NRSE 4550 PICO Assignment

Paper Instructions

Located in Southern California. I work in an Emergency Room**

If you could do the PICO on Bedside Shift Report that would be awesome!

** My Capstone project for my next course is on the importance of Bedside Shift Report.

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PICO Clinical Question In medical surgical units, does the use of bedside shift report result in patient and provider satisfaction when compared to the standard practice of shift report at the nurses’ station in six months period?

  • Parts of the PICO question
  • P medical-surgical units
  • I use of bedside report
  • C standard practice of shift report at the nurses’ station
  • O patient and provider satisfaction

What is the importance of the PICO question?

Patient handover is a critical process that nurses undertake in their practice. Effective handing over of patients promote safety, quality and continuity of care. The safety of care is achieved through the identification of the critical care needs of patients and provision of timely care (Malfait et al., 2019).

Handing over of patients can be achieved with the use of different approaches. The most common approach to handing over patients by nurses is done at the nurses’ station. The use of the standardized shift report at the nurses’ station is associated with benefits such as nurses spending less time in handing over and minimizing disturbances in a unit.

The method is however associated with disadvantages that include delays or skipped care, poor nurse-patient relationship and low level of provider and patient satisfaction. There is also the issue of delays in the recognition of the additional care needs of the patients. In response to these challenges, the use of bedside shift report has been recommended as an evidence-based practice approach in nursing.

Accordingly, bedside shift report has been shown to result in improved patient and provider satisfaction with care, patient-provider interaction, timely provision of care, and early identification and management of the health problems facing patients (Hada et al., 2018; Walsh et al., 2018). Despite the above benefits, our hospital is yet to implement bedside shift report for use in nursing practice. Therefore, the aim of the proposed project will be to compare the effectiveness of bedside shift report and nurses’ station shift report on patient and provider satisfaction.

Why is it important to have evidence to support a potential change in policy/procedure?

It is important to have evidence to support the proposed change because of a number of reasons. Firstly, evidence will be used to persuade the nurses and management to embrace the change. The availability of highly reliable and accurate evidence is likely to increase the adoption of the proposed project in practice.

Evidence also provides guidance on the aspects that should be considered in the implementation of the project. Accordingly, sources of evidence-based data provide clues on the success factors that should be considered in implementing bedside shift report in healthcare settings. The sources of evidence-based data will also provide insights into the performance metrics that will be used for evaluating the effectiveness of bedside shift reporting in clinical practice.

Lastly, the practice of nursing in the modern world relies on the use of evidence-based data. Evidence-based practice has been shown to contribute to organizational outcomes that include improved quality, safety and efficiency of care. The development of evidence-based practice interventions requires highly reliable, accurate and quality sources of data. Consequently, it informs the need to have evidence to support the proposed change of bedside shirt report in nursing practice.

APA Reference #1

Hada, A., Coyer, F., & Jack, L. (2018). Nursing bedside clinical handover A pilot study testing a ward-based education intervention to improve patient outcomes. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association. https //
APA Reference #2

Malfait, S., Eeckloo, K., Biesen, W. V., & Hecke, A. V. (2019). The effectiveness of bedside handovers A multilevel, longitudinal study of effects on nurses and patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(8), 1690–1701. https //
APA Reference #3

Walsh, J., Messmer, P. R., Hetzler, K., O’Brien, D. J., & Winningham, B. A. (2018). Standardizing the Bedside Report to Promote Nurse Accountability and Work Effectiveness. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 49(10), 460–466. https //

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