NSG 3039 Week 2 Discussion Latest Implementing Change

Paper Instructions


Post a response to one of the two discussion topics below, using information from the lectures, reading assignments, library resources, and Internet resources. All responses should be posted to the Discussion Area.

Topic 1

Change in our work and personal lives is often a stress inducing event. The goal of the change agent should be to mitigate stress as much as possible. Share your experience with change, good or bad, and if it was “good” experience, what made it good? And if “bad” what made it bad? How to these experiences align with best practices in implementing change?

Topic 2

Your manager asks you to implement a new process in your unit. Knowing that an important first step in implementing change is to evaluate and document the current process, you tell your manager this but he or she says there is not enough time to do this how would you make the case to you manager that skipping this step may not provide the outcome that they are looking for in their new

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Topic 1

Change is a common aspect the nurses and other healthcare providers encounter in their practice. I have positive experience with change in my work life. The change was the introduction of new technology for use in my previous workplace. The introduction of the technology was done with the aim of improving the efficiency in the workplace.

The technology would have led to elimination of task duplication as well as redundancies. The introduction of change faced considerable resistance from the staffs. The resistance was attributed to the fear of the unknown outcomes of the change, the existing status quo, and lack of knowledge and skills on the use of the technology innovation.

The management was responsive in addressing the resistance. Firstly, it trained the staffs on the use of the technology. It also involved them in all the aspects of the change. Open communication was encouraged to ensure that the concerns of the staffs were addressed (Tappen et al., 2017). In the end, the change was successfully implemented in practice.

I believe the change experience was good for me. Firstly, we were prepared adequately for the change. We were also provided with the resources that we needed to implement the change successfully. There was adequate participation from the change team. The change also aligned with the experiences of implementing change. For example, the management ensured that the implementers of the change were facilitated for the process.

The facilitation could be seen from the provision of training opportunities and open communication to ensure that the needs of the implementers were addressed. There was also active participation of the implementers, which ensured that they had the knowledge and skills that were needed for the successful implementation of the change (Sharma et al., 2018). Therefore, the change initiative aligned with the practices of implementing change.


  • Sharma, N., Herrnschmidt, J., Claes, V., Bachnick, S., Geest, S. D., & Simon, M. (2018). Organizational readiness for implementing change in acute care hospitals An analysis of a cross-sectional, multicentre study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(12), 2798–2808. https //doi.org/10.1111/jan.13801
  • Tappen, R. M., Wolf, D. G., Rahemi, Z., Engstrom, G., Rojido, C., Shutes, J. M., & Ouslander, J. G. (2017). Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing a Change Initiative in Long-Term Care Utilizing the INTERACTTM Quality Improvement Program. The Health Care Manager, 36(3), 219–230. https //doi.org/10.1097/HCM.0000000000000168

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