NSGCB 486 Reflection 2

Paper Instructions


This reflection is comprised of two sections, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. This activity is meant to help you bridge the gap between what you know and what you need to know to complete the competency assessment.

Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.

A group of nursing students wanted to learn more about the health behaviors of adolescents in their community. They decided to have students at the local high school complete a questionnaire about their health behaviors. After the adolescents completed the questionnaire, the nursing students reviewed the responses and tallied the results. They discovered that over half of the adolescents who completed the questionnaire engaged in risky sexual behaviors. They reviewed the literature, which stated that sexually transmitted infection (STI) rates in this population are on the rise.

The nursing students decided to educate the adolescents about safe sexual practices and prevention of STI transmission. The overall goal of the program was to decrease the number of adolescents engaged in risky sexual behaviors. The nursing students developed objectives and teaching strategies for this educational program.

Their objectives and teaching strategies for this education program include the following:

  • To instill adolescents with an intrinsic motivation to become aware of their own risky sexual behavior through class discussions and cooperative learning exercises
  • To promote safe sexual practices with the adolescents through demonstration of appropriate safe sex practices and inquiry-guided instruction
  • To develop students’ positive sexual health behaviors through scenario-based case presentations and discussions

Research the data on STIs and transmission for your community.

Review the Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators (LHI). Identify the LHI that best matches STIs and transmission through risky sexual behaviors.

Critique the objectives and teaching strategies used by the student nurses.

  • How do the objectives and teaching strategies address the identified LHI?
  • What action by the nursing students illustrates the planning phase of the health planning model? Refer to Figure 7.2 in Community Health Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
  • Which system level is primarily being addressed through the educational program? Refer to Box 7-2 in Community Health Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
  • What level of prevention is being applied by the educational program the nursing students are providing? Refer to your textbook for levels of prevention.

Cite specific examples from practice or literature.

Submit your reflection.


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The Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators (LH) that is consistent with STIs and transmission through risky sexual behaviors is “Reduce sexually transmitted infections and their complications and improve access to quality STI care” (ODPHP, n.d.). The objectives address the LHI by making adolescents aware of their risky sexual behavior, which puts them at risk of contracting STIs and HIV. By learning their sexual behavior, they can identify how to improve it and the interventions to protect themselves from STIs.

Furthermore, promoting safe sexual practices with adolescents by demonstrating appropriate safe sex practices will make them aware of what constitutes safe sex behavior and increase the likelihood of implementing it. Consequently, this will meet the LHI objectives of reducing the rate of syphilis in females, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in female adolescents, gonorrhea rates in male adolescents, the number of new HIV infections in adolescents, and the proportion of adolescents with genital herpes (ODPHP, n.d.).

The planning phase of the health planning model entails selecting a single health problem or need and identifying the ultimate goal of the intervention. It also involves identifying specific, measurable objectives (Themes, 2016). Besides, there is describing the alternative interventions necessary to achieve the objectives. The nursing students’ interventions demonstrating the planning phase include assessing the adolescents’ health behaviors by collecting individual data from members of this population using a questionnaire.

They analyzed the responses from the questionnaire, which led to determining the health needs of the priority population and risky sexual behaviors. In addition, the nursing students developed an intervention to implement an education program to educate adolescents about safe sexual practices and the prevention of STI transmission. The students identified that the program’s overall goal was to decrease the number of adolescents engaged in risky sexual behaviors. They also set objectives and strategies to implement the identified intervention, which is part of the planning phase.

The three levels of the system are the subsystem, the system, and the supra system. The system level being applied in the education program is the system (Themes, 2016). In this case, the system is the group of adolescents. On the subsystem level, the nursing students are using class discussions and cooperative learning exercises to enable the group of adolescents to learn about risky sexual behavior. Besides, the students are using demonstrations on appropriate safe sex practices and inquiry-guided instruction that enable the entire group to learn about safe sexual practices. The scenario-based case presentations and discussions target and involve the entire target group.

The education program on safe sexual practices and prevention of STI transmission is applying the primary prevention level. Primary prevention entails health promotion and activities that protect a person from illness or dysfunction. Besides, primary prevention seeks to protect the public’s health and prevent disease development. Educating adolescents on sexual practices and how to prevent transmission of STIs helps to protect them from STIs and reduces the incidence of new STIs diagnoses (King & Hartson, 2020). As a result, the incidences of STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea will significantly reduce if the adolescents implement the interventions recommended in the program.


  • King, K. M., & Hartson, K. R. (2020). Using a health promotion program planning model to promote physical activity and exercise. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 24(2), 43-48. DOI 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000552
  • Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). (n.d.). Sexually transmitted infections. Home of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion – health.gov. https //health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives/sexually-transmitted-infections
  • Themes, U. (2016, August 1). 7. Community health planning, implementation, and evaluation. Nurse Key. https //nursekey.com/7-community-health-planning-implementation-and-evaluation/

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