NSGCB 498 Competency 2

Paper Instructions

Assessment Details

In this assessment, you will work through the planning and implementation stages of the project. This will require you to determine goals and resources needed and to select an evidence-based practice (EBP) model.

Research best practices to identify an effective intervention for your selected problem. Your goal is to gather evidence from scholarly literature to support the most effective intervention strategy.

The performance appraisal tools in this competency’s learning activities will help you determine appropriate scholarly sources of evidence to cite.

Locate at least 3 original research articles that provide evidence for your proposed solution to your selected problem.

The articles must be peer reviewed, published within the past 5 years, and statistically significant.

Begin by writing a 350-word summary of each article in which you:

  • Identify current guidelines or best practices related to your proposed solution, or if there are protocols, the current standard of care.
  • Define your proposed intervention(s) to address the problem.
  • Explain how the intervention will result in a solution to the problem.
  • Identify the solution you determined would be most effective in resolving the stated problem and define the intended outcomes of implementing the change (e.g., your improvement goal). For quality to improve, a change must occur. That change must be quantifiable. In other words, it must be measurable.

Create an implementation plan in which you:

  • Explain how you will measure the change and how you will know when you have reached your improvement goal.
  • Create a list of outcomes required to reach your outcomes goal. This will allow you to determine the actions needed and the priority of tasks that will result in the desired outcome.
  • Determine who will be responsible for each outcome (typically each is assigned to a team member who is motivated to see the successful implementation of the plan).
  • Determine the actions needed to take place for each outcome to occur.

Questions to consider when determining what action needs to take place:

  • Who do we need to talk to?
    • Departments
    • Stakeholders
  • What needs to be decided?
  • What resources are needed?
    • Budget
    • Personnel
    • Supplies and equipment
  • What milestones need to be set to know we’re on track?
  • When do we need to check on the progress of those milestones?
    • Develop an overall time frame for the project.
  • What potential setbacks do we need to plan for?
    • Develop a risk management plan.
  • Do any tasks need to be completed before taking this action?
    • Establish a budget and roles and determine who will be responsible for what.

Determine how you will monitor progress, which provides you with the means of tracking actions as they are completed and will make you aware of actions that are late or off track.

Select an EBP model to guide the implementation of the plan.

Remember that without a measure, progress becomes a matter of opinion, and opinions can easily change over the course of an implementation timeline.

Create an evaluation plan. Your evaluation plan will define the standard of measurement for progress and will include:

  • Measurable outcomes (both short-term and long-term formative assessments and summative assessments)
  • Data to be collected and how and when it is to be collected
  • Established evaluation points where data can be evaluated, and adjustments made to the implementation plan as a result.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 12- to 15-slide presentation

The slides should only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide presentation made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes should convey the details you would give if you were presenting. Watch the Microsoft video on how to create speaker notes for more help.

  • 12- to 15-minute oral presentation

Read “How to Record Online Course Videos at Home (Tools and Tips)” from Podia.

  • 1,050-word paper

Another format approved by your instructor

Include PDFs of the articles as well as a reference page with an APA-formatted citation for each article.

Submit your assignment.


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Patient falls are among the most unwanted events in patient care settings hence a need to control them. Patient falls are defined as an unplanned descent to the floor which may or may not lead to injury. Patient falls in patient care settings have been shown to lead to various problems, including fractures, lacerations, and internal bleeding. Severe cases of patient falls may even lead to patient death (Hessels et al.,2019).

The implication is that there is a need to use effective strategies to prevent and control patient falls in the care environment. Fortunately, various nursing strategies can be used to prevent and control patient falls. Nursing efforts entail the use of an evidence-based practice project which can be used to prevent falls. Among the most important phases of such an EBP process are the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore planning, implementation, and evaluation of the proposed project.

