NSGCB 486 Final Reflection

Paper Instructions

Think of a state-level health program that impacts your community.

  • How could a cut in funding for that program impact your role as a nurse in your own work environment?

Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society –at large, of when politics and policy impacted a health care organization.

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Health programs play major roles in improving patient outcomes through the use of various strategies, such as improving access to care, subsidizing medical costs to ensure affordability, and encouraging healthy living practices as appropriate. Cumberland, Maryland, has various state-level health programs that impact the community. These health programs have played important roles in improving the population and individual health of individuals living in the community. One such health programs include programs by the Maryland Children’s Health program.

This is a children’s health program that offers reduced or free costs health insurance benefits to eligible individuals (“ACHD,” 2020). The eligible children and offered prescription medicines, immunizations, hospital care, and doctor visits, hence beneficial. Cutting funding for this program may have various impacts on my role as a nurse in the work environment. Nurses are tasked with providing care to patients as the forefront professionals (Taylor et al., 2018). The program has increased the number of children who are able to get access to a host of healthcare services which are provided by nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Therefore, my role as a nurse will be impacted since there will be fewer children to attend to. As a patient advocate, I will also have to be more involved in community programs that promote the health of this population to help ensure that they have better outcomes. In addition, I would also collaborate with other stakeholders within the community to source funds that can be used to cover the services which may stop upon the cutting of the funding. There are also cases when politics and policy impact healthcare organizations. One of the cases is when there was an increased rate of hospital-acquired infections. Hence the organization had to adopt health policies that uphold a cleaner environment and better practices to help reduce the rates of infections.


  • ACHD (2020).Allegany county health department Maryland Children’s Health Program. https //allegany.md.networkofcare.org/mh/services/agency.aspx?pid=alleganycountyhealthdepartmentmarylandchildrenshealthprogram_2_672_1
  • Taylor, C., Lynn, P., & Bartlett, J. (2018). Fundamentals of nursing The art and science of person-centered care. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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