Reflection 1 Role of Information and Data Management in Improving Patient Care

Paper Instructions


Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words each.

This reflection is comprised of two sections focused on informatics and information health care systems. This activity is meant to help you bridge the gap between what you know and what you need to know in preparation for the competency assessment.

Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.

1) Role of Informatics in Patient Care

Review the Informatics Strategies & Tools to Link Nursing Care with Patient Outcomes in the Learning Health Care System presentation from the American Medical Informatics Association.

Answer the following questions:

  • How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?
  • The information in the AMIA presentation is from 2014. How has meaningful use changed since its creation?
  • Provide examples from your own clinical practice, current events, or industry journals.

2) Health Care Information Systems

As outlined in the case study at the end of Ch. 8 in the Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals, take an inventory of the information systems in your organization. Use your own observations and conversations with staff and leaders.

Compare your list with the systems described in Chapter 8.

Answer the following questions:

  • How would you rate the information technology status of your organization?
  • How would you improve your information systems?

Submit your reflection.


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Health care delivery evolves as patient needs increase. To respond effectively to the increasing care demands, health care providers continue to integrate informatics into the health practice. This integration has intensified the use of technology and data, albeit with a significant increase in security and privacy risks (Alexander et al., 2019). The purpose of this reflection is to explore the role of informatics in patient care and how to improve health care information systems in the current organization.

1. Role of Informatics in Patient Care

Standardized Data Entry and Care Outcomes

Regardless of their specialties, nurses should embrace technology in care. A critical part of this role entails collecting, analyzing, and applying data to optimize patient outcomes. In clinical practice, data comes from multiple sources and provide varying health information. Common data sources include databases and cloud storage. Grannis et al. (2019) demonstrated data standardization as converting raw and complex data into a common format that allows users to process and analyze it. Its importance in health care delivery cannot be underestimated since safe and effective care requires health care practitioners to use uniform data.

Patient safety is characterized by error-free and timely care. As Grannis et al. (2019) highlighted, data standardization helps health care practitioners establish clear and consistent attributes of the problem they are addressing. For instance, standardized data on a pandemic helps clinicians to establish the trends, severity, vulnerability, and other critical elements that facilitate informed decision-making. Quality patient care depends on data accuracy. Typically, inaccurate data increases medication errors, which reduces the overall care quality.

Standardization improves accuracy and helps health care professionals quickly access current and relevant information. Such access improves data analysis and reduces the time taken before a patient receives medical attention. Generally, the consistency in data formats and labels facilitates the effective and efficient use of medical data to promote patient safety and achieve high care quality.

Meaningful Use Changes since Its Creation

Meaningful use is founded on the principle that technology and information systems should improve patient outcomes. The AMIA presentation demonstrates meaningful use as the building block to improved delivery and outcomes by utilizing technology, access to information, and health care transformation. As Alammari et al. (2021) highlighted, meaningful use started as a project for incentivizing health care providers depending on their integration and use of electronic health records. Like many other health care aspects, much has changed since the creation of meaningful use. The motivation is no longer primarily about incentivizing providers patients play a critical role in promoting meaningful use.

Regarding the objectives of meaningful use in the current practice, health care professionals embrace the comprehensive use of EHRs to achieve value-based care. As a result, the motivation for technology integration in care and utilizing EHR systems that promote meaningful use is to improve overall patient care and increase the probability of reporting clinical benefits (Alammari et al., 2021). Such care outcomes are achieved with minimal errors and collaborative, timely, and patient-centered care. Patients promote meaningful use through data provision and effective use of decision-support systems. They do so by providing alerts to health care professionals and playing a collaborative role in illness management through EHRs.

Changes in health care delivery are inevitable as the health practice advances. Data sharing will intensify hence the need for data standardization and secure, interoperable systems. Data standardization ensures that clinicians can understand data and analyze observable patterns. Meaningful use ensures that health data and technologies are used to promote patient outcomes in the advancing clinical practice. Significant changes have occurred since the inception of meaningful use, and more changes are expected as EHRs integration into patient care intensifies.

