Week 2 Project Core Competences

Paper Instructions

Task Submit to complete this assignment
Due July 25 at 11 59 PM
Core Competencies

Using the South University Library and your assigned text answer the following questions.

This week we will be discussing core competencies

  • If on NP track Describe the NP core competencies as identified by NONPF and discuss how you can attain basic mastery of those competencies.


  • If on a track other than NP Describe core competencies in your role and who defines these. Discuss how you can attain basic mastery of those competencies.

Once you have defined and explained the core competencies to your role choose two of the competencies below in addition to the leadership competency and discuss how you will demonstrate competence (for a total of three). The competencies are

  • Scientific foundations
  • Leadership
  • Quality
  • Practice inquiry
  • Technology and information literacy
  • Policy
  • Health delivery system
  • Ethics
  • Independent practice

Leadership journals from South University Library are The Journal of Nursing Scholarship or Nursing Leadership Forum or the American Journal of Nursing, Journal of Nursing Administration, Nursing Administration Quarterly, Nursing Management or

Health Care Management Review.

Submission Details

This will be a 2-4 page paper (excluding the title page and references).
Literature support should be used and points are assigned.

Peer reviewed articles that are non-research and nursing organization websites may be used. All articles must be current (not more than five years old, unless it is a hallmark reference; e.g., Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2010). The Future of Nursing Leading

Change, Advancing Health.

  • Format your paper, citations, and references using correct APA Style.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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More attention has been given to the core competencies in nursing because they significantly impact the quality outcome. These competencies not only act as pillars in nursing but are also applied in measuring patient outcomes. The robust nature of these competencies equips nurses with the necessary skills to improve healthcare outcomes in the modern world (Heinen et al., 2019).

Constant nurse training on these core competencies sharpens nurse skills while allowing the healthcare professional to adhere to the set clinical standards. In this view, the purpose of this write-up is to address the nine nurse competencies and propose how a nurse can attain a basic mastery skill on these competencies.

Nurse Competencies

Scientific Foundations

This competency ensures that a nurse gains the correct technical skills that they can apply to improve the nursing practice. The nursing field is constantly evolving, and it requires nurse practitioners with modern skills that could help counter the recent healthcare problems.

All nurse practitioners are given a foundational course in pathophysiology and pharmacology depending on various areas of specialization (Tan et al., 2018). The foundation grounded in scientific research helps improve practice by enabling professionals to explore and translate evidence into practice. These skills seek to bring a positive change in patient outcomes.

Again, the NONPF focus on these skills as they develop critical thinking in nurses and aid in using data to improve clinical practice. Therefore, this competency train nurses to have an extensive perception of the scientific world and apply theories to changing lives.

Leadership Competencies

This competency equips nurses with the leadership skills that allow them to become accountable and devise unique ways of driving change. Healthcare industry leaders focus on meeting the desired outcome for the organization and the patient. The increase in the quality of healthcare care outcomes originates from leadership skills (Heinen et al., 2019).

These skills allow nurse leaders to gain power and authority in managing diverse nurse teams to become more efficient and achieve the desired outcome. They also learn competent communication skills that improve the connection between the nurses and the management. Such a leader would ensure that nurses are satisfied at their and able to meet their assigned roles.

Quality Competencies

Quality is defined as a level where healthcare services can meet the desired consistency and outcome. The increased quality of services in healthcare can be measured through reduced healthcare costs, increased access to healthcare services, and improved patient outcomes (Lee, 2018).

Meet the desired quality and patient outcome developed from a better communication platform among healthcare professionals. While the management works effectively towards providing all resources required to offer healthcare service, the healthcare team is motivated to meet the required goals. Nurse leaders directly impact quality in healthcare as they aid in managing nurses to utilize the available resources in meeting the desired patient outcome.

Practice Inquiry Competencies

These competencies equip nurses with necessary skills related to translation research. The main goal is to allow nurses to develop new practices in nursing practice that can be effective in improving treatment options. The foundation of knowledge in healthcare depends on immense investment in research as it aids in reducing the gap between research and its respective application (Heinen et al., 2019).

The need to invest in research is to develop something new in healthcare. However, if the goal is not met, research does not add value to healthcare practice. Creating a conducive environment for research allows all nurse practitioners to dedicate their time to studying and developing new ideas in nursing.

Technology and Information Literacy Competencies

This competency applies to the application of digital technology in healthcare delivery. The need to transform the healthcare setting using modern technology requires adequate training of nurses on technology (Tan et al., 2018). Again, digital technology has resulted in the development of nurse information who are new generation nurses aligned to applying the modern technology in healthcare.

The use of digital technology has been increasing in the healthcare sector with the increased use of EHRs, CDSS, and other digital tools in offering healthcare services. The current quality and safety of patients in healthcare are a result of the effective application of digital technology in healthcare.

Policy Competencies

NONF defines health policy as a set of decisions that affect healthcare outcomes. Nurses operate in a sector governed by strict rules and standards that pertains to life (Tan et al., 2018).

Therefore, allowing nurses to participate in developing the nurse policies has a positive impact on ensuring adherence to the policies. Developing policies with the nurses in mind allows them to support the policies to meet its objective.

Health Delivery System Competencies

Delivering healthcare services is a competency that is closely related to quality in healthcare. The process starts with planning, developing, and implementing various healthcare programs that support efficient delivery (Tan et al., 2018). These competencies allow nurses to learn how to reform healthcare systems and use recent practices in meeting positive patient outcomes.

Ethics Competencies

The ethical framework guiding nurses allows them to operate within the provision of the designed rule while dispensing their nurse duties. For example, ethical competencies allow nurses to apply all the nursing ethical principles while delivering healthcare (Lee, 2018). Cases of nurses facing legal issues because of non-adherence to ethical issues in healthcare have risen. This implies that nurses have limited training on effective ways of solving ethical issues facing them in the healthcare setting.

Independent Practice Competencies

These competencies allow nurses to use their moral judgment in delivering healthcare practices. The ability of a nurse to use their moral judgment in delivering healthcare allows them to unleash their full potential in ensuring the safety and quality of the service delivery in healthcare.

NONPF defines independent nurses as skilled professionals with the ability to meet healthcare needs. The certifications obtained in nursing allow nurses to accept the responsibility of being accountable for patients’ lives (Lee, 2018).

How to Attain Mastery Skills in the Competencies

Promoting nurse training on these skills allows them to develop a positive culture that focuses on using these competencies in delivering healthcare. The success of the healthcare system is confined to these policies. Therefore, nurse leaders need to be at the forefront in ensuring that nurses gain competent skills in these core competencies.

In my nursing practice, I choose health delivery system, leadership, and independent practice as the main competencies that affect my role as an NP. I will strive to promote good these competencies by supporting nurse training and development programs.


These competencies are a summary of the overall goal in nursing. They prepare nurses for the activities they will be facing in the real healthcare setting. The need to better leaders and develop new strategies all fear meeting a positive outcome in healthcare. The ethical framework also defines the boundaries of their work. 


  • Heinen, M., van Oostveen, C., Peters, J., Vermeulen, H., & Huis, A. (2019). An integrative review of leadership competencies and attributes in advanced nursing practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(11), 2378-2392. https //doi.org/10.1111/jan.14092
  • Lee, K. E. (2018). Effects of team-based learning on the core competencies of nursing students A quasi-experimental study. Journal of Nursing Research, 26(2), 88-96. doi 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000259
  • Tan, K., Chong, M. C., Subramaniam, P., & Wong, L. P. (2018). The effectiveness of outcome based education on the competencies of nursing students A systematic review. Nurse Education Today, 64, 180-189. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2017.12.030

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