WEEK 4 DISCUSSION Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for the older adult

Paper Instructions


Post your initial response to one of the two topics below.

Topic 1

Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for the older adult.

Of the objectives listed for the older adult, which two do you feel are most important. Include examples and references to support your response.

Topic 2

There are several vulnerable populations who are susceptible to chronic illnesses (older; homeless; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations) and who face challenges when it comes to care.

Choose one vulnerable population and identify chronic illnesses to which they might be susceptible.

  • Identify challenges they face related to one of the identified chronic illnesses.
  • Discuss what can be done to help alleviate these challenges.

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Week 4 Discussion Topic 2

The homeless are at relatively high risk for chronic illnesses, with homelessness being associated with various physical and mental disorders. They are susceptible to chronic illnesses, including hypertension and COPD. COPD is prevalent among homeless persons due to tobacco smoking and exposure to air pollutants (Landon, 2017).

In addition, the high susceptibility to hypertension can be attributed to age, race, high stress levels, and excessive alcohol consumption (Ngo et al., 2021). Hypertension is prevalent among African Americans and Hispanics, who account for the highest proportion of homeless persons in the U.S.

Challenges faced in relation to hypertension include low literacy levels, which are a barrier to understanding healthy lifestyle practices necessary to prevent hypertension (Ngo et al., 2021). The homeless lack finances to purchase blood pressure machines to help them monitor their blood pressure over time. Lack of health insurance is a major challenge to accessing screening, preventive, and treatment services for homeless persons (Ngo et al., 2021).

Lack of access to these services contributes to uncontrolled blood pressure resulting in adverse consequences such as stroke and kidney failure. Furthermore, homelessness makes pharmacological management and long-term dietary practices difficult since individuals may not afford the medications and healthy foods.

The challenges need to be addressed for effective treatment and promote better blood pressure control among hypertensive homeless patients. They can be alleviated by providing healthcare opportunities at shelters or shelter-based clinics where the homeless can seek care (Ngo et al., 2021).

The clinics should offer social, and system supports to help address the multilevel barriers to hypertension control. Besides, community outreach programs can be organized in the shelters to provide health education on preventing hypertension and other chronic illnesses (Ngo et al., 2021).

This can empower individuals to take charge of their health through healthy lifestyle practices. In addition, the outreach programs can provide screening services to help identify individuals at risk and with undiagnosed hypertension.


  • Landon, C. (2017). Homelessness as a Positive Influence on Pulmonary Health in COPD. Chest, 152(4), A981. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2017.08.1017
    Ngo, A. N., Islam, M. A., Aoyagi, J., Sandor, Z., & Sandor, S. (2021). Prevalence of Hypertension in Homeless Adults An Interprofessional Education Community-Based Health Fairs Cross-Sectional Study in Urban Long Beach, California. High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention, 28(1), 63-68. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2017.08.1017

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