HSNCB 476 Competency 3

Paper Instructions

Assessment Details

This assessment will demonstrate the importance of using critical thinking in the operation of health care facilities. Choose a current issue that reflects the political point of view of either one of the political parties, Republican or Democrat.

You are scheduled to testify at your state legislature regarding this issue. Develop a position statement that argues your point of view of the issue.

You can choose to upload a video statement, which will be shared with your audience or you may wish to submit a written statement that will be shared before your live testimony.

Format your assignment as 1 of the following:

  • 430-word paper
  • Another format approved by your instructor

Cite at least 3 APA formatted peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years that support your positions.

Include an APA-formatted reference list.

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Efforts to enhance the health system and its performance must tackle the challenges associated with implementation. Health issues like access to quality and affordable care require legislative policies and actions of the political leaders, including public health issues. Gun violence is considered a leading cause of premature death in the country. The American Public Health Association (APHA) asserts that guns kill over 38,000 people and cause about 85,000 injuries every year.

Gun control remains a political issue with both proponents and critics arguing and presenting different positions. However, gun control laws are necessary because the rising incidents of gun violence present strain on public health system. Imperatively, legislators should consider gun violence as a public health matter and not a political one. Gun violence is an epidemic that requires research and evidence-bases strategies to reduce mortality and morbidity it helps create in society.

A core aspect of gun violence is the ever increasing threat and occurrence of mass shooting. While mass shootings are horrific and draw media attention and trigger debate on gun control laws, they are only but a component of gun violence. Over half of all suicides in the country are associated with a firearm. More than 50% of female homicides involve use of firearms. For instance, close to 45,000 individuals committed suicide in the country in 2016. Suicide accounts for about 60% of all firearm-associated deaths in the United States. Again, studies reveal that firearms are the most lethal way of attempting suicide. Guns contribute to domestic violence with women suffering a substantial effect of such occurrences.

The U.S. has the most incidences of gun violence against women. A majority of deaths arise from intimate partner violence. As such, having gun control laws at state level would help reduce the associated adverse events of possessing firearms. For instance, compared to homes that have guns, those without have limited chances of gun violence, including intimate partner violence (Sanchez et al., 2020). Women who are physically abused by the current or former partner are seven times more likely to be killed if the partner owns a handgun compared to those whose partner does not possess a handgun. Communities that experience severe disadvantages like poverty and low social cohesion have increases chances of intimate partner violence.

Restricting purchase and possession of guns for individuals convicted of domestic violence-associated crimes or those with restraining orders can help states to prevent intimate partner violence related homicide. As such, states should develop new regulations and requirements for acquisition of firearms because of the possibility of using it illegally. Having systems that screen people effectively for restraining orders before they are allowed to purchase firearms. Such screening reduces chances of one owning a gun that they may use to perpetrate IPV-related homicides (Sanchez).

Currently, federal laws require background checks for any firearm purchase. The implication is that having gun control laws will lead to a reduction in gun violence and associated crimes. Therefore, passing laws that focus on proper handling of guns, especially, among those susceptible to violence is critical for the state and its executive. The recent mass shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, shows the devastating effects of gun violence and the need to amend laws that protect commissioners. As such, the state legislature should pass the requisite legislations that will allow effective management of drugs in the country.


  • American Public Health Association (APHA) (2023). Gun Violence.
    https //www.apha.org/topics-and-issues/gun-violence
  • Sanchez, C., Jaguan, D., Shaikh, S., McKenney, M., & Elkbuli, A. (2020). A systematic review of the causes and prevention strategies in reducing gun violence in the United States. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 38(10), 2169-2178.
  • Kolbe, L. J. (2020). School gun violence in the United States. Journal of school health, 90(3), 245-253.

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