Evidence from Research Articles

The devastating impacts or effect of patient falls in the care environment has led to research efforts focusing on finding ways to prevent patient falls. Therefore, this section provides evidence obtained from literature searches and resources. One of the prominent interventions that have been used in the past and at present to prevent patient falls is the use of a bundle care approach. A bundle care approach entails a combination of various interventions into one, which is then used to reduce the rates of patient falls.

In one such research, Bargmann and Brundrett (2020), the researches explored if the use of a patient fall safety strategy entailing a bundle care approach could lead to a reduced number of falls. The researchers developed a bundled approach which entailed various components such as assessing the patient’s fall risk using an assessment tool, conducting daily patient education regarding the factors that contribute to patient falls, and an educational handout. The other components included enhancing compliance with fall prevention measures and a patient fall safety agreement.

The fall prevention programs were implemented in a medical-surgical telemetry unit. Upon the analysis of the data, the researcher found out that the fall rate reduced by up to fifty-five percent while the staff compliance with the fall prevention strategies increased by 89%. The hospital also experienced up to eighty-eight fall-free days, which showed the efficacy of the bundled care approach. Johnston and Magnan (2019) also studied the impact of a bundled care approach in the reduction of patient fall incidences in a hospital setting.

Therefore, these researchers had the aim of promoting patient safety by improving adherence to fall prevention protocol. The bundled care had a total of fourteen specific interventions entailing fall prevention protocol. The bundle care approach was conducted for twenty-six days, with the researchers collecting days and nights. The researchers also explored the rates of adherence to the fall prevention protocol by the nursing team. The checklist was always used by the nurses during the handover to ensure that all the interventions were in place before they agreed to start their shifts.

A total of 37 nursing staff participated in the project, and they completed a total of ninety fall prevention checklists. Upon the analysis of the data, the researchers noted that no fall incidences were noted during the study. The nursing staff was able to evaluate the fall prevention checklist, which enabled them to easily identify any missed prevention interventions and trigger appropriate strategies to help the situation.
Spano-Szekely et al. (2020) explored the use of a bundled care approach in a bid to explore its importance in the reduction of patient falls. The researchers used an evidence-based practice improvement model to implement a clinical practice guideline with seven key practice guidelines.

The bundled care entailed the use of various interventions such as nurse-driven mobility assessment, hourly rounding performed by nurses as well as the use of video monitoring which were all focused on improving patient outcomes. The video monitoring also was mainly performed for impulsive fall-risk patients and those who appeared confused. Upon the implementation of this bundled care approach, the researchers observed substantial results. For example, they observed the rate of falls went from 2.91 to 1.14. Therefore, the use of bundled care led to a substantial reduction in patient falls, which showed that the intervention was effective.

The evidence from the literature shows that the use of a bundled care approach was effective in reducing the rates of patient falls. Therefore, this approach has been chosen to help address the problem of patient falls (Spano-Szekely et al., 2020). The bundled care approach will contain various aspects such as patient education, hourly rounds, and the use of a fall prevention and safety checklist. It is hoped that this bundled care approach will lead to reduced falls. As part of the aim, it is hoped that the patient approach will lead to up to a thirty percent patient reduction in the rates of falls.

The Implementation Plan

It is important to have an implementation plan. Therefore, as part of the implementation plan, there will be a need to measure the change. The change will be measured in terms of the number of patient falls observed after the implementation of the intervention. I will know that the goal of the project has been reached when the patient fall incidences fall by at least thirty percent.

The following is the list of outcomes required:

  • Reduction of patient falls by at least thirty percent.
  • Acceptance of the intervention and adherence by the nursing team.

It is also important to determine who will be responsible for every outcome. The first outcome will be assigned to the nurse leader, who is responsible for the coordination of the project. The second outcome will be assigned to the project leader, who ensures that every activity of the project is accomplished. For the cases of falls to reduce by at least 30%, the nurses will need to adhere to the bundle protocol. On the other hand, nurse education will be required to ensure that the nurse staff accept the bundle care approach and use it as appropriate.

