10.1007/5584_2020_566
  • Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.
    Hwang, S. W., & Koo, O. H. (2019). A comparison between Importance of nursing management clinical practicum and practical experience recognized by nursing students. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 10(9), 351-361. https //doi.org/10.15207/JKCS.2019.10.9.351
  • Ho, H. J., Tan, M. X., Chen, M. I., Tan, T. Y., Koo, S. H., Koong, A. Y., … & Tan, N. C. (2019). Interaction between antibiotic resistance, resistance genes, and treatment response for urinary tract infections in primary care. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 57(9), 10-1128. https //doi.org/10.1128/jcm.00143-19
  • Karam, M. R. A., Habibi, M., & Bouzari, S. (2019). Urinary tract infection Pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance and development of effective vaccines against Uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Molecular Immunology, 108, 56-67. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.molimm.2019.02.007
  • Klein, R. D., & Hultgren, S. J. (2020). Urinary tract infections microbial pathogenesis, host–pathogen interactions, and new treatment strategies. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 18(4), 211-226. https //doi.org/10.1038/s41579-020-0324-0
    Nasr, Z., Babiker, A., Elbasheer, M., Osman, A., Elazzazy, S., & Wilby, K. J. (2019). Practice implications of an antimicrobial stewardship intervention in a tertiary care teaching hospital, Qatar. http //dx.doi.org/10.26719/emhj.18.026
    Ost, K., Blalock, C., Fagan, M., Sweeney, K. M., & Miller-Hoover, S. R. (2020). Aligning organizational culture and infrastructure to support evidence-based practice. Critical Care Nurse, 40(3), 59-63. https //doi.org/10.4037/ccn2020963
  • Segala, F. V., Murri, R., Taddei, E., Giovannenze, F., Del Vecchio, P., Birocchi, E., … & Fantoni, M. (2020). Antibiotic appropriateness and adherence to local guidelines in perioperative prophylaxis results from an antimicrobial stewardship intervention. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 9, 1-6. Doi 10.1186/s13756-020-00814-6
  • Shirazi, F., & Heidari, S. (2019). The relationship between critical thinking skills and learning styles and academic achievement of nursing students. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4), e38. https //doi.org/10.1097%2Fjnr.0000000000000307

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