Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention Week 2 Project

Paper Instructions


Culturally Competent Nursing
In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, you will describe an interview of a person from a cultural background that is different from your own.

Select a person from a cultural group different from your own. You may choose a patient, friend, or work colleague. For the sake of confidentiality, do not reveal the name of the person you interview; use only initials.

In your paper, include the following

  • A complete cultural assessment using the 12 domains from the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence in your textbook, Transcultural Health Care A Culturally
  • Competent Approach.
  • A description of implications for health practices.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.

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Culture is an essential component of human life. People from different backgrounds have diverse cultural values, beliefs, and practices. The variation can be seen in how people do their things, respond to events, and believe in the existence of supernatural beings.

Nurses play critical roles in implementing interventions that promote the provision of culturally appropriate care to patients. Outcomes that include patient satisfaction and empowerment are achieved when culturally appropriate patient care is given. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is an examination of a cultural assessment of an individual I interacted with over the last few days.

Cultural Assessment

The cultural assessment was conducted with a Latino male, Mr. X. Mr. X’s country of birth is the USA. His parents’ country of birth is Cuba. They migrated to the USA 30 years ago for better working opportunities. Mr. X reported that they live in a healthy environment with a dense population.

The population is middle income. He reported that the family’s income is adequate to sustain its needs. He had never been into the military. He is single. He acknowledged that Latino culture has significantly affected how he relates with others in his personal and professional capacities.

Mr. X asserted the vital role of communication in his culture. He noted that his community uses both verbal and non-verbal communication methods to enhance communication effectiveness. He preferred being called a specific name, which is his family identifier.

Mr. X denied any challenges in speaking the English language. As a result, he finds it easy to express himself to others. Mr. X also noted the use of non-verbal communication skills such as touch to communicate emotions. He reported that he finds expressions of love, empathy, and kindness appropriate. Mr. X raised the importance of personal space in his culture and the need for the protection of his cultural values, beliefs, and practices in the care process.

Mr. X reported the existence of unique family roles and organizations in the Latino culture. Accordingly, an individual is assignedthe role of making decisions in the family. Mr. X’s father is the key decision-maker in the family. Males also perform unique roles that differ from those of females.

Females undertake housekeeping roles such as cooking and ensuring children learn the required values while males perform roles such as finances, looking for food, and educating children. However, most of the roles have lost relevance in the modern world due to globalization. Mr. X recognized the importance of ethical behaviors such as abusing drugs and engaging in prostitution. Mr. X acknowledged diversity in sexual orientation despite it being contrary to his cultural norms.

Mr. X raised some workforce issues common in his culture. One of them is the tradition of having Latinos working in restaurants and engaging in manual work, which has affected their socioeconomic status in society.

However, the increase in educational attainment in the country has increased Latino access to better employment opportunities. Mr. X noted the importance of loyalty and time management in Latino culture, as they contribute to professionalism in any role. He denied any issues in expressing himself in his workplace since he was brought up in the USA. Mr. X denied any history of allergies to medicines.

However, he noted his increased predisposition to health problems such as obesity and hypertension due to genetics. He denied any history of chronic illness. Mr. X was positive towards the use of healthcare services. He seeks medical care for any health problems. He believes that the disabled should receive assistance in achieving their health-related needs.

Mr. X reported that Latinos value healthy living. They discourage involvement in unhealthy lifestyles and behaviors that include alcohol abuse and eating unhealthy debts. Mr. X is a nonsmoker, drinks alcohol occasionally, and does not abuse any other drugs. He also reported that he engages in physical activities regularly to promote his health. He also uses seat belts and protective measures that include condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Mr. X acknowledged a low level of awareness of nutrition issues among Latinos. As a result, they are highly predisposed to lifestyle problems such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Mr. X noted that he eats healthy, balanced diets. He is not selective on the foods he takes. Mr. X further acknowledged the importance of pregnancy and childbirth in the Latino culture.

They perceive children as a source of family blessings and wealth. He also noted that people from his culture support the use of modern contraceptives. Pregnant mothers are prohibited from engaging in risky behaviors such as intensive activities to minimize the risk of harm. Pregnant mothers should be provided with adequate support to ensure positive birth outcomes.

Mr. X also reported unique practices related to death in his culture. Accordingly, people are expected to wail when a person dies. Family members and friends are important in consoling the bereaved in times of death. Men should demonstrate strength by not crying when someone dies while women are allowed to cry aloud. In terms of spirituality, Mr. X reported that he is a Christian. He engages in religious practices such as singing and praying to God. He acknowledged the importance of freedom of religion to the population.

In terms of healthcare practices, Mr. X noted that Latinos engage in activities that contribute to their health such as eating balanced diets and seeking healthcare services. He denied support for organ donation, as it was contrary to his cultural beliefs. He reported utilizing healthcare services from healthcare providers for health problems. However, he preferred male healthcare providers to females since he feels confident expressing his health issues to a male provider. He denied utilizing care services from healers. He at times uses alternative medicines to manage ailments.
Implication for Health Practices

The results of the health assessment have implications for health practices. One of the implications is the increased need for culturally appropriate healthcare services for patients. Healthcare organizations and providers should focus on providing care that aligns with the diverse cultural needs of their patients to promote their empowerment and satisfaction with the offered care (Choi & Kim, 2018). It also raises the need for the provision of opportunities that contribute to cultural competence among healthcare providers.

Healthcare organizations should provide training opportunities to their staff to equip them with the knowledge and skills in providing high-quality, safe, and efficient culturally appropriate care. The last implication to health practices is the increased need for further studies to determine cultural influences on healthcare(Sharifi et al., 2019). The research will inform the adoption of evidence-based interventions in healthcare.


Purnell Model is an effective tool for use in cultural assessment in healthcare. It provides a holistic understanding of the actual and potential needs of the patients and interventions needed to address them. The results of the cultural assessment increase nurses’ understanding of how to enhance culturally appropriate care for diverse populations. Therefore, healthcare institutions should strive to implement interventions that enhance cultural safety and appropriateness in the patient care process.


  • Choi, J.-S., & Kim, J.-S.(2018). Effects of cultural education and cultural experiences on the cultural competence among undergraduate nursing students.Nurse Education in Practice, 29, 159–162.
    Sharifi, N., Adib-Hajbaghery, M., &Najafi, M. (2019).Cultural competence in nursing A concept analysis.International Journal of Nursing Studies, 99, 103386.

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