NSGCB 498 Reflection 2

Paper Instructions

Competency 2

Use data, evidence, and strategies to promote quality and safety.


Your plan is taking shape. You have begun to use data, evidence, and strategies to promote quality and safety. Consider harnessing these skills for quality improvement planning.

Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words.

Consider this quote

“Things get done only if the data we gather can inform and inspire those in a position to make difference” (Schmoker, 1996).

Thoughtfully consider the following questions:

  • What types of data do you or could you use in your organization?
  • How will you or do you use data to make a difference in your organization?
  • Of the resources you are considering for your project plan, what is the biggest challenge you foresee? Why?

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The project implementation process entails several steps which need to be completed to enhance the project’s success. Part of this process involves a collection of high-quality data which is then analyzed to determine the efficacy of an implemented intervention and make decisions regarding how the information can be used in decision-making to help improve patient outcomes (Nowbar et al.,2019). It is important to explore and determine what types of data can be used in my organization. Among the data which can be used is quality indicators data.

Quality indicators can take the form of data which reflect the rates of hospital-acquired infections. Such data can be used to determine the organization’s performance regarding measures that the organization has used to reduce health-acquired infections. Another data that can be used in the organization is data on patient readmission rates. Readmission rates are another quality indicator that can be used to measure the quality of patient services offered in a facility (LoBiondo-Wood& Haber, 2021). Therefore, by checking them, individuals can find out what can be improved in a hospital.

As earlier highlighted, data forms an important part of the organization, and by closely studying the collected data, important decisions can be made to enhance improvement. One of the ways to use data is to study the data trends in a hospital or a healthcare organization. Studying data trends can reveal areas where the organization is performing poorly and formulate strategies that can be used to improve various areas of weakness.

For example, data trends can reveal that the average amount of time used in serving patients in the facility is higher than the acceptable benchmark times (LoBiondo-Wood& Haber, 2021). As such, the leaders can devise means of reducing such times to improve patient outcomes. Another way of making a difference in the organization is by analyzing the data and using the information received or obtained to trigger the use of evidence-based practice projects to help address an identified problem or issue.

Data obtained can also be used to initiate quality improvement initiatives. For example, in the case where the data reveals higher rates of hospital-acquired infections, then the leaders can approach various research units within the organization to conduct a comprehensive literature review and explore various strategies that can be used as part of the quality improvement initiatives (Grasselli et al.,2021). As such, the quality improvements are data-driven, and they help in improving the outcomes related to the identified patient care issue or problem.

Resources, including financial, material, and human resources, form an important part of projects. Therefore, it is important to timeously identify the required resources and set a plan of how to acquire them. However, in some cases, various challenges can be experienced, which may put the project plan at risk of failure (Dang et al.,2021). The implication is that the project implementation team should identify the potential barriers which may put the project’s success at risk and also formulate plans which can be used to solve them.

One of the biggest challenges I foresee is obtaining enough financial resources to support the project. The project may need a substantial amount of financial support, which can be difficult to obtain. The implication is that it will be important to seek the help of leaders and mentor on the best way to acquire the needed funds (Dang et al.,2021). Sometimes there may be a need to look for potential funders who would be able to fund the implementation of the project.


  • Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.
  • Grasselli, G., Scaravilli, V., Mangioni, D., Scudeller, L., Alagna, L., Bartoletti, M., … & Bandera, A. (2021). Hospital-acquired infections in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Chest, 160(2), 454-465. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2021.04.002
  • LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2021). Nursing research E-book Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Nowbar, A. N., Gitto, M., Howard, J. P., Francis, D. P., & Al-Lamee, R. (2019). Mortality from ischemic heart disease Analysis of data from the World Health Organization and coronary artery disease risk factors From NCD Risk Factor Collaboration. Circulation 2cardiovascular quality and outcomes, 12(6), e005375.

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