Week 1 Discussion NSG 4067 Gerontological Nursing

Paper Instructions

Question 1 Watch at least 60 minutes of TV, focusing on the depic!on of older adults.Analyze and discuss TV programming in the context of at least two of the following

  • Portrayal of elderly characters Intergeneratonal themes.
  • Conflict in rela!on to the older popula!on
  • Aging stereotypes or myths
  • Cultural diversity in rela!on to quality of care.

Ques!on 2 Discuss your own philosophy of aging.

  • When do you think a person becomeselderly? What do you think of older people?
  • Are they actve, senile, debilitated,etc.? Give a descrip!on of an elderly person that you know.
  • Citatons should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.

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Discussion Question

Watching television series that involve the elderly adults reveal a number of negative aspects in the manner of their portrayal. Accordingly, the series shows the elderly as poor and unattractive individuals. The picture of the elderly adults contrasts with that of the young adults who are portrayed as model and beautiful.

The elderly also appear poor with minimal or lack of achievements in life (Imran, 2021). They do not play a proactive role in contributing to the social wellbeing of others. The series also does not show them as loving beings but instead appear desperate people experiencing crises in their lives.

The series also reveal negative stereotypes about the elderly populations. For example, it depicts the elderly as people increasingly predisposed to negative health outcomes such as chronic illnesses and poor mental health functioning. It also shows the elderly as lonely beings that depend on others for the survival (Imran, 2021). The negative stereotypes have a negative effect on the manner in which societies perceive the elderly populations.

I consider aging as a normal developmental process in life. In my view, aging is the stage where the physiological functioning and mechanisms of the body slows down, leading to the changes in this stage of life. I consider a person to become elderly once they reach 60 years and above. I think the elderly are active members of the society despite their physiological and physical changes.

They can make informed decisions, contribute to their health if they have the power, and will to do so (Pickard, 2019). A description of an elderly person that I know is my grandfather. He is 65 years old, active and engages in most of the social activities in my community. He is actively involved in activities that contribute to his health and wellbeing such as physical activity and eating healthy diets.


  • Imran, M. A. (2021). Media Portrayal of Ageing A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Media Discourses in Australia and Malaysia [Thesis]. https //digital.library.adelaide.edu.au/dspace/handle/2440/130075
  • Pickard, S. (2019).Age War as the New Class War?Contemporary Representations of Intergenerational Inequity.Journal of Social Policy, 48(2), 369–386. https //doi.org/10.1017/S0047279418000521

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