Creating the Assessment Culture

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Educational institutions, for the most part, have multiple departments or units that are involved with research and evaluation Office of Instructional Effectiveness, Office of Institutional Research, Office of Assessment, and the Institutional Review Board, to name a few. Nurse educators may be required or even choose to collaborate with many of these departments to manage assessment and evaluation of programs. In addition, nurse educators have a responsibility to communicate assessment results with students, faculty, students\’ families, other educators, regulatory entities, and accreditors. Planning for the various communication streams related to reporting assessment information is crucial to the success of creating a culture of assessment for the organization.

Research communication models and communication streams.

Develop a communication plan to socialize stakeholders with assessment information, quality improvement plans, and to solicit feedback to support a culture of assessment in the organization

Evaluate best practices to provide a communication report about assessment results for:

  • Your organization and its responsible departments or units
  • Accreditors
  • Regulatory agencies (e.g., state boards of nursing)
  • Faculty
  • Students
  • The public

Would you share results via social media, the organization\’s web site, and/or through a written report?

  • Evaluate how you would plan to gather feedback about the results and solicit input for quality improvements from all stakeholders.
  • Evaluate how you plan to use stakeholder feedback and input to recommend quality improvements to the organization, accreditors, and regulatory agencies.
  • Incorporate a flow chart or communication model in your plan as a graphic.

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Creating the Assessment Culture

Internal and external relationships affect how a company or an organization exists and relates with stakeholders. The strategies of company communication channels and plans determine the strength of these relationships. It also depends on how this communication is being relayed to the managers, staff, and stakeholders by the researcher.

A communication plan in an organization is necessary because it provides a roadmap of consistency in terms of information channels for specific initiatives for employees to take responsibility to achieve set objectives (Bisel, 2017). The purpose of this paper is to develop a communication plan to help in sharing assessment results with internal and external stakeholders with corresponding communication models.

Best Practices on How to Provide a Communication Report

Data communication and feedback on the assessment report should be well streamlined. The best practice to present a feedback report is by preparing main findings where they can be easily located by the target readers. Consolidate findings and collapse the recommendations together for the audience that want to get the whole idea of an assessment. This ensures good time management and precise presentation of the findings (Bisel, 2017).

Another consideration is the evaluation of the nature of the stakeholders. Some are internal and others are external. Further, determining how the stakeholder will use the report, and how much time do they have to read or go through the report is fundamental to this process. Using various reporting types and models is also useful. Infographics, full reports, and executive summaries can be utilized at different levels of data presentation. On the other hand, the audience may include strategic decision-makers, the general public, or external and internal stakeholders.

Infographics include two or more types of information that use visualization techniques to engage the audience. Charts, maps, and pictures may be used. Executive summaries always shorten the full report with more information and factual evidence. It allows communication of key findings of the report as well as recommendations and conclusions.

Face-to-face communications and meetings are considered best practices in communication because of their ability to express feelings in a well-established connection and to solve complicated matters. They are also necessary when you require feedback from team members or stakeholders. Electronic and social media platforms are best for those with computers, who need to make a connection with various parties who are away from the organization (Grannan & Calkins, 2018). Further, written materials and video support are important for instance, written materials, paper handouts, fliers, and short video programs to appeal to visual senses.

Gathering Feedback about the Assessment Results
Feedback about the evaluation report is necessary for planning and future projection. Feedback should be educative and done promptly. The researcher will be required to be sensitive to the needs of every individual, ask questions for clarification which shall be a reference of feedback. However, every stakeholder should be allowed to give their feedback

Gathering feedback about the available communication strategies gives an outcome of the state of quality improvement from stakeholders. When employees, management, and stakeholders take part in providing feedback to the organization, improvement areas are well tackled and rectified for better performance. Soliciting input from stakeholders gives additional inspiration and a different angle of perception on ideas and objectives.

Some feedback can be obtained through small group instructional diagnoses techniques, surveys, and open-ended feedback questionnaires. Assessment objectives will guide which method to use to gather feedback information. They provide necessary answers on how the topic was presented and important communication and recommendations for the next course of action (Kalu & Dyjur, 2018).

Listening to the audience helps communicators gain insight into the message. It reveals their level of interest and perception about the assessment report and may determine policy adoption or behavior change. Listening to the opinion of the public, partners and stakeholders provide different perspectives and beliefs on how they view feedback from assessment results.

A Communication Plan to Share Assessment Results

Making an effective communication plan is useful in sharing useful results and feedback of the assessment. Communicators can perform a situational analysis to determine the position of their organization. Conducting surveys and audits from focused groups provides a current stand of the organization.

During the process, it is important to define your objectives through a SMART analysis method. The objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Key audiences to receive the communication may include members, clients, local government officials, media representatives, and educators (Grannan & Calkins, 2018). These should be determined well and appropriate media channels that would be most effective to deliver the message designed.

The other step entails establishing a timetable of the steps and objectives to execute the plan. To achieve set objectives, the researcher should devise a strong communication plan and implement a solid strategy to achieve the set objectives. An evaluation of the results comes at the end to determine the success of the plan. The results may be insufficient which may prompt for an improvement plan in the next cycle of performance.

Communication Plan Model



Importance of a Communication Plan

A good communication plan will make a researcher to target the objectives and strategies accurately. The plan outlines how to reach the target audience and how to deliver the report. A plan can be a short term or long term. It may outline the objectives of the organization over a period of time. The communication efforts are realized and implemented in a good plan. Eventually, a plan makes more work easier by outlining every event at the specific time (Kaplan, 2019).

To sum up, leaders should plan for effective communication of a report after an assessment exercise to make a smooth flow of information in an organization. A communication plan on giving feedback is necessary to attain on relevant stakeholders and therefore improve the overall performance of an organization. The organization should be disciplined; the internal and external stakeholders should be receptive of the feedback to make necessary adjustments for effective leadership and management.


  • Bisel, R. S. (2017). Organizational learning and organizational communication. Organizational Moral Learning, 153-170. https //
  • Grannan, S., & Calkins, S. (2018). Creating a culture for evidence-based assessment of learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2018(155), 11-20. https //
  • Kalu, F., & Dyjur, P. (2018). Creating a culture of continuous assessment to improve student learning through curriculum review. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2018(155), 47-54. https //
  • Kaplan, B. (2019). Feedback and communication with learners in an emergency department. Communication in Emergency Medicine, 199-208. https //

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