Week 2 Discussion Social Determinants of Health

Paper Instructions


Post your initial response to one of the two topics below.

Social Determinants of Health

Topic 1

Increasingly, health policymakers are becoming aware of the social determinants of health and the role they play in prevention disease and promoting health and wellness.
In the Frameworks for Action in Policy and Politics chapter, examine Box 1-1 (Political Aspects of the Social Determinants of Health) and Figure 1-6 (The Who, What, Where, When, and Why of Nursing Policy Influence). Compare these with the story about Lilian Wald work in New York City.

Reflect on the what of Wald strategies. In your opinion, which did she use effectively? Looking further at the what in Figure 1-6, answer any one of the following questions Discuss at least three competencies/strategies that you have used effectively. Identify three competencies/strategies that you don currently use and discuss how you might incorporate them into your advocacy toolbox.

Topic 2

Review the four recommendations in the IOM report The Future of Nursing Leading Change, Advancing Health and find your state\’s action coalition.
Discuss your state action coalition work as it aligns with these four recommendations. Is each recommendation being addressed?
Based on your analysis of the website, how would you describe your state progress toward meeting the IOM recommendations?

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All patients deserve quality and accessible health care, and nurses have been instrumental in achieving this objective for a long time. To enhance outcomes, health care professionals apply different approaches such as collaboration and partnerships. Operation frameworks from states action coalitions have been pivotal in improving health and strengthening nursing.

Action coalitions usually work to advance the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report’s recommendations. This discussion explores how Florida’s action coalition’s work aligns with IOM recommendations and the state’s progress toward meeting the recommendations.

Florida’s Action Coalition and IOM Recommendations

The IOM report on the future of nursing recommends four action areas for building a healthier America. They include nurses to deliver services to the full extent of their competence, nurses achieving the highest level of education possible, collaboration in practice, and effective workforce planning (Rekha, 2020).

Florida’s action coalition’s work aligns with the four recommendations to a significant degree. For Floridians to access safe and high-quality care, the Florida Action Coalition leads in advancing the nursing profession and works towards a health care system where nurses work as essential partners in health care delivery (Campaign for Action, n.d.).

The coalition has also established committees to work on the various action areas, including collaboration and workforce planning. On education, Florida is working to increase the number of registered nurses with a baccalaureate in nursing to 80% (FA Coalition, 2020). Undeniably, there are visible efforts to address each recommendation.

Florida Action Coalition has made remarkable progress towards meeting the IOM recommendations. For instance, the coalition’s membership has various entities, including co-leads, partners, and stakeholders, supporting action on the report recommendations.

The entities further engage coalition partners at the state and local levels to improve Floridians’ health (Adams, 2021). Getting nurses to work on community boards promotes nursing leadership and education models to streamline learning to earn advanced degrees transform nursing education. Such interventions enable nurses to work to the best of their capacity.


The IOM report guides states’ action coalitions in building healthier communities. Through action coalitions, nurses serve as essential partners in health care provision. Florida Action Coalition’s vision is creating a healthier America supported by nurses as essential partners. The coalition also promotes leadership and collaboration, enabling nurses to deliver services to the full extent of their competence, as the IOM report recommends


  • Adams, J. (2021). Nursing Action Coalition for Florida. Campaign for Action. https //campaignforaction.org/nursing-action-coalition-of-florida/
    Campaign for Action. (n.d.). Florida Action Coalition. https //campaignforaction.org/state/florida/
  • FA Coalition. (2020). Florida Action Coalition. https //digitalcommons.unf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3416&context=flablue_text
    Rekha, S. G. (2020). The future of nursing leading change, advancing health. Journal of Pediatrics and Nursing Science, 3(3), 60-63. DOI 10.18231/j.ijpns.2020.013

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