Permission will need to be obtained from the hospital leadership for the project to be accomplished (Dang et al., 2021). As part of the project, various items will form part of the budget. Among them include materials for developing educational material for both patients and nurses, teaching and learning materials, and funds for hiring a nurse educator. For the personnel part, the project will need a nurse educator and all the nursing staff to help implement the project.

The progress of the milestones will be checked to ensure that everything is on the path. Therefore, the progress will be checked throughout all the implementation stages. Various milestones will be observed to ensure that the project is on track. For example, the development of the educational protocol will be one of the milestones which will show that the project is on track. Another milestone is acceptance to use the protocol. The next milestone is the evidence of a reduction in the rates of patient falls.

As part of the plan, the project will take six months, as shown in the table. This time frame will be sufficient for the implementation and evaluation of the project. It is important to plan for potential setbacks (Grove et al.,2019). One of the potential setbacks is the potential failure to follow the project timeline. This can be solved by extending the project timeline to accommodate all the proposed activities.

Timeline Activity
August-September 2023 Developing a proposal
September-October 2023 Submitting a proposal and obtaining approval
October-November 2023 Forming stakeholder teams and developing strategies
November-December 2023 Training and implementation, monitoring
December-January 2024 Evaluation
January-February 2024 Provision of stakeholder feedback


It is important to have a risk management plan. Such a plan enhances the chances of the project’s success. Therefore, as part of the risk management plan, it will be important to put measures in place, such as late take-off of project phases. This will be solved by putting an adjustable timeline.

The project will also be monitored from time to time. As part of such a plan, the project will be monitored at each phase (Grove et al.,2019). The monitoring will help determine which phases are late or taking off late to determine the best action to take for better results. The EBP model that will be used to guide the implementation plan is the Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice model. The model’s stages will be used to implement the project.

An Evaluation Plan

An evaluation plan is an important part of the project. Hence it is important to have an appropriate evaluation plan. As part of the plan, measurable outcomes will include the reduction of the rates of patient falls, formulation of education protocol, and acceptance of the bundled care approach. Various data will be collected. The main data is the fall incidences. These data will be collected using electronic health records (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2021). These records will provide the incidences of falls experienced after the use of the intervention. Evaluation will be done at the end of the implementation of the project to determine the effectiveness of the implemented intervention. As part of the intervention, the rates of falls before the intervention will be compared to the rates after the intervention to determine the impact of the implemented bundled care approach


This competency has entailed the implementation and evaluation plan. Therefore, this write-up has explored various aspects of evaluation and implementation. As part of the plan, this project has been designed to take a total of six months. This duration will be sufficient for the initial phases of the project, implementation, and evaluation. In addition, this time will be used to make any corrective measures that can be used to ensure that the project is a success.


  • Bargmann, A. L., & Brundrett, S. M. (2020). Implementation of a multicomponent fall prevention program Contracting with patients for fall safety. Military Medicine, 185(Supplement_2), 28-34.https //doi.org/10.1093/milmed/usz411
  • Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.
  • Grove, S. K., Gray, J. R., & Faan, P. R. (2019). Understanding Nursing Research First South Asia Edition, E-Book Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier India.
  • Hessels, A., Paliwal, M., Weaver, S. H., Siddiqui, D., &Wurmser, T. A. (2019). Impact of patient safety culture on missed nursing care and adverse patient events. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 34(4), 287. https //doi.org/10.1097%2FNCQ.0000000000000378
  • Johnston, M., & Magnan, M. A. (2019). Using a fall prevention checklist to reduce hospital falls Results of a quality improvement project. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 119(3), 43-49. https //doi.org 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000554037.76120.6a
  • LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2021). Nursing research E-book methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Spano-Szekely, L., Winkler, A., Waters, C., Dealmeida, S., Brandt, K., Williamson, M., … & Wright, F. (2019). Individualized fall prevention program in an acute care setting an evidence-based practice improvement. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 34(2), 127-132. https //doi.org 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000344

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