NSGCB 498 Competency 3

Paper Instructions

Assessment Details

Consider the nurse leader’s role at each stage of your project.

Identify the actions a nurse leader would take regarding the following:

  • Communication with stakeholders
  • Training
  • Budget
  • Change management
  • A specific change management theory that is appropriate to this project
  • Authority

Format your assessment as one of the following:

  • 875-word paper

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The success of a project considerably depends on how well the stages of the project have been handled and accomplished. Therefore, it is important that the project team and the nurse leader efficiently carry out various activities that can help in the project implementation and in accomplishing the project goals (Tucker et al.,2019). Nurse leader participates in all the phases of the project and has roles to play to ensure that the project is a success. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to consider the nurse leaders’ role at every stage of the proposed project. In addition, the assignment will explore the actions a nurse leader would take regarding various aspects such as communications with stakeholders, training, budget, and change management.

Communication With Stakeholders

Stakeholders form an important part of the project; hence they require consistent and constant communication during the project. Nurse leader plays a critical role in ensuring that such a communication process is effective. As such, nurse leaders can take various actions as part of communication with stakeholders. The leaders should, in the initial stages, identify every stakeholder so that none is left out in the communication process. It is also important to create a communication plan which has various aspects such as frequency of communication, the communication channels to use, key messages, and the objectives (Dang et al., 2021). Such a plan would ensure effective communication. The nurse leader should also engage the stakeholders early enough to obtain their buy-in.

The nurse leaders should also offer regular and clear updates to the stakeholders. Such updates may help inform the stakeholders regarding the progress of the project and can take the form of reports, newsletters, emails, and physical or virtual meetings. It is also important that the nurse leader facilitate two-way communication by encouraging feedback and replies from the stakeholders (Dang et al.,2021). Such an approach can also enable the stakeholder groups to express their concerns and ask questions. Another activity that a nurse leader can engage in as part of communication with stakeholder groups is evaluating the effectiveness of the communication that has been sent out. Such an approach can help the leader to adjust the communication plan based on the results to enhance the effectiveness of future communication.

Actions Regarding Training

Training is an important part of the project implementation process, especially when there is a need to use a new intervention that requires the implementers to learn new knowledge. Nurse leader has a critical role to play in this process too. One of the most important actions is the assessment of training needs, where the leader explores the specific training needs of the team members and other stakeholders (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2021). The leader can also help in developing a training plan which highlights various important aspects such as the training timelines, methods, contents, and the objectives to be fulfilled. The nurse leader should also help in identifying the training resources, including facilities, equipment, potential trainers, and other training materials. The nurse leader can also accomplish other activities such as customizing training, offering support, and feedback, evaluating the effectiveness of training, and monitoring the training progress.

Actions Regarding Budgeting

The implementation of a project requires different resources for success. Therefore, an appropriate budget should be drawn that covers every project need, and a nurse leader also has a role to play in the same. As such, the nurse leader should have an adequate understanding of the project scope and the resources needed to accomplish the project goals. The leader should help develop the budget in coordination with other project team members and a financial advisor or expert. It is also important to identify funding sources such as donations, grants, and organizational sources that can be used to fund the project (Hopp & Rittenmeyer, 2020). The leader can also engage in other actions such as prioritization of spending, controlling costs, monitoring spending, estimating costs, and allocating resources.

Actions Regarding Change Management

Implementation of a project sometimes requires change; hence there should be change management. Nurse leaders can perform various actions too. Some of the actions include carrying out an assessment of the need for change, building coalitions to support change management, creating a vision for change, and managing resistance (Hopp & Rittenmeyer, 2020). The leader can also carry out other activities, such as educating and training individuals regarding the change efforts, monitoring the change progress, and sustaining the change process.

The Change Management Theory and Authority

Change management theories offer frameworks for implementing change initiatives or efforts in organizations. Therefore, there is a need to identify the right change management theory. One of the change management theories that will be used is Lewin’s change management theory. According to this theory, change takes place in three stages, unfreezing, change, and refreezing. In addition, Lewin posits that change only takes place when the driving forces are greater than the restraining forces. The first phase entails creating awareness of the urgent need for change; therefore, the project team has to involve the stakeholders early enough to obtain their buy-in (Burnes, 2020). The second phase entails the implementation of the intervention and ensuring that individuals are well-trained to use the intervention. The final stage involves making the change part of the culture and using various strategies to sustain the change. There is a need to ensure that the authorities support the project. As such, it will be important to align the activities with the organization’s vision, mission, and goals.


A nurse leader plays a key role in the implementation of the project. As such, it is important to engage in important activities in each phase of the project. Therefore, this write-up has explored various activities which the nurse leader can perform regarding various aspects of the project.


  • Burnes, B. (2020). The origins of Lewin’s three-step model of change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(1), 32–59.
  • Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.
  • Hopp, L., & Rittenmeyer, L. (2020). Introduction to evidence based practice A practical guide for nursing. FA Davis.
  • LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2021). Nursing research E-book Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Tucker, S. J., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Jang, E. (2020). EBP 2.0 Implementing and sustaining change The evidence-based practice and research fellowship program. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 120(2), 44-48. Doi 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000654320.04083.d0

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