2. Health Care Information Systems

Health care organizations require robust information systems to store, analyze, and exchange health information. In the advancing, technology-driven practice, nurses and other health care practitioners should be actively involved in the day-to-day informatics practice and embrace information technology in transforming health care delivery (Hebda et al., 2018). At the center of this role is nurses’ ability to analyze their organizations’ information systems and guide them to adopt efficient and high-capacity systems for effective care delivery. Nurses should also identify areas requiring improvement and intervene appropriately.

Information Technology Status

After a close analysis of the information technology systems in the current organization, it is justified to rate them as effective, although their capacity can be improved. The key indicators of information technology’s effectiveness include high efficiency, capacity, and security. Concerning efficiency, EHR systems in the organization allow quick data access, analysis, and sharing. As Bates and Samal (2018) suggested, efficient data sharing typifies interoperability in technology systems and plays a key role in promoting interprofessional collaboration. Similarly, quick data access, analysis, and sharing allow health care professionals to collaborate in the current organization as they work to achieve timely, satisfactory, patient-centered care.

Capacity and security status are other essential features of effective information systems. From a capacity dimension, the organization systems allow mass data storage in multiple formats. Some data have been stored in images while others are in text, numeric, and visuals, such as graphical representation. As Alexander et al. (2019) noted, secure systems prevent data breaches by securing protected health information (PHI) from unauthorized access. The current systems’ security demonstrates an organization committed to protecting PHI since it has adequate safeguards against malicious access. As a result, health care practitioners can access health records and share private information safely and for health purposes as professionally and ethically obligated.

Improving the Information Systems

Improving information systems is critical to achieving high efficiency and patient care standards. One of the key improvement areas required for the current systems is systems updates. Automating the process will improve its security by timely patching vulnerabilities found in the systems’ software or hardware. The other improvement area that should be prioritized is the design. The organization should focus more on user-centered designs since they encourage more interaction between users and the systems (Dopp et al., 2020). The implication is that health care practitioners in the organization will utilize EHRs and other information systems more if they are not complex to handle.

The organization should also improve its preparedness against systems risks. Adequate preparation can be achieved through robust risk management that outlines measures for identifying, measuring, and mitigating risks (NEJM Catalyst, 2018). Although the organization engages in risk management, system-specific risk management is necessary. It should have a plan specific to information systems and a contingency plan to improve risk response. Above all, regular risk assessments for all systems should be prioritized. Doing so will help the organization identify potential risks early and respond before they reach unmanageable levels.


Health care organizations should embrace technology in patient care to effectively respond to evolving care demands. They should recognize the importance of data-driven care and integrate information systems that help to optimize patient outcomes. As discussed in the above prompts, data standardization is critical to the effective and efficient use of health data. It helps health care professionals to interpret and use uniform data. Since continuous use of secure and efficient information systems is vital to achieving quality patient care, the organization should automate systems updates, invest in user-centered designs, and adopt a systems-specific risk management plan.


  • Alammari, D., Banta, J. E., Shah, H., Reibling, E., & Ramadan, M. (2021). Meaningful use of electronic health records and ambulatory healthcare quality measures. Cureus, 13(1), e13036. https //
  • Alexander, S., Frith, K. H., & Hoy, H. (Eds.). (2019). Applied clinical informatics for nurses (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Bates, D. W., & Samal, L. (2018). Interoperability What is it, how can we make it work for clinicians, and how should we measure it in the future?. Health Services Research, 53(5), 3270–3277. https //
  • Dopp, A. R., Parisi, K. E., Munson, S. A., & Lyon, A. R. (2020). Aligning implementation and user-centered design strategies to enhance the impact of health services Results from a concept mapping study. Implementation Science Communications, 1(1), 1-13. https //
  • Grannis, S. J., Xu, H., Vest, J. R., Kasthurirathne, S., Bo, N., Moscovitch, B., Torkzadeh, R., & Rising, J. (2019). Evaluating the effect of data standardization and validation on patient matching accuracy. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association JAMIA, 26(5), 447–456. https //
  • Hebda, T., Hunter, K., & Czar, P. (2018). Handbook of informatics for nurses and healthcare professionals. Pearson.
    NEJM Catalyst. (2018). What is risk management in healthcare? https //

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